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发布于:2023-08-18 14:28:18 来自:装修设计/装修设计效果图 [复制转发]
自然河岸 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design

Team VenhoevenCS-HOPE-HUADONG has designed the winning masterplan for a new living landscape along the central Pailao River in the Bao’an district in Shenzhen, China. 

场地位于低海拔的快速城市化地区,排涝河碧道项目将预防因暴雨造成的洪水泛滥。河岸将丰富城市自然景观,将蓄水空间融入社区日常。新的生态区旨在通过公园和驿站来容纳社会和文化活动以及体育活动。除了调节自然的 “海绵效应”外,滨河堤岸将促进经济增长以及整个城区的韧性、认同和活力。该项目体现了 VenhoevenCS 对自然包容设计的远见和追求,通过重塑人类与自然环境的共存,确保所有生命形式的可持续、健康的未来。
As a rapidly urbanising region located below sea level, the Pailao River Blueway Project will prevent flooding due to heavy rainfall. The riverbanks will be enriched with urban nature, incorporating space for water retention, deep into the neighborhood. The new ecological zones are designed to accommodate social and cultural activities and sports with parks and pavilions. In addition to the mediating ‘sponge effect’ of nature, these banks will enhance economic growth as well as the resilience, identity, and vibrancy of the entire city district. The project exemplifies VenhoevenCS’ visionary approach to nature-inclusive design, reshaping the co-existence of the human and natural environment to ensure a sustainable, healthy future for all life forms.


1. 全流域综合性考虑    
Comprehensive consideration of the whole basin

排涝河位于茅洲河流域下游,理解场地的韧性基底第一步是构建更宏观全面的视野。综合全流域来看,中上游主要问题是过流能力不足,导致水位偏高。下游主要问题是沿岸高程低于排涝河设计水位,导致沿岸各片区排水不畅。   上中下游的问题因地制宜解决,从全域尺度出发考量,全面考虑库区到中游。   --
Pailao River is located in the lower reaches of the Maozhou River Basin. Understanding the issues of Pailao River starts from a more macroscopic perspective. Reviewing the whole basin, the main problem in the middle and upper reaches is the insufficient flow capacity, which leads to the high water level during peak time. In the , the main issue is that the elevation of the urban area is lower than the design water level of the Pailao river, which leads to poor drainage especially waterlogging.       In order to resolve the problems of different sections, adjusted design guidance are suggested to accompany different nature environments from the reservoir area to the middle reaches.


三大策略 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

2. 整合周边城区构建海绵城区    
Integrate surrounding urban areas to build sponge urban areas

形成流域认知之后,整合城区到整体海绵策略也异常关键。场地现状存在一些关键的海绵城市痛点。根据现状地势,清晰描绘水流走向,从而定义内涝关键点。通过延缓水流保持水分, 将过量降水从压力区域转移开来。
Besides an adjusted planning guidance, an integrated sponge strategy is also extremely critical. According to the current topography, the water flow direction is clearly depicted to define the key points of waterlogging. The very first step is to retaining the waterflow  which will divert excess precipitation away from stressed areas.

海绵城市策略 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

增加现有渠道的储存能力,设计多层阶梯景观净化现状水质 ,这四个过程缓解周边城市区域降雨压力,雨季地表水源通过有效收集,避免在硬质地面形成积水。    
Further the storage capacity of the existing channels exceeded by a multi-layer ladder landscape and it also purifies the current water quality, these processes relieve the rainfall pressure in the surrounding urban areas, and effectively collect the surface water sources in the rainy season to avoid the formation of water accumulation on the hard ground.    


自然河岸 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design

Meanwhile the underground water storage stores the water source in wet season while it supplemented as irrigation water in the dry season.    

水循环策略 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

3. 关键节点的适应性设计  
Adaptive design of key nodes

From April to October when rainfall is concentrated, stormwater management and water ecosystem in the site are the basic carriers of the project. The key node-life ring is located under the complex elevated interchange with a design height of 5.8m, which is higher than the planned water level. The elevated habitat space will serve as the refuge space in extreme weathers.

自然空间水位变化 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design
自然空间水位变化 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design

In order to create ecological shoreline, the embankments of the two nodes are retreated and redesigned which allows the river water being part of the nodes. The receding platforms along river not only meets the needs of target groups, but also provides space for the river.    The functional space of service station is adaptive and lowest height of it is 1.0 meter height, which can be submerged to 2.7 meter.


滨水驿站 ? Image: VenhoevenCS


Engineering River

The ambiguous and blunt environmental appearance of the site is the first impression after the site survey. Under Shenzhen's infrastructure-led development model, roads have become the main means of expansion from the city center to the outer suburbs. The entire section of the Pailao river is parallel to the viaduct, and even part of it is under the viaduct.

现状高架 ? Image:  Shenzhen Hope Design

After years of being engineered, the Pailao river the waterfront shoreline has been hardened, and the flood control wall has blocked the opportunity for great permeability.

现状水岸 ? Image:  Shenzhen Hope Design

Therefore, in our urban renewal proposal, the gray infrastructure is the starting point where we imagine the waterfront space. the space under the bridge will establish a new connection between and the waterfront space and the surrounding urban areas, thus transforming the gray space into a green space.

总平面图 ? Image:    Shenzhen Hope Design

Two major nodes along the Pailao river, Haoxiang Lake Park and Historical Village have been constructed. From these two major nodes, the continuous public space network is established by slow traffic including biking system and bus. The healing characters of new nodes change the ambiguous appearance of the current site.
生境策略图 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

New Measures for Habitat Creation

Habitat recreation is achieved by making the current abandoned space under the bridge multifunctional. New functions have been proposed including sports and fitness, slow walking paths, park leisure, ecological habitat and other community functions. Hardscape along the waterfront is smoothened by wetlands and aquatic vegetation which will shelter for aquatic animals.

桥下生境 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design

The wetland green corridor under the bridge forms a dry stream by adjusting the terrain, which turns into a trickling stream when the water rises. In summer, it also becomes a shaded space for the target group as well as a habitat for animals. The green football field is a sports field but also an ecosystem, which can be sunk during the flood season. The plantation of the site also focuses on local plants from Shenzhen.

旱溪 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design

Under the railway bridge and viaduct, a multi-level tourist path is proposed to promote slow traffic. The green space along the path has the water storage and drainage functions. A dry streambed is created by gravels, when the rainstorm or rainwater comes, it will be more immersive.

慢行道 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design

The healing value of important nodes

The ecologically sustainable value is reflected in the design of service station, where the tranquil atmosphere is appreciated here. As the main transportation node, it is connected with the slow-moving system and becomes the showroom of the new Pailao lifestyle.

驿站 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design

In this node, we change the river section and create a wetland habitat so t the ecological regulation and storage function could be improved.

河道剖面 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

The continuous living and working belt along the water bank of the drainage river will constitute the healing temperament. It will become the ideal place where residents live in harmony with animals.


慢行滨水空间 ? Image: Shenzhen Hope Design  

Waterfront Urban Redevelopment

1. 水域慢行体验 主导,构建15分钟慢行城市
The slow water experience is dominated by the construction of a 15-minute slow city

The design governance of the downstream Pailao river will go beyond the red line. It will include the surrounding renewal plots in the overall planning scope of the sponge. Thus more green space penetration to the whole river area. uses water as a medium to drive urban renewal and rebuild the vitality of the waterfront urban area.

现状机理 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

先对交通梳理,围绕大运输量交通核构建多层级换乘中心。以滨水驿站与旅游节点为核心,构建自行车生活方式节点,湿地驿站将成为重要慢行转换点 。滨水社区10分钟可达,构建公交到步行的无缝衔接。结合两河流域特点,将滨水空间与特色城市空间结合,构建主题性质的公交环线。
First, a layer public transport network is suggested to give more priority to slow traffic. A multi-mode transfer centre is expected to plan around the traffic core to cope with large transportation volume. Based on the waterfront station and tourism node, the wetland station will become an important transition point for slow lifestyle. The residents from community could reach waterfront in 10 minutes. Combining the characteristics of the two river, the waterfront space and the characteristic urban space are synchronized to construct a thematic bus loop.

交通系统策略 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

2. 水资源重新配置为契机,引导周边城市地块开发
The reconfiguration of water resources as an opportunity for redevelopment of urban plots

The reconfiguration of water resources acts as an opportunity to integrate the redevelopment of surrounding plots. Thus urban plots in 5km radius will be considered and six kinds of plot update guidelines are defined to maximum the character of sponge spaces.
城市开发策略 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

The factory plots close to the waterfront, providing a visual corridor when the current accessibility is weak. The facades of factory buildings are transformed into dynamic interfaces. Part of the factory structure is retain while a new destination for the community is shaped.
滨水办公复合区 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

Waterfront mixed community The village in the city faces the waterfront land. The low-rise buildings near the water and the high-rise buildings along the street provide the entrance of the park to connect the surrounding urban village plots.
蓝色混合社区 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

Cultural community is a high-density plot and also the most dynamic plot in the    city. 
文化润城 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

Wangshui Gateway is the landmark of the river area, transforming the disadvantage of the viaduct into a landmark design feature. Below the high-rise, there are low-rise commercial buildings and the water block of the existing Haoxiang Lake Park. The high-rise buildings are set up along the road.
望水门户 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

Sponge Apartment is close to the green open space of the Mesopotamia, and focuses on building a connection with the public space to form a continuous slow-moving life experience.
海绵公寓 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

On this basis, three urban clusterings are expected to establish, namely ecological production platform, oyster tourism platform, sustainable living platform. The connotation of the waterfront living belt of the Pailao river is enriched.

三大平台策略图 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

3. 以水为媒,水生活品牌构建
Using water as a medium, building a water life brand

The ultimate goal is to build a new brand of vibrant urban areas around the Pailao river basin space and use water as a medium. The intersection of the two axes is an activity centre for ushered in and it is a gathering place for nearby workers. One-day trip visitors to Shajing Historical Village, after visiting the Shajing Ancient Market could take a rest here. The local residents are diverse, and the waterfront life is within easy reach.
游客游览路径 ? Image: VenhoevenCS  
当地居民游览路径 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

The residents could enjoy free air and fully stretch them here. It is the open space which is lacking in high-density mixed urban areas. Meanwhile, as Maozhou River connects the river, ecological floating islands and soft embankments are provided along the line as living space for living creature.
上班族游览路径 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

规划与建筑设计:VenhoevenCS 建筑与城市规划事务所
项目面积:736.000 ㎡

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