The Student Learning and Activity Center (SLAC) of Wenzhou-Kean University occupies the most prominent spot on campus—standing in the center of the main-- axis and interfacing between academic and living quarters.
学生学习与活动中心的设计以现代主义诠释了传统的文化属性 “山水之乐得之心而寓之学也”——青山绿水,鸟语花香,自然中蕴含的潜能将被转化为灵感和精神力量。
Designing the SLAC translates the culture of“absorbing the lessons from nature” into modern architectural languages.
充满现代感的透明立面轻盈地将建筑空间延展到周边的景观之中,山水相拥的胜景被引入室内,空 间的氛围随时间和季节而变化。
The light, transparent structure also offersunparallered view of the central lake.
这个项目将功能多元复合的学生活动中心与图书馆创新地结合起来,重新定义了大学校园图书馆的功能,体现出二十一世纪学习空间的变革发展。 在这里,一动一静之间汇聚着校园的人流,成为校园生活的核心场所。
As a distinct landmark and symbol of the university'sethos, the building houses such diverse functions as its vibrant activitycenter and the tranquil library, reflecting the transformation and evolution oflearning spaces and empowering it as the central hub of student life.
垂直街道 | 自由交流的 起点
Taking the "grand steps" as a typology, the verticalstreet generates different types of spaces that allow a variety of activitiesand social interaction.
This experience is extendedoutdoors, evoking the energetic community atmosphere of the campus.
探索与 创新 | 活泼的内部空间
The interior, however, is revealed as a rhythmic and dynamicstructure of interlaced staircases and functions that embody the spirit ofexploration and innovation.
SLAC has three functions: an activity center, alibrary, and an information center. The lower levels are relatively public andactive, while the upper floors are more private and quiet.
The three functions revolve around the four-story highpublic commons, which is the core of the community and provides venues forcampus activities, including an auditorium for large scale conferences, opentheaters for flexible gatherings, unique learning steps, student service areas,exhibition halls, and a café that embraces great views of the campus.
力量与流动 | 逐层叠加的建筑语汇
重复与强化的造型元素形成简明清晰的建筑语汇,随着水平体量的逐层叠加,建筑的力量感与仪式感也逐渐增强。 屋檐的水平延伸成为室内的远眺框景,提供有效遮阳的同时将明亮的日光柔化为更适合阅读的光线,在建筑内部也投射出具有流动感的光影。 夜幕降临,笼罩在灯光下的建筑宛如校园中的一座灯塔。
The horizontal featured plates that expand from the insideto the outside form a concise and clear architectural vocabulary. As thevolumes vertically accumulate, the structure’s ceremonial character isgradually reinforced. Canopies with transparent glazing are also functional,optimizing the continuous framed view from the interior to the exterior whilealso shading the building. Not only does the angled canopy create a glare-freediffusion of perimeter light into the reading area, but the thin edge establishesa sophisticated building outlook. In the evening, the building is bathed inlight, and the transparent fa?ade reveals the activities inside, drawingstudents in.
项目名称| 温州肯恩大学学生学习与活动中心
建筑设计(含建筑方案、室内概念设计)| 帕金斯威尔建筑设计咨询(上海)有限公司
项目地点| 浙江,温州肯恩大学
开始日期| 2016年02月
竣工日期 | 2023年04月
建筑面积 | 25 792 ㎡
功能 | 学生活动中心、图书馆
业主 | 温州肯恩大学
设计范围 | 建筑概念设计、建筑方案设计、建筑初步设计、室内概念设计
主要设计团队 | 吕羽,Hiroyuki Shinohara, 陈琦,张思元,李剑平,李岑,孙燕芳, Joseph Huang, Natalie Seah
摄影师 | 方方的田
合作 及深化设计团队 :
方案、初步设计 | 悉地国际设计顾问(深圳)有限公司 (建筑、结构、机电、室内、景观)
施工图设计 | 浙江大学建筑设计研究院有限公司(建筑、结构、机电、室内方案深化、幕墙、景观、照 明)
立面顾问 | 迈进外墙建筑设计咨询(上海) 有限公司
景观方案设计 | 泛亚景观设计(上海)有限公司
施工方 | 浙江省二建建设集团有限公司
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山中天艺术中心·玄馆? 夏至 整座建筑的形体和表面处理追求“含蓄的丰富性”,以期达到“朴实无华,生动多姿”的效果。以中国传统园林以实造虚以及虚实转换方法为参照,用虚空切挖实体,以实体创造虚空,用标高变化整合空间功能,合理调配疏密关系,并统一在可观看的界面中。
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳很不错的设计!感谢分享!
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