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发布于:2023-06-28 14:57:28 来自:建筑结构/结构资料库 [复制转发]


The dissolution of the Hospital of St. John of God in Eggenberg and its integration into the new site in Marschallgasse in the center of Graz meant that in addition to a revision of the hospital’s composition, it also received a new appearance, one which keeps with the historic old town.


The measures are characterized by two large additions. Through the creation of a coherent, spacious inner courtyard and the joining of the various building elements into one large whole, the original situation, which was unsatisfactory from an urban planning and architectural point of view, was “healed”. The courtyard was cleared and a linear building structure was developed that relates to the existing building in a specific, precise way.

The measures are characterized by two large additions. Through the creation of a coherent, spacious inner courtyard and the joining of the various building elements into one large whole, the original situation, which was unsatisfactory from an urban planning and architectural point of view, was “healed”. The courtyard was cleared and a linear building structure was developed that relates to the existing building in a specific, precise way.


Structurally and design-wise questionable elements were demolished and replaced by characteristics that are consistent with the new design. The structural and functional ring closure around the courtyard is now achieved by a new building that is carefully integrated into the surroundings. Flat roofs were designed as roof gardens, among other things, and serve as places for patients and staff to linger and relax.


The facade was modulated according to a mathematical principle with grids and reliefs. This resulted in a discreet, lively interplay of surfaces and lines and a sculptural fa?ade design of storey-high, white prefabricated concrete elements that playfully picks up and continues the facade image of the historic old town.

建筑师:Dietger Wissounig Architects

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PFS 数字榫卯,不需要“钉子”的建筑

? Partyfriendship Office ? Partyfriendship Office 功能的思考 一个邀请公众参与建造的开放式空间 PFS 数字榫卯是一个新概念的纯木质榫卯结构建筑。这个不需要“钉子”的建筑,并不是一个新的概念,反而是一个老的传统,因为中国人千年前就用木头制作房屋,这个也会让附近的居民产生快速的认同和讨论。


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