中国给水排水 [ISSN: 1000-4062 /CN: 12-1073/TU ] 卷: 第39卷 期数: 2023年第8期 页码: 1-10 栏目: 出版日期: 2023-04-17
Carbon Accounting and Reduction Planning in Urban Water Sector
刘然彬 1 , 于文波 1 , 张梦博 1 , 郝晓地 1 , 李爽 2
(1.北京建筑大学 北京节能减排与城乡可持续发展省部共建协同创新中心,北京 100044;2.北京首创生态环保集团股份有限公司,北京 100044)
LIU Ran-bin 1 , YU Wen-bo 1 , ZHANG Meng-bo 1 , HAO Xiao-di 1 , LI Shuang 2
(1. Beijing Energy Conservation & Sustainable Urban and Rural Development Provincial and Ministry Co?construction Collaboration Innovation Center, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Beijing 100044, China;2. Beijing Capital Eco?Pro Group Co. Ltd., Beijing 100044, China)
城镇水务; 碳中和规划; 碳足迹核算; 3C流程; 减碳/降碳; 能源回收
urban water sector; carbon neutrality planning; carbon accounting; 3C process; carbon reduction; energy recovery
随着我国《城乡建设领域碳达峰实施方案》的发布,城镇水务系统也将成为减碳/降碳的阵地之一。然而,城镇水务系统一方面面临扩容增量、支撑配套城镇化发展的重任,另一方面则面临减碳/降碳窗口期短、任务重的现状。因此,科学规划减碳/降碳措施以及先期步骤——碳足迹核算方法不仅是城镇水务走向良性发展的保障,也是实现绿色低碳转型的关键。通过对发达国家水务系统碳中和规划的梳理,尤其是对英国《水务净零排放路线图》(Net Zero 2030 Roadmap)进行分析,总结提炼出适合我国城镇水务系统制定碳中和规划的一般思路和方法,即“3C”流程(核算定线Carbon accounting→技术确定Cluster of technologies→方案实施Carrying out)。在此基础上,讨论分析了碳核算的发展及其在规划制定中的作用和意义;总结归纳了不同减碳/降碳工艺技术比选原则和方法,形成我国首部《城镇水务系统碳核算与减排路径技术指南》,以期在双碳目标框架下指导我国城镇水务行业减碳/降碳行动与实践。
With the release of the Implementation Plan for Carbon Peaking in Urban and Rural Development, the ignored urban water systems in China should proactively take action in carbon reduction. However, the urban water sectors are still facing continuous expansion to support ongoing urbanization, at the same time, the heavy mission of dual-carbon goal must be completed in a very short time. Therefore, scientific planning of carbon reduction and implementation of the preliminary carbon accounting are not only the guarantee for the healthy development of urban water sectors but also the key to realizing green and low-carbon transformation. The universal decarbonization planning method for the water sector was summarized by sorting out the carbon neutrality plans of other countries with an emphasis on the UK’s Net Zero 2030 Roadmap. “3C” process (Carbon accounting, Cluster of technologies, and Carrying out) is suitable for the general carbon reduction plan formation of urban water sectors in China. Besides, the advancement of carbon accounting guidelines and their role in formulating decarbonization planning were also discussed and analyzed. Moreover, the principles and methods for properly carbon reduction technologies selection were summarized. The principles and methods have been leveraged to compile the Guidelines for Carbon Accounting and Emission Reduction in the Urban Water Sector, which is the first water sector-specific guideline in China. This paper is expected to provide references for the carbon reduction actions and applications in water sectors under the framework of the dual carbon goals of China.
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