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厂区 多层办公建筑

发布于:2023-05-16 08:55:16 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

Pelsan Tekstil是Hassan集团旗下的一家公司,它是土耳其第一家也是唯一一家透气聚乙烯薄膜生产商,为医疗、卫生和绝缘部门提供服务,它的新总部由Mimaristudio团队设计。该项目的目的是在新的工作区创造一个适合该公司的创新、技术和丰富多彩的世界的生活空间,这是新的生产设施的核心。灵活性、可变性、透明度和经验是塑造空间设计的主要关键词。

Pelsan Tekstil, a company under the Hassan Group, which is Turkey's first and only producer of breathable polyethylene film, providing services to the medical, hygiene, and insulation sectors, has a new headquarters designed by the Mimaristudio team. The aim of the project was to create a living space suitable for the company's innovative, technological, and colorful world in the new working area, which is the heart of the new production facility. Flexibility, variability, transparency, and experience were the main keywords that shaped the design of the space.


The project aimed to create a shared workspace, development, and living space that supports communication and interaction among employees by providing physical and social conditions necessary for creativity and productivity. It was designed as an inspiring living space where Pelsan employees could develop themselves, socialize, share, and learn from each other. The proposal prioritized well-being by creating a safe space that offers opportunities for collaboration, where employees who spend long hours indoors and depend on technology can be physically and mentally healthy and happy.


Mimaristudio also designed the facade. With an approach that takes into account the effects of the recent pandemic, the terrace floors that allow users to access open air are among the notable details of the structure. With these living spaces planned at different levels of the building, which can be used for both work and socializing, a semi-transparent connection is established between the interior and exterior spaces. This interface also enables a visual contact with the outside for the users of the space through its different-sized openings. Natural landscaping areas created on the facade interface allow controlled growth of greenery on the facade over time.

员工被赋予了选择工作地点、时间和方式的自由。短暂的休息区被规划出来,在连接行政部门和工程部门的流通轴上行走时可以举行短暂的会议。在方案允许的范围内,整个楼层增加了具有不同规模、功能和形式的社交区域、个人和协作工作、会议和咨询空间,以提高使用的灵活性。此外,环境友好性和可持续性也是设计方法的重要组成部分。在这种情况下,14条亲水设计路线和概念,如 "空间中的自然"、"自然提醒 "和 "空间的自然",包含在 "亲水设计 "方法中,在项目中得到了体现。

Employees were given the freedom to choose where, when, and how they work. Short break areas were planned where short meetings can be held while walking on the circulation axis that connects the administrative department with the engineering department. To the extent permitted by the program, socializing areas, individual and collaborative work, meeting, and consultation spaces with different scales, functions, and forms were added to the entire floor for usage flexibility. Furthermore, environmental friendliness and sustainability were also important components of the design approach. In this context, 14 biophilic design routes and concepts such as "Nature in Space," "Natural Reminders," and "Nature of Space," included in the "biophilic design" approach, were featured in the project.

除了防止封闭房间之间的声音传播,还为开放区域员工的舒适条件选择了合适的材料和产品。在这里,由Ayca Akkaya Kul设计的Feltouch开发的 "Mak-up "系列天花板和墙壁声学产品,以及首次在该项目中使用的 "Ra "声学照明系列,是空间中的突出产品。虽然在一般的照明中,线性和准时的技术照明产品是首选,但装饰性产品也被包括在该项目中。特别是由Ayca Akkaya Kul设计、Maiizen生产的 "Sade "照明,它是手工制作的,采用充气的双层技术,吸引了人们的注意。

In addition to preventing sound transmission between closed rooms, suitable materials and products were chosen for the comfort conditions of open-area employees. Here, the Feltouch-developed "Make-up" family of ceiling and wall acoustic products designed by Ayca Akkaya Kul, as well as the "Ra" acoustic lighting family used for the first time in this project, are among the prominent products in the space. While linear and punctual technical lighting products were preferred in general lighting, decorative products were also included in the project. Especially, the "Sade" lighting, designed by Ayca Akkaya Kul and produced by Maiizen, which is handmade and produced with a double-walled technique by inflating, draws attention.






面积:5000 m2
摄影:Gurkan Akay

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JLa医疗空间×前海人寿 温柔疗愈,优雅守护   “有时治愈;常常帮助;总是安慰。” 这一句深入人心的行医格言,不仅是众多医护人员的关怀之本,亦是患者与家属的希望之源。


经验值 +10