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生活在森林之中 | 西班牙·松林之家

发布于:2023-05-31 11:58:31 来自:园林景观/园林景观实景 [复制转发]

A family made up of a married couple with three children commissioned us to project their future house on a plot on the outskirts of Madrid of more than 7000 m2 occupied by a forest of pines and holm oaks.


Preserving the trees on the plot becomes a fundamental premise when facing the project. The program is developed on a single floor due to preferences on the part of the property in this sense. This makes the house occupy the maximum area allowed by the regulations, which is why the need arises to break the building into three volumes in order to preserve the magnificent existing grove.


Under these premises, the house is developed on a single floor in permanent contact with the garden of holm oaks and pines through large windows and large porches. The extensive program is summarized in three areas: service, day rooms, and night rooms, and each one is assigned to a free-standing volume that resembles a cube and is linked to the rest by glass walkways.



The cube that houses the service program is oriented to the west, while those intended for day and night stays are oriented to noon and projecting.  The implantation of these cubes in the forest has been carried out following a criterion of maximum respect for the existing grove.  Each cube is perforated in its central part, forming a patio that will illuminate the interior rooms, also housing part of the grove.The materiality of the house is resolved by means of opaque glass that reflects the trunks of the trees, and whose reflections change over time and the seasons as if it were another living being on the plot.


With this action, it is intended to improve the lives of the people who inhabit the house, so that they feel that they live in a forest, diluting the border between the interior and the exterior through large windows, landscaped patios, and opaque glass on the facades, creating a game of reflections between the interior and the exterior that produces the sensation of being inside and outside the house at the same time.


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重庆渝悦江宸示范区 | 始于山城,栖居林间

  渝悦江宸由越秀地产与渝开发联袂打造,项目坐落于享有“嘉陵江畔明珠”、“重庆都市花园”之誉的重庆市北碚区,基地山环水绕,多个公园环伺,人文底蕴深厚,生态环境优美。 基于场地基因以及建筑设计理念,示范区园林景观以“湾之屿”为主题概念,取江湾之形,围绕 “艺林峡谷、清竹之森、林梢虹桥、秘林生活馆、森森幽谷”等


经验值 +10