土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 家装设计 \ 北京60㎡老砖混楼室内改造设计


发布于:2023-05-10 08:57:10 来自:装修设计/家装设计 [复制转发]



The apartment is located in the dormitory area of Tiantan Biological Products Co., Ltd which is the historic buildings. The building is built with brick-concrete structure in 1982, so it’s difficulty to adjust the special layout. The owner let it out, but want to keep the most furniture in the house, only could trash few things. Therefore, respecting the historic building and the existing furniture is the condition of this design. Turning the design limitation into design material is the primary task.



这里将承载业主的生活及其办公的所有内容,共同使用的还有两只猫。因此生活和办公空间、猫和业主的空间,是这个设计   需要思考的平衡点,使得他们和谐并相互支持,而成为相互生命中的一份礼物。


This apartment will take on the client’s live and work, and be shared with two cats. So we have to balance the space between the live and work, between cats and user, in order to make them could support each other as a gift.

Weaving space between cats and client, weaving furniture between new and existing, is our design idea.




As the core space of weaving between client and cats as well as live and work, the combination of cat’s tent and bed splits the bedroom into two rooms, bedroom and “Livingroom”. The cat’s tent is placed between window and “livingroom”, which connects the window and “livingroom” by the vertical and horizontal opening.



There is also a round hole in the right side of cat’s tent, which allows cats cross the tent and bed freely, also allows the client communicate with cats directly. We assemble the Led light in fringe of the hole as the light of the room. In the night time, the beam of light comes through the vertical opening, and hits the celling and wall of the “livingroom” that is a meditation space.




The hallway and dining room are painted gray to emphasis the public area. In this 1.1meter wide corridor, on the left side, we designed a cantilevered stainless steel shelf; and on the right side, we covered the original wall with 10mm thickness polycarbonate hollow sheet, in order to hide the complicated decoration on the wall. The treatment on the both side, could avoid the sense of oppression caused by the narrow corridor due to the renovation and utilization.




The existing counter, the furniture and the new cabinets are organized by the U-shape counter top, which also contribute the strong spatial characteristic and the order for the dining room. In order to connects the cabinet in the kitchen and the sideboard organically, we keep the pillar of the stainless shelf away from the adjacent cabinets deliberately, so that the new shelf could adjoin the existing cabinets through horizontal sheets as concisely as possible.



For some items that we don’t need but the owner wants to keep, we have to figure out how to store them. The most difficult ones are the three sliding door at the kitchen (each size is 550x2150x30) and the wooden door of the bedroom (size is 800x1950x450), How to organize and coordinate existing furniture, how to put in new facilities without destroyed the existing house is a design proposition that we setup for ourselves, and that also become a series of problem and interests in the constructional development.



Store one item by another item is a principle of transformation and utilization of furniture. We used the size difference between the existing sideboard (450mm) and the counter top (550mm) to create a 100mm cavity to store three sliding doors.




After removing two sliding window in the inner wall of balcony, we transformed the window sill into bar counter for the active and flexible use.


吧台面的做法也延续不破坏现状的原   则设计节点,通过扁钢和倒锥形调平支点来提供吧台面平整的结构支撑。

The construction of the bar top also continues the principle of not destroying the existing house. We used the flat steel and inverted tapered fulcrums to support the bar top and anchored by the original screw which were used to anchor the window.



In constructional design, we make sure each component only need to drill one screw hole on the painted wall. Finally we only left 10 holes in the wall to complete the renovation of the whole house.





  • qq_1564129934747


    2023-05-10 09:12:10

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夏天马上就要来了, 炎炎夏日,比起出去玩,还是窝在家里要舒服一点。 既然要待在家里当然是要舒舒服服地躺平,今天就来给大家盘点一下,一个好住的休闲区到底该怎么打造。      


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