土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 城市规划设计 \ 交通运输协调中心改造


发布于:2023-05-10 09:17:10 来自:建筑设计/城市规划设计 [复制转发]

Póvoa de Varzim运输协调中心的重建项目采用两级办法:方案性和建设性。

The rehabilitation project of Póvoa de Varzim Transport Coordination Centre supposes a two-level approach: programmatic and constructive.


Refocusing on the current role of the transport coordinating center in the city and in its entire mobility strategy, where collective transport becomes increasingly more important. In this sense, a functional reorganization of the entire building was carried out, becoming it more appropriate for the current function, for both users and operators. Accesses and routes were reformulated, creating a new hierarchy, where accessibility for people with reduced mobility was fully ensured.


New facilities have been introduced in the program, such as the city’s traffic and mobility control centre, which also aim to increase its dynamism and importance as a public building.



The central volume of the building is the one that houses all the valences directly related to the use of the Transport Coordination Centre users in a comfortable environment and has now a single entrance. In this area are the operator’s sales points, taxi rank, commercial spaces, cafeteria, waiting areas, and sanitary facilities.



The entire public space in front of the building was redesigned in order to open the building to the city, which didn’t happen before. It is intended that this area works not only as a space for passing by but also as a space of permanence, where there is no lack of places to park bicycles.


The reorg   anization of the entire exterior area, which looks towards the passengers' waiting area, envisages the creation of a new car park in its own domain and with exclusive access, equipped with electric vehicle charging stations. The entire bus area has now just one circuit dedicated to entrances and exits with full access control.

建筑师:Pitágoras Group

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  01. 源起情侣,浪漫城市   若将视野纳入更悠长的时间轴,情侣路的浪漫,并非与生俱来。珠海经济特区刚建立的时候,从香洲到拱北的海边仅有一望无际的荒滩。1991年10月,情侣路正式开建。到1992年8月,随着情侣路中段的竣工,旅游大巴可以载着游客开到珠海渔女雕像旁,渔女雕像结束了十年默默矗立在没有路抵达的海边的孤寂。1999年,情侣南路修建完工并实现南北贯通,基本上围绕着珠海市区全面接通。情侣路从一个交通要道,变成了珠海浪漫城市生活的“源起点”。


经验值 +10