土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构资料库 \ 层层退的公寓设计


发布于:2023-07-05 15:59:05 来自:建筑结构/结构资料库 [复制转发]


Two residential towers designed by MVRDV for developer Provast have been completed in The Hague. The Grotius Towers, which are 120 and 100 metres tall, are located on Grotiusplaats, a stone’s throw from the city’s Central Station and alongside the Royal Library of the Netherlands. With their striking crowns of stacked apartments, the towers add affordable rental housing at the very centre of the city, with a public transport hub on the doorstep. Of the 655 apartments in the complex, 114 are intended for social rent, with a further 295 targeted at the mid-market rental sector.


At their tops, the Grotius Towers extend upwards into a landscape of setbacks and terraces. These crowns are visible from afar, making an eye-catching new addition to the skyline of The Hague. In an area where every square metre has to be used intelligently, MVRDV designed two apartment buildings with a total floor area of 61,800 square metres. By cleverly shaping the footprints of the towers, the design team was able to preserve through-streets, create new squares, and develop a duo of buildings that appear to subtly change shape when viewed from new perspectives.


The design gives particular attention to the top of the towers: by allowing them to ‘crumble’ asymmetrically at the uppermost levels, the characteristic landscape of stacked terraces is created, with more terraces on the south side than on the north side. A change in colour and material gives the crowns an extra accent, with a sustainable bamboo composite on the terraces and the fac?ades. At the base of the towers, a colour gradient – from beige above to anthracite grey on the bottom floors – also ensures a soft landing on the ground level.


While the apartments in the Grotius Towers vary in rent and size, even the smallest corner apartment offers beautiful views, with large windows realised in each apartment. Each resident is given an outdoor space; at the upper levels, residents can step out onto the terraces of the crown, while on the rest of the tower are balconies that partly protrude, and partly set back into the apartment as a loggia.

MVRDV的创始合伙人Winy Maas说:“通过这个设计,我们在这个已经繁忙的区域创造了一个新的空间。”“尽管塔楼看起来很窄,但它们包含了很大的建筑面积和混合住宅。顶部的“村庄”实际上是整个设计的顶部。除了视野之外,这一叠露台也允许居民之间的轻松接触。设计让你的邻居更平易近人;租客很快就会觉得自己住在一楼,随意地邀请对方喝杯酒或吃顿饭。”

“With this design, we have created a new space within this already busy area,” says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “Although the towers appear narrow, they contain a large floor area and a mix of homes. The ‘village’ at the top literally crowns the design. In addition to the view, this stack of terraces also allows easy encounters between residents. The design makes your neighbours more approachable; tenants will soon feel as if they live on the ground floor, casually inviting each other for a glass of wine or dinner.”


With fac?ades of natural stone and sustainable composite bamboo, gas-free homes, and approximately 1,500 bicycle parking spaces (in addition to 244 for cars), the Grotius Towers are also sustainable. In the design, attention was paid to energy efficiency in the form of good insulation and heat recovery systems. The towers are also multifunctional: as well as rental housing, there are a variety of facilities on the ground floor, from restaurants and cafes to services. An app has been developed especially for residents with which they can get in touch with each other for sports or dining appointments, which will promote social cohesion.


Utrechtsebaan highway and extending the pedestrian route in the direction of the Bezuidenhout neighbourhood. The Grotius Towers give the public space here a new dimension, serving as the start of further densification and greening in this part of The Hague.

Grotius公寓,正式名称为The Roofs,由MVRDV设计,Provast开发,由房地产投资管理公司a.s.r. real estate和CBRE投资管理公司投资。

The Grotius Towers, officially known as The Roofs, were designed by MVRDV and developed by Provast an   d are an investment by real estate investment management firms a.s.r. real estate and CBRE Investment Management.




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1. 前言 随着城市的发展,建筑越来越向高处发展,钢材也扮演了越来越重要的角色,从混凝土中的钢筋,到主体钢结构。作为“工业之母”的钢材,因为其杰出的结构性能和易加工性,是现代建筑最不可取代的材料之一。 作为建筑的外维护结构的幕墙,铝型材因为其几乎可以挤压成任意希望的形状,以及重量轻,防腐性能好,易于切割加工等优异的性能,成了建筑幕墙最重要的框架结构材料。钢材基本上是属于辅助的角色,用在埋件,连接码件,以及不可视部位的结构构件,或者是结构上铝没法做到的部位,比如说雨篷,采光顶的结构部位。


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