土木在线论坛 \ 电气工程 \ 照明工程 \ AP3301 DC-DC降压IC 0.6-5.5V 高效率 低功耗 监控驱动应用

AP3301 DC-DC降压IC 0.6-5.5V 高效率 低功耗 监控驱动应用

发布于:2023-04-25 16:44:25 来自:电气工程/照明工程 [复制转发]


Up to 95% Efficiency

 Current Mode Operation for Excellent Line and Load Transient Response

 700mA Output Current

 Low Quiescent Current: 200μA

 Output Voltage: 0.6V  5.5V

 Automatic PWM/PFM Mode Switching

 No Schottky Diode Required

 Frequency Operation: 1.0MHz for Fixed Output Voltage and 1.4MHz for Adjustable Output Voltage? Short-Circuit Protection

Shutdown Quiescent Current: <1μA

Low Profile TSOT/ SOT-23-5L Package (lead-free packaging is now available)


 Digital cameras and MP3

 Palmtop computers / PDAs

Cellular phones


The AP3301 is high efficiency synchronous, PWM step-down DC/DC converters working under an input voltage range from 2.2V to 5.5V. This feature makes the AP3301 suitable for single Li-Lon battery-powered applications. 100% duty cycle capability extends battery life in portable devices, while the quiescent current is 200μA with no load, and drops to <1μA in shutdown. The internal synchronous switch is desired to increase efficiency without an external Schottky diode. The 1.0MHz/1.4MHz switching frequency allows the using of tiny, low profile inductors and ceramic capacitors, which minimized overall solution footprint. The AP3301 converters are available in the industry standard TSOT/SOT-23-5L power packages (or upon request).

 Wireless handsets and DSL modems

 Portable media players

PC cards  

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安科瑞虞佳豪 消防应急照明和疏散指示系统的联动控制设计(《建筑设计防火规范》GB50016-2014第10章)   1、消防应急照明和疏散指示系统的联动控制设计,应符合下列规定:   1)集中控制型消防应急照明和疏散指示系统,应由火灾报警控制器或消防联动控制器启动应急照明控制器实现。   2)集中电源非集中控制型消防应急照明和疏散指示系统,应由消防联动控制器联动应急照明集中电源和应急照明分配电装置实现。


经验值 +10