土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ 意 · 形:上海浑然之园

意 · 形:上海浑然之园

发布于:2023-08-28 15:15:28 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]

△入口门厅,Entrance Lobby

在黄浦老船厂边上新建大楼顶上, 抽取永恒 的流水线条,精基于美学及优质用材,创造简单、纯洁、优雅,尽显自然舒适的办公空间。

On the top of the newly built building next to the old shipyard in Huangpu,  extracts eternal flowing lines, and creates a simple, pure, elegant, and natural and comfortable office space based on aesthetics and high-quality materials.

△接待区, reception area


Allowing a free arc to enter the space, the interlocking arc walls transform the square limitations of the original structure, forming different social activity spaces, just like the dynamic prelude of a mirror like gate, providing visitors with a unique style.

△下沉式接待休息区,Sunken reception and rest area

△接待休息处,Reception and Rest Area


At the beginning of the design, two different methods were considered. First, the dynamic and static visual properties were divided by function. The area facing the Huangpu River on the top floor was under the original square tower structure through the perception of river watching.

△公共区前台,Public area front desk

△公共区过道,Public area hallway


The complete arc forms a bright and smooth feeling in the daytime, while the straight line grating forms different light and shadow changes at night.

△休息与公共区域划分,Rest and Public Area Division

△内庭院转换空间,Internal courtyard conversion space


This is a space with multiple fields, and because of its different properties, it provides personalized designs, allowing people to play ball while working, do yoga while discussing business, and work while having discussions.  

△董事长办公室,Chairman's Office


The diversified scene is also a minimalistic design, with fewer decorative and flashy surfaces and fewer noisy and complicated shapes. The small inner garden has only grass, trees, water, and sky, presenting the extraordinary simplicity of ordinary life.

△休息区音响墙,Lounge sound wall


CROX integrates the essence of everything, and with elegant Eastern aesthetic art, redefines the integration of life and work, creating an unforgettable emotional experience and achieving a breathtaking encounter in the sea, field, and sky.

△合伙人办公室空间,partner's office

△茶室,tea Room

△包房,Private Room

△会客室,Reception Room

△开放办公区局部,Partial open office area

△开放办公阅览区,Open Office Reading Area

△平面图,Plan view


建筑面积: 2171㎡

设计单位:CROX 闊合


空间摄影: ingallery  

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由 JACQUES FERRIER ASSOCIES& 德国施耐德+舒马赫建筑师事务所& 同济大学建筑设计研究院(集团)有限公司 组成 联合体参 与投标的—— 三亚崖州湾科技城文体中心(深海博物馆及体育中心)建筑方案设计国际竞赛项目 获得优秀奖方案! 项目选址于深海科技板块西部,处崖州湾与宁远河的交汇之处,毗邻崖州湾海岸,视野开阔,拥有非常突出的区位优势和景观条件。用地由两个地块组成,总用地面积为112


经验值 +10