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异域民宿 一千零一夜

发布于:2023-07-19 10:29:19 来自:装修设计/家装设计 [复制转发]

  • 真实不能篡改, 而幻象可以任意发挥。
  • Reality can not be tampered with, but illusion can be played at will. The MOLISHE comes from the mysterious Mountain House of the One Thousand and One Nights fairy tale.

  • 这里的幻象,来自于山间异域的庭院,被阳光包裹进阴影里,仿佛一千零一夜的神秘故事就在此刻展现。

  • The illusion here, from the exotic courtyard of the mountain, is enveloped in shadow by the Sun, as if the mystery of the One Thousand and One Nights were unfolding right now.


  • 往复拐弯的楼梯过道,巨大的墙体廊柱,镂空的花砖雕饰,就连庭院里那座古旧的木门以及有着繁复花纹的地毯,无不让人感觉到浓浓的异域中东风情。

  • The winding stairways, the huge wall columns, the hollowed-out tiled carvings, the old wooden door in the courtyard, and the carpeting with intricate patterns all made one feel the exotic Middle East.


  • 红色外观结合建筑解构让空间更有趣味感,无边际泳池及温泉汤池结合异域元素形成打卡点同时提升客人入住体验。

  • The red fa?ade combined with the deconstruction of the building makes the space more interesting, while the infinity pool and hot spring soup pool combine with exotic elements to form a punch-in point and enhance the guest's experience.

  • 整个院落虽处于村舍之间,但精巧的堆叠围合手法,让院落与外界保持了可喜的安静距离。

  • Although the whole courtyard is located between the cottages, but the exquisite stacking encircles the technique, lets the courtyard and the outside maintain the pleasant quiet distance.      


  • 建筑就像一首诗,无所不缺,包罗万象。它应该丰富人们工作以外的生活方式,增强人们存在的意义并给予生活更多希望和幻想。

  • Architecture is like a poem. It has everything. It should enrich people's way of life outside work, enhance the meaning of people's existence and give life more hope and fantasy.

项目名称 | 摩丽舍-民宿

项目位置 | 中国 北京 怀柔

设计公司 | 北京無隐空间

总设计师 | 李帥

设计团队 | 黄涛 江长亮 杨伟华史盼 李工 邹继磊 吴川东陈玉娜

机电团队 | 宗勇猛 盛芝强 罗强

结构总监 | 徐军

空间摄影 | 李双喜

设计范围 | 建筑 庭院 室内

项目面积 | 500㎡

完成时间 | 2023

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