土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 半室外空间的圆形剧场 泰国·Pomelo Amphawa咖啡馆

半室外空间的圆形剧场 泰国·Pomelo Amphawa咖啡馆

发布于:2023-07-12 11:27:12 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

这家咖啡馆是The Pomelo Amphawa总体规划的一部分,该规划由5栋建筑组成,这些建筑与现场的农作物和绿化融为一体。这家咖啡馆位于荔枝园,面向北部的湄公河,也是热带国家避免强光照射的理想方   向。

This Café is a part of The Pomelo Amphawa master plan which is composed of 5 buildings that are integrated into the crops and greenery in the site. Situated in the lychee garden, the café is oriented toward the Mekong River on the North which is also an ideal direction for avoiding strong daylight in tropical countries.

The design explores the relationship of geometry. We introduce a rectangular interior glass space that is embraced by a concrete circular amphitheater. Without front or back, the building is free to be approached from all directions while taking advantages of the surrounding landscape. The circular amphitheater’ lower side face to the river serves as a viewpoint, let visitors enjoy the scenery of the Mekong River.

The building material is mainly concrete to represent the shape, volume, and the dynamic of the building clearly both curve line and strength lines of steps where visitors can walk and climb around. Inspired by the traditional Thai house, the space under the amphitheater resembles “Tāithun” (a semi-outdoor space under a Thai House) where public activities can be engaged during daytime while being protected from the sunlight.

Skylights are punctured through the amphitheater, embracing the existing trees, and allows natural light to penetrate into Tāithun.  In the evening and night, the upper part of the amphitheater can be fully used for public events that face toward the river scenery. This design language allows the architecture to be active day-and-night.

As a café area, there are a variety of seating types around the café both in the indoor and outdoor area. The indoor seats are basic café tables and some bar-seats, suit to group visitors or family while the outdoor are mixed of net seating and bench arranging under trees area, the perfect chilling space for relaxing.  

The result of an architecture design creates an all-day accessible public space and an iconic landmark that sits harmoniously with its surrounding landscape of the Mekong River.

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