土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 装修设计效果图 \ 北京东风站地铁枢纽TOD一体化设计方案?


发布于:2023-08-17 15:20:17 来自:装修设计/装修设计效果图 [复制转发]
于北京东北部的东坝地区正在发生巨大的变化。   在地铁3号线、12号线以及未来轻轨4号线相交的轨道车站紧邻   周边地块进行TOD的研究和开发,将为北京市内的重要交通网络提供一个新的热点。   东风站区是该开发项目的综合城市核心区。  

The Dongba area, located at the northeast side of Beijing, is undergoing a huge transformation. An entirely new district with residences, office space and urban facilities will be developed around two metro stations and a bus station. Dong Feng Station Area is the mixed-use urban core of this development.

鸟瞰图 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

如何在由 8 车道高速公路隔开的五个城市街区中设计一个有吸引力的城市中心,同时为人流和物流创建一个功能良好的多式联运枢纽? 同时,如何在北京推广绿色交通和公共交通,这些也是这项任务的首要挑战。如何将这个中心区域的步行网络与这个城市核心周围的街区连接起来,是第二个挑战。
How to design an attractive urban center in five city blocks separated by 8 lane highways while at the same time creating a well-functioning multimodal hub for people and logistics? But also, how to promote green mobility and public transport in Beijing, these were the first challenges of this assignment. How to connect the pedestrian networks of this central area with the blocks surrounding this urban core and was the second.

项目地块示意图 ? Image: VenhoevenCS

In this scheme, the functional development in the area embodies the concept of a livable neighborhood, however, we believe that an urban environment with future development resilience should have the following key points:
  • 灵活  flexible
  • 步行与慢行系统为主导  Pedestrian and slow-moving system-led
  • 人性尺度  human scale
  • 生态弹性  ecological resilience
  • 海绵城市  sponge city
  • 多维交通一体化发展  Integrated development of multi-dimensional transportation
  • 良好的物流运输  Good logistics and transportation
  • 微型城市里良好的邻里社区  Good Neighborhoods in Micro Cities

生态娱乐街角  ? Image: VenhoevenCS

An extensive network of public spaces and pedestrian walkways connects the metro stations and the bus station with other parts of the new district. In this central area one can find a sunken plaza that connects to the metro entrances and a raised plaza that connects to the bus station below. These public spaces are interconnected with underground passages and elevated walkways crossing the streets. This pedestrian network is the backbone of a vibrant center which brings all urban functions and facilities together.

横剖图 ? I mage: VenhoevenCS

绿色下沉广场与步行天桥 ? Image:  VenhoevenCS

这个项目是微型城市概念及其发展的一个很好的例子, 为了使该地区的发展适应气候变化,整个地区都被绿色覆盖。这不仅有助于吸收雨水,还可以防止城市热岛效应、促进生物多样性,并有助于构建该地区健康的生态系统。
We consider this project to be a good example of the MicroCity concept and the promise it offers. To make this development climate proof, the whole area is covered in green. This not only helps to absorb rainwater, it also prevents heat stress, boosts biodiversity and contributes to a healthy ecosystem in the area.


可持续发展策略图 ? Image: Venhoe venCS

In principle, with a development like this, a range of sustainability issues can be solved by making use of the relative proximity of all different functions. To make things easier, an underground infrastructure tunnel creates flexibility for future changes or technological developments.

活力广场 ? Image: Venhoe venCS

目前,已经有很多地区实现了可以通过集体供暖和制冷来创建净零能耗社区。例如通过利用夏季和冬季之间的温差来实现热循环;混合功能发展也有好处,比如办公室与住宅功能混合,他们可以交换电量供用;通过邻里枢纽来解决城市交通问题相对容易,也可以用来促进循环经济;在社区层面,废水可以得到处理和再利用,使其成为水中性并且独立于外部供给;通过基于 LED 的室内农业,甚至可以在社区附近种植食物;文化设施和有吸引力的公共空间有助于提升社会生活和社区精神。所有这些新元素都有助于建设幸福、可持续和部分自给自足的可持续发展城市。
Already today, there are many options to create a net zero energy neighborhood with collective heating and cooling. One of those systems makes use of the temperature difference between summer and winter. Mixing functions also has benefits, like power generation and demand can be exchanged if offices are mixed with residential functions. And it is relatively easy to solve urban logistics with neighborhood hubs which can also be used to facilitate the circular economy. At the neighborhood level, wastewater can be treated and reused to make it water neutral and independent from external sources. With LED- based indoor farming, even food can be grown within the neighborhood. Cultural facilities and attractive public spaces can help to enhance social life and community spirit. All these new elements contribute to making happy, sustainable and partly self-sufficient cities.

可持续发展策略图 ? Image: Venhoe venCS

项目业主: BIAD(北京市建筑设计研究院),BIIC(北京市基础设施投资公司)
设计:VenhoevenCS 建筑与城市规划事务所
项目面积:350,000 ㎡

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