极简现代:公寓大厦由T2a建筑事务所设计并于最近在布达佩斯多瑙河畔的前河道砾石坑的场地上完成,Danubio住宅楼响应了独特的城市和自然环境,部分推翻了布达佩斯房地产开发商的规则,并实现了一个概念,即不仅将可持续性视为一个口号,还恢复了许多以前存在但现在被遗忘的建筑解决方案,并以现代、永恒的形式重新创造它们。 Designed by T2a Architects and completed recently on the site of a former river gravel pit on the banks of the Danube in Budapest, the Danubio residential building responds to the unique urban and natural environment, partially overriding the rules of Budapest real estate developers, and realizes a concept that treats sustainability not only as a slogan but also revives many pre-existing but now forgotten architectural solutions and recreates them in a modern, timeless form.
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢沙发