土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 80 Ann Street, 2023年 ULI 亚太区卓越奖决赛入围项目

80 Ann Street, 2023年 ULI 亚太区卓越奖决赛入围项目

发布于:2023-05-22 08:51:22 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

80Ann Street -  Heritage Lanes
布里斯班, 澳大利亚

80 Ann Street ( 或称   Heritage Lanes) 现已正式开幕,该办公 项目 由  Mirvac、M&G 、伍兹贝格和澳派景观合作设计完成,价值8.63亿澳元。
35层的办公塔楼采用先进科技和可持续设计, 将公共空间归还公众, 包含了超过 60,000 平方米的国际级优质办公空间,可容纳 7,000 名员工, 是澳大利亚最智能的建筑之一,也标志着   澳大利亚办公设计走向可持续新纪元。  
The $863mcollaboration between Mirvac, M&G Real Estate, Woods Bagot and ASPECTStudios has opened, marking a new era for sustainable and publicly generousworkplace design in Australia.  The world-class office tower, spanning 35-levels, is designed for 7,000 employees and incorporatesmore than 60,000 square metres of premium-grade office space. It’s one ofAustralia’s smartest buildings, embracing leading technology and sustainabilityinitiatives.

项目 为布里斯班打造出一个“目的地式办公场所”,成功地 激活了  Heritage Lanes  周边社区,也是 伍兹贝格与  Mirvac、M&G、 Suncorp 多方共创的成果。
“项目设计之初我们了解到,这里曾是布里斯班水果和农产品交易市场,因此希望能够 重现这种市集的氛围感 ,为布里斯班市民创造一个充满历史记忆的活力据点 。”  伍兹贝格理事合伙人   David Lee  享道。  
Global design studio,Woods Bagot, collaborated with Mirvac, M&GReal Estate and Suncorp to create the new ‘destination office’ for Brisbane,revitalizing the urban precinct at Heritage Lanes.   “We designed 80 Ann from a deep understanding of the city and the site’sheritage as the former Brisbane Fruit & Produce Exchange,” says David Lee,Associate Principal, Woods Bagot. “We had a strong desire to re-create theatmosphere of the marketplace and create a memorable destination for the peopleof Brisbane that feels quintessential to the city.”

建筑立面形如浮动的纱幔,包覆整个地面层和裙房,在城市中心创造出一个遮风蔽日的公共空间。 纱幔的轮廓参考了原布里斯班水果和农产品交易市场天棚的形态和轮廓,也是 对原址历史遗产致敬。 Lee 补充道。  

“The building’sfloating veil canopies the entire ground plane and podium, creating a protectedpublic place in the city. Theprofile of the veil resonates with the original Brisbane Fruit & ProduceExchange sheds - a legible visual reference to the site’s heritage,” says Lee.

▲  概念物理模型

位于 Turbot 原布里斯班水果和农产品交易市场的重要部分得到了修复, 的地面层变身成为一个现代风格的开放式市集, 灵活的空间布局加之 丰富的餐饮等商业业态 ,吸引到众多办公人士、市民和游客,在 白天或夜晚 来此相聚互动  
Through thisrestoration of a significant part of the former Brisbane Fruit & ProduceExchange on Turbot Street, the ground plane has become a modern-day openmarketplace, with retail and spaces designed to encourage workers, locals, andtourists to mingle from day through to the evenings.  

团队保留了位于 Turbot 街的两层砖砌建筑的立面,还有市集内部的两个原始交易托架。 这些托架在施工之前 经过精心拆解、编目和保存,其原木部分也在后续被重新融入市集大厅 ,分散在连接 Ann 街和 Turbot 街的连廊中。  

The team have not onlypreserved the fa?ade of the two-story brick masonry building on Turbot Street,but also two of the original trading bays from the interior of the markets.Prior to construction, these bays were painstakingly disassembled, catalogued,preserved, and put into storage.       The original timbersfrom the trading bays have been re-instated as part of the market hall in theretail precinct, spanning in the laneway that connects Ann Street to TurbotStreet.

玻璃幕墙可通风,部分区域可打开,且与裙房相隔一定距离,为人们提供了向上的视线通廊,也让北面的光线能够照进市集后方。 入口处的玻璃幕墙底部被抬升,露出地面以上的裙房部分,从而变得更易识别。  

The glass screen is ventilated and openable in places - floors in thepodium are pulled away from the glass screen with the resultant interstitialvoid space and volumes allowing views from the footpath up into the podiumfloors as well as northerly light into the rear of the marketplace. The skirtof the glazed screen lifts at entry points to reveal the podium floors abovethe ground levels as well as make entries more legible and intuitive to use.

“我们将办公大堂抬起,将地面空间归还城市,并通过丰富的亚热带景观、连廊、公共艺术来激活这一公共场域。” 伍兹贝格全球设计总监  Domenic Alvar o 表示。  

“By elevating thelobby, the ground plane is given back to the city, along with abundance ofsubtropical landscape, laneways, public art and activated public realm,” saysDomenic Alvaro, Global Design Director, Woods Bagot.  

项目整体 设计基于布里斯班市议会提出的“会呼吸的建筑”愿景:构建一种专门为布里斯班亚热带气候而设计的建筑风格,即:   将建筑打开,拥抱凉爽的微风以及茂盛的绿植。 80 Ann Street  的景观设计由澳派工作室完成。  

The design for 80 AnnStreet was developed to align with Brisbane City Council’s ‘Buildings thatBreathe’ initiative that offers a vision for a Brisbane-specific subtropicalarchitectural vernacular: opening-up buildings to cooling breezes and providinglush landscaping by ASPECT Studios.  

▲  80 Ann Street 概念图

我们有意在裙楼各层之间创造景观空间 ,保证视线通透的同时塑造出独特的建筑形态,也为租户提供了亲近自然与户外的机会。   Alvaro  解释说。  

“The podium floors of 80 Ann are designed to create landscaped voidsbetween floors, with views up the glazed roof sections and ultimately to thesky above,” explains Alvaro. “These floors articulate the building but alsoprovide opportunities for the tenants to engage with the climate and outdoors.”

23层“可呼吸”楼层更加带来一种全新的办公体验,设计团队意在将整个楼层变成一个混合式 “花园露台”,     可开启、可呼吸的立面;有木质舱室,作为会议室、协作空间以及与客户互动的空间 “漂浮” 在花园中,为非正式聚会带来健康舒适的空间。  

The breathable flooron level 23 of 80 Ann offers an entirely new type of office tower experience. Conceptuallythe entire floor has been designed as a mixed mode ‘garden terrace’ - facadesare openable and breathable. Timber pods housing meeting rooms, collaborationspaces and other client engagement spaces ‘float’ on this floor as destinationsfor informal gatherings.  

80 Ann Street     是澳大利亚第一个以绿色建筑委员会新发布的评级工具“绿色之星建筑”最高评级为目标的开发项目,同时它还获得 5.5 星级 NABERS 能源评级、 4.5 星级 NABERS 水资源评级以及铂金级 核壳结构 WELL 建筑认证。  
Heritage Lanes is thefirst development in Australia to target the highest rating of the GreenBuilding Council’s newly released rating tool ‘Green Star Buildings’ alongside5.5 Star NABERS Energy and 4.5 Star NABERS Water ratings and a Platinum Coreand Shell WELL Certification.

Mirvac 集团商业及综合开发总经理 Simon Healy 表示, Mirvac  很荣幸能够为布里斯班优质办公市场创造出新的基准。 新办公场所已迎来布里斯班金融服务集团 Suncorp 的进驻。 持续创新、真正灵活的设计将满足 Suncorp 的发展需求和其对可持续性的高度关注。  

Mirvac Group GeneralManager, Commercial & Mixed-Use Development, Simon Healy said Mirvac wasproud to deliver a workplace precinct that creates a new benchmark forBrisbane’s premium office market. With  ongoing innovation and a truly flexibledesign, Heritage Lanes will meet Suncorp’s needs and a high level of sustainability.

80 Ann Street  将昆士兰的本土特征与全球视野相结合,为 Suncorp 等 租户带来世界一流的工作环境,也为周边社区创造出一个活跃的城市场所。 同时,项目所展示出的当代亚热带建筑风格也将进一步定义未来办公体验。 ” 伍兹贝格布里斯班工作室执行主席 Kirsti Simpson 总结说。

“80 Ann Streetcombines Queensland authenticity with global thinking to create a world-classworkplace for Suncorp and other tenants, and an activated city precinct for thecommunity.” “Heritage Lanes isdemonstrative of the power of contemporary subtropical architecture,” addsKirsti Simpson, Executive Studio Chair, Woods Bagot. “With an abundance ofnaturally ventilated spaces and a human centric focus, this place defines thefuture of work experience. ”

地点: 布里斯班,澳大利亚  
项目业主 Mirvac  集团  
规模: 61,000 平方米  
服务内容: 建筑设计  
竣工时间: 2022  年  
合作伙伴: 澳派景观设计 M&G 地产; Suncorp  集团  
摄影师: Trevor Mein  
精选奖项: 2023年 ULI 亚太区卓越奖入围;  
Location:  Brisbane,Australia  
Client:  Mirvac Group  
Size: 61,000 sqm   
Service: Architecture   
Completion Date:  2022  
Collaborators:  ASPECT Studios, M & G Real Estate,  Suncorp Group  
Photographer:  Trevor Mein  
Awards: 2023 ULI Asia Pacific Awards for Excellence Finalist  

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    ? 罗汉工作室 我们在设计本案造型的时候,力求以雕塑感带出整体效果,用大的、实的墙面与虚的、轻的玻璃幕碰撞产生强烈的反差。沉重的混凝土被轻盈的玻璃体提升至空中;出挑阳台带出的钝角折线,层层交错,灵感来源于水波的滚动。设计让混凝土这样厚重的材料如丝带般在空中飘舞,伸向远方……最终形成一个具有现代艺术特质,又蕴含水乡地域特色的体量。


经验值 +10