土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 匈牙利·116个种植箱组成的垂直花园


发布于:2023-06-29 14:12:29 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

Hello Wood建筑公司——以其独特的木屋和建筑节而闻名,再次设计了一个壮观的公共设施。社区花园位于Veszprém Factor'ard的中心,是一件庆祝Veszprèm-Balaton地区丰富文化的艺术品。该展馆是参与2023年Veszprém-Balaton欧洲文化之都计划的116个城市合作的象征性纪念碑。这不是Hello Wood第一次创作一件引起关注并代表一项重要事业的公共作品:最具标志性的是圣诞树形状的雪橇树,这些雪橇在被拆解和捐赠之前曾暂时出现在几个欧洲城市。

The architectural firm, Hello Wood – known for its unique cabin houses and builder festivals has again designed a spectacular public installation. Placed in the centre of the Factory'ard in Veszprém, the Garden of Communities is an artwork that celebrates the rich culture of the Veszprém-Balaton region. The pavilion is a symbolic monument to the cooperation of the 116 municipalities participating in the Veszprém-Balaton 2023 European Capital of Culture programme. It is not the first time that Hello Wood has created a public work that draws attention and represents an important cause: the most iconic were the Christmas tree shaped Sledge Trees that temporarily appeared in several European cities before being disassembled and the sleds donated.


“对于参与VEB2023计划的每个城市,我们都设计了一个独特的花箱,侧面清楚地显示了该城市的名称,并包含一棵树苗。在2023年欧洲文化之都的中心所在地Veszprém,我们建立了一个由116个种植园组成的社区花园,促进了社区合作的永恒价值。“项目建筑师Balázs Szelecsényi说道。
"For each municipality participating in the VEB2023 programme, we have designed a unique planter box, with the name of the municipality clearly displayed on the side, containing a sapling. In Veszprém, which is the central site of the European Capital of Culture 2023, we have set up a Garden of Communities, consisting of 116 planters, which promotes the eternal values of community cooperation." tells Balázs Szelecsényi, the project's architect.


The uniquely shaped planters create a spectacular exhibition space, accessible to anyone. The contrast between the geometric architectural forms and the lush vegetation creates a magical atmosphere, attracting visitors who can wander around the pavilion and browse through the names of the villages or cities that hold dear memories for them.


The native tree saplings of the region, planted in crates, together form a biodiverse vertical garden that grows and strengthens with the seasons. The consistent growth of vegetation is ensured by an automated irrigation system built into the structures. In addition, the complex structure provides the vegetation with different sun, wind and rainfall conditions, allowing the tree species to be planted in the right position for their water and sun needs.


The historical significance of the site, which was home to one of the largest furniture factories in the region for some 120 years, was also a key factor in the design. This historical heritage is commemorated by the cladding of the planter boxes, which is made from almost 120-year-old reclaimed timber, the old larch planking from the recently renovated Drechsler Palace in Budapest. The use of antique materials contributes to the timelessness of the work, in addition to the historical reference.


四年后,每一位种植园主都将被送回各自的城市,树苗将在那里生根并继续生长成象征2023年团结的树木。同样在VEB2023计划的框架内,Hello Wood建筑暑期学校和艺术节将于7月6日至15日在一个新的鼓舞人心的地点Zalahaláp玄武岩矿举行。
After four years, each of the planters will be returned to its respective municipality, where the saplings will take root and continue to grow into trees symbolizing the unity of 2023. Also within the framework of the VEB2023 programme, the Hello Wood architectural summer school and festival will return between 6 and 15 July, in a new inspiring location, the basalt mine of Zalahaláp.

▽顶视图,Top view.
▽前视图,Front view.
▽概念图,Concept diagram.

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