土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ 世界巡礼,致敬经典:龙湖长春舜山府


发布于:2023-08-15 09:48:15 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]


Theme development


         Design inspiration


Inspired by the works of world-class garden masters, create an exclusive theme garden, write the handed down classic works of "World Tour, Pay homage to Masters", and have a chance encounter with the classics.


Yuansan Square

示范区大门兼做社区大门,以清晰明快的几何石材外框和细腻有序的金属格栅打造出极具现代感的社区入口,对称构图昭示性强,沉稳典雅,尊贵奢华。在众多造型之中,独取“华盖”为形,华盖是帝王车驾上的绸伞,伞形顶盖。华盖之下,木槿繁茂,寓意居住于此福运绵长。表面融入穿孔 雕花,整体为铜板锻造,气质非凡, 既有金属的奢华质感,又有现代大气之感。圆伞下方设 置软装座椅,业主可在此停留休憩,沉浸其中,增加了浓厚的艺术氛围。

The gate of the demonstration area also serves as the community gate, creating a modern community entrance with a clear and bright geometric stone frame and a delicate and orderly metal grid. The symmetrical composition is strong, revealing, calm, elegant, noble and luxurious. Among the numerous models, the "canopy" is the only one. The canopy is the silk umbrella and umbrella shaped top cover on the emperor's car. Under the canopy, hibiscus is luxuriant, implying that living here has a long fortune. The surface is integrated with perforated carving, and the whole is forged by copper plate. It has an extraordinary temperament. It has both the luxury of metal and the modern atmosphere. A soft seat is set under the umbrella, where the owner can stay and have a rest and immerse himself in it, adding a strong artistic atmosphere.

Plan of Exhibition Area II

Node partition diagram

Moving line analysis

Romantic flower border


Walking through the Round Umbrella Square and into the inner courtyard of the romantic flower border, you can feel like a state of being from birth to joining the world, making you calm down. Walking here, you will feel elegant and warm with the fragrance of flowers on both sides.


The hot spring lake in Yellowstone Park looks like a piece of crystal clear glass, with an extreme sense of purity.    


Sculpture standing high above the earth, an upward life, an advanced life.


Design sketch

Colorful waterscape (glazed curtain wall) - the forest of light and shadow, between floating lights


The first visual surface is presented with the most transparent, purest and exquisite vision. The gray wall is used as the base. The light passes through the jade like transparent colored glass, and the blue light and shadow are printed on the water surface to build the space color and indulge in the purity. The ingenious combination of dark coffee color metal and colored glass materials, together with modern art human sculpture, will bring the overall atmosphere of hidden and precious, transparent and elegant.



Inspired by the flowing water villa designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, a famous American architect, the horizontal and vertical blocks of the module are interspersed to create an 8-meter high two-story water curtain.

Design sketch

Flowing water villa (flying water curtain) - foggy, landscape architecture


The world tour pays homage to the classics and recreates the classic master Wright's Water Villa. An 8-meter high two-layer water curtain is built to imitate the interspersed of its blocks and the combination of flowing water to create a landscape architecture that is integrated into the nature. Waterfalls flying down, dense fog, create a fairyland surrounded by clouds and mist, and create an artistic conception of high mountains and flowing water. Ideal and reality converge to form a fairyland of green fields.


Design sketch

Waterfall Reception Hall


Beside the waterfall, there is a small reception hall, which is a good place for friends to chat in leisure and for neighbors to communicate. The waterfall may lose its "viewing surface" effect in mid air due to the tension of the water itself, converge in the process of falling from high altitude, or be blown away by the wind. By learning from the indoor waterfalls in Singapore Airport, the problem was finally overcome, and the outdoor "waterfall" with an elevation difference of 8m was successfully presented. 45 gradual crystals in front of the waterfall were fixed by 180 silver wires.


Design sketch

Chess and card club friends


The shared book bar on the east side of the gallery is a place where people can read and make friends in their spare time. You can enjoy the greatest peace of mind and body here. You can negotiate with neighbors, meet friends, or be alone in a private space.

Design sketch

Children's World


Chasing the clouds and chasing the moon, laughing and playing, time seems to have stopped. Parents and children are friends, partners, and the interaction between hearts.


Master Sculpture

雕塑的原型是经典大师亨利摩尔的作品,雕塑整体采用铸铜技术,工艺复杂,复原性好,它表达的不仅仅是一座雕塑,还是一种与环境对 话的语言,一种充满人性的现代语言,驻足在此,我们能 够体会到它们带来的心灵冲击。

The prototype of the sculpture is the work of Henry Moore, a classical master. The sculpture is made of cast copper, with complex technology and good resilience. It expresses not only a sculpture, but also a language of dialogue with the environment, a modern language full of humanity. If we stop here, we can feel the spiritual impact they bring.




In the Longhu · Shunshan Mansion project, we designed to reproduce the classic works of world masters, integrate the cultural characteristics of the site itself, and use world-class vision to accommodate the natural landscape mansion in the mountain. Create a pleasant residence with cultural connotation, reflect the unique cultural landscape, and build a better life together.



Construction process


Project files








摄影团队: 重庆耀荣文化传媒有限公司


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  鸟瞰图 春月江澜不仅是绿城创新产品序列“春天系”在宁波的First Show,更是和凤起潮鸣、晓风印月、春月金沙一起组成绿城“宁波之心”四部曲,16年后初心回归,再一次为城市赋能!既有网红江景公园的悠闲野趣,也有都市多样生活场景的精致高效,更重要的是,绿城还为春月江澜注入了一系列的创新动力。由5000多㎡的“春天里”临江商业体、6幢约400㎡的“月映台”商务大平层,以及江与澜高层+洋房人居住宅三部分组成。


经验值 +10