土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 意大利·“树木图书馆”公园


发布于:2023-06-27 11:43:27 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

自第二次世界大战以来,该公园一直是一片未开垦的棕色田野,用于存放建筑材料、举办临时活动和一年一度的马戏团——基本上处于混乱状态。在地理位置上毗邻加里波第车站,因其周围交通繁忙,随着时间的推移,公园的土壤受到严重污染。米兰市曾四次组织比赛让这片土地焕发生机,但一直未曾实现。直到2003年Inside Outside设计团队的出现,从2009年开始,一直坚持必须打造获胜的公园设计的信念!Comunne di Milano成为我们的专员,后来开发商Manfredi Catella也加入了我们的行列。
Since the Second World War, the park was an uncultivated brown field, used for the storage of building materials, temporary events and the yearly circus - basically left in disarray. Adjacent to Garibaldi Station and encircled by busy traffic the soil became heavily polluted through time. Four times, the City of Milan organized competitions to bring this land back to life, but never was a project realized. Until the Inside Outside Team came along in 2003 and, from 2009 onward, insisted on the necessity to build the winning park design this time! The Comunne di Milano became our commissioner, later joined by developer Manfredi Catella.

该公园被设计为周围不同社区之间的重要接口和连接器:其中包括市政办公室、重要的公共交通节点、商业区和繁忙的街道以及安静的住宅区,如“Quartiere Isola”。它的重建增加了不可或缺的基础设施连接,促进了更顺畅的交通流量和高效的行人连接。曾经与公园相邻的主要道路之一,现在在公园下面运行,大大减少了交通噪音。
The park is designed as an important interface and connector between the different surrounding neighborhoods : municipal offices, vital public transport knots, commercial areas and busy streets as well as quiet residential areas such as the ‘Quartiere Isola’.  Its regeneration has added indispensable infrastructural connections that facilitate a smoother traffic flow and efficient pedestrian connections.  One of the main roads that used to be adjacent to the park, now runs under the park, which has significantly reduced traffic noise.

Biblioteca degli Alberi 公园凭借其多样化的娱乐、体育、休闲和文化活动项目,已成为该地区跳动的心脏。为附近最近开发的众多商业和住宅建筑及其用户提供室外会议和休闲场所。
The Biblioteca degli Alberi park has, with its diverse program for play, sports, relaxation and cultural events, become the beating heart of the area.  Offering opportunity for the numerous commercial and residential buildings, recently developed nearby, and their users to be deployed as outdoor place for meetings and reflection.

The process of preparing and realizing the park took up a decade;  because of the design’s strategic quality – using simple ingredients with a clear spatial definition – it proved resilient and able to adjust to the different demands and adjustments without losing strength, retaining the essence of the initial concept all the way.

The park exhibits a collection of 23 different tree species, each grouped in circular formation – the so-called Circular Forests -and spread out over the park. Each tree is described and named, as texts integrated in the path that run along them.

Tree circles will mature and grow roofs of foliage that form ‘vegetal pavilions’ with a variety of equipment for sports, play and relaxation; spatial structures that provide shaded and sheltering  rooms for multiple forms of use.

Straight paths are drawn across the park to connect points of interest and surrounding areas to one-another, creating a polycentric, grid-like network.

This ‘web of paths’ creates a patchwork of irregular fields, a series of very different garden typologies.The planting for the various fields is carefully selected to - together with the biological pond and the trees - generate a dynamic and biodiverse environment throughout the seasons. For the park area around Fondazione Catella, we designed a special, curtain-like fence through which the park's structure continues undisturbed.As the park, for its largest part, is a ‘roof garden’ trees and garden typologies are strategically placed to ensure their longevity.

Contact e-mail: pr@insideoutside.nl, office@insideoutside.nl
Completion Year: 2018
Building area (m2): 95000 square meter
Other participants: Mirko Zardini,Michael Malzan Architecture, Piet Oudolf, Irma Boom, Rod’or advisory
Photo credits: Andrea Cherchi, Dimitar Harizanov, Roberta Filippini, Inside Outside
其他参与者:Mirko Zardini、Michael Malzan Architecture、Piet Oudolf、Irma Boom、Rod'or advisory
图片来源:Andrea Cherchi,Dimitar Harizanov,Roberta Filippini,Inside Outside

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经验值 +10