土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ 加拿大Vention科技公司办公空间


发布于:2023-06-21 14:47:21 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]


Vention is a Montreal based technology company that developed system of customized aluminium extrusions that simply industrial automatization for manufacturers. The company being in constant evolution, their need for bigger offices quickly emerged. It was last year that their team decided to transform their current 14 000 square foot Saint-Henri warehouses into work spaces.




From the start, the design intention was to create a simple environment that put forward the identity of the company and of their product. The esthetic of their pieces, their perforations and their signature “Vention blue” colour were determining factors in the conception of the space.



The offices are separated into two distinct rooms in the same industrial building. All of the walls, ceilings, structural and mechanical systems were entirely painted white, and the existing concrete floor was covered with an epoxy coat of the same colour. The majority of the square footage consists of open space offices with all white furniture.






空间内部,从地毯到墙壁的色彩均使用了“Vention蓝”。   设计师用一系列玻璃墙将这些孤立的空间对外展示出来,使在其中长时间工作的人们能够更加舒适。当需要更多私密空间的时候,可以关闭安装在天花板极薄的蓝色窗帘。

At the center of this light neutral background can be found these blue monoliths covered in perforated metal sheets, mimicking large Vention machines placed in an assembly line. These objects consist of all of the closed collaborative spaces for the team, such as conference rooms, informal brainstorming rooms and call rooms. 

On the inside, the entire material palette brings back the “Vention blue”, from the carpet to the painted walls. A series of glazed walls open up these isolated spaces, making them more comfortable for longer periods. Ceiling high blue sheer curtains can be closed for the times when more privacy is required.




In several areas, neon lights are hidden behind the perforated steel sheets, creating unique visuals and putting a spotlight on some feature elements of the project. At the entrance, for example, they are displayed behind the central counter made of white extrusions manufactured specifically for the occasion. In the kitchen, a structure lit up from the inside hangs above the island and acts as a division between the functional and the gathering areas.




All of the tables in the space were custom designed in collaboration with the Vention team with the use of their blue aluminum extrusions. The tops consist of navy blue smoked glass panels that showcase the unique structures that hold them. Vention’s specific extrusion assembly techniques served to create furniture pieces that truly represent them. The project in its entirety was greatly inspired by the Vention’s signature products and exceptional company culture.



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叠水问山 | 深圳问山叠水驿

  同济原作设计工作室 场地初见 深圳环西丽湖绿道(一期)全长约3.5公里,在一级水源地保护范围外圈与各类城市用地间纵向延展。本项目的探索始于对这条线性压缩空间的一些放大的尝试。绿道的北段已然深入山林,在林地范围线、基本农田与水源保护范围线的空隙之中,我们发现了这片由一些杂乱工棚占据的硬质场地。


经验值 +10