土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 石间民宿,福州平潭


发布于:2023-08-25 15:00:25 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]

坐落在平潭岛排塘兜村山 坡上背靠山面朝大海的石间民宿,因其“水出石”的设计脱颖而出。

l ocated on the hillside of Pai Tangdou village, Pingtan Island, is backed by the mountain and facing the sea. It stands out because of its "stone out of water" design.


The project lies in Changjiang'ao Tourist Resort, Pingtan County, Fujian Province, 128 kilometers away from Fuzhou, and only 68 nautical miles away from Taiwan's Hsinchu Port in the east. "The stones grow, but no grass; the wind blow, with full sand; and the house looks like a fort..." This folk song refers to the Shicuo in Pingtan, that is, the stone house.

在项目开始之初, 首先 研究 分析了福建及 当地的 民居、气候 地形 。为了达到建筑设计和 环境、自然的和谐 我们思考 一种 可能性 将所有这些东西联系在一起, 并大胆尝试, 努力使其达到适当的平衡 和突破  

At beginning, we seriously researched and analyzed Fujian and local dwellings, climate and topography. We were thinking about a possibility to connect architectural design, environment and nature, all these things together,to achieve a harmony. We make bold attempts to make it reach a proper balance and breakthrough.

设计 主要采用了 石材 色调和 肌理 保留了房屋原结构的材质,向外飘出去的落地飘窗让客人能够很好的亲近自然和大海。  

The design mainly adopts the tone and texture of stone, and retains the material of the original structure of the house. The floor-to-ceiling bay windows that float out allow guests to get close to nature and the sea.  


外阳台采用玻璃幕墙包裹以防秋冬季的风沙, 受到周围 岛屿 石厝 及当地工艺 的启发, 石头与幕墙结合的一种崭新的幕墙形式是这个设计的主要特点和突破。  

The outer balcony is wrapped with glass curtain wall to prevent the wind and sand in autumn and winter. Inspired by the surrounding islands, old stone houses and local crafts, we consider a new form of curtain wall combining stone is the main feature and breakthrough of this design.  

经由海浪冲洗过表面光滑的海滩石,上下钻洞后一分为二,在用螺栓固定在打好孔洞并钢化后的幕墙玻璃上。 112块石头通过多个连接点镶嵌在海蓝色的玻璃幕墙上,石材和玻璃精密对接并且融为一体。大海向幕墙延续,石头与大海、山峦、石厝有了另一种方式的对话。  

The beach rocks with smooth surface washed by the waves are divided into two after drilling holes up and down, and then fixed with bolts on the curtain wall glass after the holes have been drilled and tempered. 112 stones are inlaid on the sea-blue glass curtain wall through multiple connection points, and the stone and glass are precisely connected and integrated. The sea expands to the curtain wall. The stones have another dialogue with the sea, mountains, and old stone houses.  

砖出石、石厝是当地特有的质感的话, “水出石”幕墙则是当地与现代性之间另一种有趣的联系与浪漫、诗意的诠释。  

If bricks houses and stone houses are the unique texture of the local area, the "stones out of water" curtain wall is another interesting connection between the local area and modernity, as well as a romantic and poetic interpretation.  


The name of "Shijian" comes from the natural environment of Pingtan and the unique old stone houses. "Stones out of water" takes creating a space form with natural awareness as its design concept, aiming to create a natural and primitive leisure and vacation environment for visitors .

太阳 山峦、 大海 水出石 创造了一种纯粹自由的感觉。 石间与 “时间”同音 ,因此,这里的每一处空间均饱含 时间 性, 漂浮在空中的石头似乎 也是时间的凝固  

The sun, mountains, sea and "stones out of water", create a feeling of pure freedom. The pronunciation of "Shijian" is the same as "time" in Chinese, so every space here is full with shadow of time. The stones floating in the air seem to be frozen in time.  

项目名称: 石间民宿
业主: 常州市指森健康管理有限公司
建筑、场地面积:600平方米 、2700 平方米 
建筑 室内、 灯光及景观设计 :元秀万建筑事务所
摄影: 桔伴视觉左斯洋

  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2023-08-28 15:29:28

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42㎡的独处空间 - Matt的住宅一人居

   ?  禾谋制像 天花设计方面,我们采用了斜三角屋顶的构造,从体感上减轻了低层高带来的压抑感。设计中鉴于难以避免绕过横穿的梁位,我们决定将其保留并显露出来,将横穿的梁融入到我们的造型中,以保留老房的历史感。


经验值 +10