土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ 办公商业综合体:垂直布局,业态最大化——办公、屋顶绿地、空中会议、商业、地下室等多功能设计


发布于:2023-05-05 09:21:05 来自:建筑结构/混凝土结构 [复制转发]

深圳宝安大空港片区地处粤港澳大湾区核心位置,未来将是比肩国际的一流空港都市区,推动城市西部经济崛起的同时,辐射湾区共同发展。 而傲居其北部的会展新城,作为引领新型城市发展的风向标,率先拉开了大空港片区发展建设的序幕。

Shenzhen Bao’an Dakonggang zone is located in a core position in the Greater BayArea. The district fosters the economic development and acts like a pioneer hubestablishing the new model of urbanisation. 

Aedas全球设计董事王烨冰带领团队在大空港片区核心地段,成功竞得中旅投资大厦项目竞赛第一名 ,以融合城市客厅、智慧平台、花园办公的新时代设计理念, 为蓬勃发展的大空港地区铸就一座极具标志性的都市办公综合体

With bespoke andintegrated design, Aedas won the competition of CTG Investment Building. Thedesign, led by Aedas Global Design Principal Kevin Wang, will become anintegrated mixed-use complex merging public realms, interactive terraces andcollaborative offices.

项目紧邻全球最大的深圳国际会展中心,周边交通便利,北侧临近城市主干道,通达南山前海;东侧可通达东莞虎门, 是粤港澳大湾区中连接深圳、东莞、 广州等区域的重要节点
Adjoining to Shenzhen World Exhibition &Convention Center and major roads in the surrounding, the project enjoys aconvenient location that connects itself to other regions in GBA includingDongguan and Guangzhou.
面对地块不规则且局促的难题,设计巧妙构思, 将两栋大尺度建筑塔楼靠南侧布置,并通过空中会议层建立紧密联系 ,最大视野远眺会展河的同时,与临近地块以东高西低的布局构成统一且富有变化的片区天际线;沿城市主干道一侧, 小体量独栋商业建筑高低错落分布,创造出尺度宜人的商业空间与城市相接, 避免了高层办公楼沿街布局给城市居民带来压迫感。
Putting the irregular plot into consideration,the towers are positioned on the southern plot to maximise the layoutefficiency. The towers are connected by a sky meeting center with a spectacular river view.  A vibrant skylineis formed by the towers and other low-rise buildings facing the main street. Thearrangement optimises the spatial environment and creates a people-centric commercialspace that stitches with the urban context.

布局 策略

遵循“有限空间业态最大化”的设计理念,建筑自上而下垂直布局包含办公、屋顶绿地、空中会议、商业、地下室等多功能业态, 通过空中会议层形成塔楼之间的彼此连接,满足当下办公会议需求,形成促进交流的活力空间。
The design vertically allocates the functions tointegrate office,  rooftop garden ,meeting center, retail, and underground amenities within thelimited plot size. The skymeeting space connects the towers and creates an interactive communalspace. An urban living room is created on the trapezium-shaped plot, whichconnects with the surrounding developments and creates an open public space through3-side entrances fronting the streets. 
面对项目自身小地块、小体量的特点以及商业市场竞争激烈,团队另择“破局之道”, 选取独特的BLOCK商业街区作为项目商业发展策略,以独栋双首层空间设计,打造小而美的沉浸式体验、精致独特的艺术级建筑场景和趣味化的商业广场
“BLOCK商业在市场上正以迅猛的势头发展,迎合了市场需求,体验性、灵活性、个性化更强,且将人文精神文化交融, 为商户提供了更好的展示面 。”王烨冰介绍道,无论是业态规划,还是资源整合,都比传统商业模式占据优势。
The retail street is comprised of double-heightindividual blocks, forming a focused yet diverse immersive experience in anaesthetic environment. ‘Retail in block-forms has high adaptability to theevolving market that meets the needs and attracts visitors. They have bespokecharacteristics that integrate with the local culture as to deliver acomprehensive retail space.’ Kelvin explained the adapted contemporary retailmodel is more advanced and comprehensive than the conventional models in termsof layout efficiency.

内涵“俘心”,颜值“吸睛”。在整体外观的打造上, 塔楼幕墙通过立面玻璃与竖向金属装饰条搭配使用 ,以表达流动、连贯的美学体验,强化建筑体量修长的外部形象,显得沉稳大气又富有变化; BLOCK商业充满节奏的幕墙虚实变化 ,将室内外空间感受联系在一起,形成对塔楼有效的补充及回应。
The fa?ade uses glass panels with metal fins asan elegant yet dynamic architectural form standing along the main road. Theretail blocks have vibrant gradient fa?ades that merge exterior-interior spacesand echoing the towers at the back.
  BLOCK   商业幕墙虚实变化
 ‘The complex is designed tobecome a hybrid of office and commercial space for the city, further enhancingthe competiveness and vibrancy in the core of GBA.’ Kevin added. 
位置:   中国深圳
设计及项目建筑师:   Aedas
业主:   中旅(深圳)城市发展有限公司
建筑面积:   93,485平方米
主要设计人:   王烨冰,全球设计董事

Location: Shenzhen, China
Client: CTG
Design and Project Architect: Aedas
Gross Floor Area: 93,485 sq m
Design Directors: Kevin Wang, Global Design Principal

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