土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 属于田野深处的繁荣,湖州·NUAGE TANCH云朵农场

属于田野深处的繁荣,湖州·NUAGE TANCH云朵农场

发布于:2023-08-07 13:18:07 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

项目坐落于湖州南浔,山川依傍,村郭环邻,主体规划是以自然牧场的形式打造一处满足度假休闲与商业属性的大型室内外多功能活动区域。三铒建设布局现代人文与流行元素,以当代总体生活方式为导向细琢需求共鸣,意图在霓虹阑珊之处探寻属于田野深处的繁荣,表达“When all the clouds meet in the sky, we will eventually meet”的初心愿景。
The project is located in Nanxun, Huzhou, surrounded by mountains and rivers and villages, and the main plan is to create a large indoor and outdoor multifunctional activity area in the form of a natural pasture to meet the attributes of vacation and leisure and business. The three erbium construction layout of modern humanistic and popular elements, the overall contemporary lifestyle oriented to refine the demand resonance, intends to explore the prosperity belonging to the depths of the field in the neon apparition, expressing "When all the clouds meet in the sky, we will eventually meet When all the clouds meet in the sky, we will eventually meet" is the original vision.


The ranch is generally surrounded by water on three sides and backed by the Lake Gashen Waterway, with the main building closing the boundary, overlooking the unique but not alone. The main building is planned as four main areas: dining, leisure, commercial and office. Looking at the street, the dining area is covered with thatched roofs to give the design building a natural accent; the large open and closed step entrance and tight escalator access continue the consistency of the public space while creating a sense of separation between inside and outside, and the undulating wall responds to the mountains at the other end of the view, blending in with nature and dissipating the hard texture of the building.


The tents are clouds growing out of the meadow, with different shapes and various functions, enough to meet the multi-faceted requirements of group building, business shooting, camping and parent-child activities. The children on the beach run hard, the animals in the farm compete to interact with visitors, bring a handful of grass to feed the cattle, tug the reins to enjoy a game of horse racing, stroking the wool into the shape of clouds ...... Tired of activities, you can go to the container coffee area shallow rest, let the breeze to bring the music of the road show base not far away, but also a distant view of the dock oars just set sail the sparkling light. At this moment, the slanting sun cover, the clouds in the sky golden, the clouds on the ground peacefully.


The atrium of the dining area is stacked at an angle to give a hierarchical decomposition to the high-ceilinged space and expand the indoor light area, while the wood texture intervenes in the upper environment, building a confrontation between high and low, light and heavy with the metallic concrete wall at the bottom. Unlike the urban restaurant, which has the characteristics of an office, the design translates the natural scenery on all sides with four transparent walls, so that the experience can be free from the bondage of steel and concrete, and even if one is dazed, one is experiencing the exhalation of nature. The distribution of dining lines meets the multi-dimensional need of solitude and social interaction. 

 As a reflection of the most simple, white does not cover up any self-expression belonging to the clothing, which is a combination rather than a dependence, a force of assistance rather than subservience, the bottom line comes from the absolute control of the concept and full confidence in the design.


White, without a doubt, is the most intuitive feeling of this journey. White is the integration of all natural colors, yet has an independent concept and expression. This characteristic allows design to support both the freedom to mix colors to ensure the breadth of output, and to reasonably suppress the overflow of information entropy to achieve accuracy of delivery. With this as the keynote, the design becomes an index and combination of existing topics from the very beginning, and the commercial tone avoids over-intentional guidance and gives customers the pleasure of self-exploration. This is the "straightforwardness" of the concept.


The "straightforwardness" of the concept is related to the "blankness" of the attitude. Full of absolute and relative thinking, defined price, undefined style, multi-degree of freedom of thinking maps out rich enough results, rendering countless possibilities of encountering surprises. This is the best interpretation of "nothing is something". However, the vulgarization of "nothing is something" is rude to the experiencer, and the consequence of information rudderlessness is to fall into the whirlpool of uselessness. Therefore, "blank" is not a visual nothing, but a material something. If you want clarity, you are empty; if you want only one thing, you are white. In this way, the attitude of "blank" is not to provoke but to kindly point out, not to flatter but to keep bright, not to tempt but to be happy to solve the puzzle. In short, not to initiate and not to refuse, following the pace of modern business.


The peeling walls of the lounge curl up like the corner of an open book page, the pounding coastal waves, the framing of the wind splashed on the wall, the pounding sense of cozy breathing, and the construction of numerous imageries that call for the everyday. The sense of fragments pieced together by the walls, intermittently and constantly, enriches the rhythm and layers of the outdoor space. The large floor-to-ceiling glass wall in the hall continues the concept of transparency, while the geometry of the light-transmitting part is shaped by the frame of the wall, providing a pre-modulated and excellent view experience. The upper terrace, which is both social and generous, is a special gift of nature: sky, sun, earth, and sheep, out of this world but not out of the ordinary.


在建筑的一角,有棵幼苗意外地闯入我的规划里。甲方说,这是风水大师的“杰作”。于是,在被城市遗忘的这里,和这里被遗忘的一角,它聆听着风声,我聆听着心声,共同见证作品的盛放。我逐渐接纳了倔强且忠诚的它,即使依然渺小,但没有谁定义只有庞大才能伟大。When all the clouds meet in the sky, we will eventually meet,在NUAGE RANCH,这是我和它遇见的故事。
In one corner of the building, a seedling accidentally intruded into my plan. The architect said that it was the "masterpiece" of the feng shui master. So, here in the forgotten part of the city, and here in the forgotten corner, it listened to the wind, and I listened to my heart, and together we witnessed the blooming of my work. When all the clouds meet in the sky, we will eventually meet, in NUAGE RANCH, this is the story of my meeting with it.

项目名称|NUAGE TANCH云朵农场
Location|Yunduo Farm, Silian Village, Hefu Town, Nanxun District, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China
Client | HongMei Yu
建筑设计 | 陈春阳 | C-ERBIUM三铒建设
Architectural Designer:CCIAN | C-ERBIUM
建筑深化 | 傅鹤亮 | C-ERBIUM三铒建设
Architectural Design Decelopment:HeLiang Fu | C-ERBIUM Architectural Conceps
室内设计 | 陈春阳 | CERBIUM 三铒建设
Interior Designer | Ccian | C-ERBIUM Architectural Conceps
室内深化 | 傅鹤亮 | CERBIUM 三铒建设
Assistant Designer | HeLiang Fu
传媒管理 | 应宝龙 | CERBIUM 三铒建设
Media Management | BaoLong Ying
项目管理 | 邱百方
Project Management | BaiFang Qiu
建筑负责人 | 邱百方
Building Manager | BaiFang Qiu
室内负责人 | 章霞兵
Indoor Construction Manager | XiaBing Zhang
项目摄影 | DONG建筑影像
Project Photography | DONG
Completion | May,2023

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