土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ Great Chiliocosm 方寸大千 | 新希望·成都天府D10

Great Chiliocosm 方寸大千 | 新希望·成都天府D10

发布于:2022-12-16 09:17:16 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]






Design is a constant challenge to balance comfort with luxe, the practical with the desirable.

—— Donna Karan









D10 is located in Jinjiang District, the most prosperous commercial center of Chengdu. In the heart of the city, the site is surrounded by super high-rise buildings and the space is very depressing. Therefore, we base on the site, combine high utilization, internationalization and futuristic, and bring the concept of "Haute Couture" into the residence.



The project design is based on the landscape design framework of "Heaven and Earth" and the overall design concept of "Mustard Seed, Sumeru, and a Thousand Reeds". In the place where the mountains and waters converge, the free water veins are divided and linked to multiple living systems, and the central site is an open living space for gathering people, with a sense of multi-angle landscape composition and a view of millions of things.




The space that carries the urban lifestyle starts with modern art life, takes the shape of high mountains and the realm of flowing water, and the futuristic shape collides with the natural mood to tell the story of modern art and natural landscape, forming a city-level signage surface along the street.



Scenes that blend line, geometry, material, color, light and shadow transform space into a figurative expression of art. Different artistic expressions are interpreted throughout the process.



The waterscape realm and the sculpture are elements that make up the artistic space, and the two echo each other morphologically, confidently and boldly interpreting the undertones of the space. The expression of lines and layers fill the white space of the picture and inspire artistic resonance.




The sculpture draws the concept of sky into the body and spreads from the eccentric point to the periphery, combining the auspiciousness of the shape of "jade bi" with the concept of "ritual" of the building, which is a perfect fusion of modernism and oriental culture.




The main entrance is built by an extra-long display surface and sculptural flower petal ingenuity kiosk, carrying the spiritual symbols of the city and its culture.



Through the urban interface, the starry sky is hidden in the custom metal gallery roof, and the nebulae and water ripples create a sense of order and flow, reflecting different changes in depth in different light, giving the space a dynamic flowing visual experience.



The organic combination of the unique sculpture and the water space creates a dynamic and mysterious atmosphere.





In people's traditional concept, natural landscape is the beauty of mood in the heart. The undulating grass mound formed by the terrain naturally encloses different functional spaces, which are expressed through the combination of plants and terrain, realizing the harmony between man and nature.



The artistic promenade outlined by the dynamic curve of the natural river extends the natural organic feeling vertically in the space, activating the three-dimensional canyon forest, enriching people's sense of experience and participation with efficient, three-dimensional and interesting sites.



The sunken courtyard brings a vibrancy full of layers to the overall space. The design is modern and combines contemporary life, integrating space and function to create an elegant and stylish atmosphere, and the water curtain blends with the building to add a romantic artistic experience to the space.



The design extracts the soothing shallow hill topography, the majestic mountain pattern, and the rhythm of flowing water veins, using the building as a mountain and the water veins as a road, with the gurgling water linking the hills and forest realm and other elements to guide the gathering and dispersion of space.



The mountainous elements are transformed into a layered waterscape, giving the space a rich sense of imagination and extension. The social space set in the waterscape brings unlimited freedom for neighborhood communication.



The oil painting-like quiet green field is hidden at the edge of the city, and the landscape imagery within the space is expanded to carry people's artistic and aesthetic inculcation, becoming a theater for daily artistic exchanges in the neighborhood.



在D10的植物设计中,我们探索出一个关于新植物营造场域的方法论——植物新山水。 新山水植物设计理论是一种关于山水既是物理形态又是精神内涵,如何在形式、空间和意境等层面上转译当代植物美学的方法和路径。

In the plant design of D10, we explored a methodology about new plants to create a field - the New Shanshui of Plants.  The New Shanshui of Plants is a method and path about how landscape is both physical form and spiritual connotation, and how to translate contemporary plant aesthetics on the levels of form, space and context.



D10中使用的植物分别源自四省两市,跨越六万公里来到成都。 结合中国的哲学思想解读构图,以自然主义的植物设计为人们的身体和心灵注入植物的能量。

The plants used in D10 originate from four provinces and two cities, crossing 60,000 kilometers to Chengdu.  Combining Chinese philosophical thoughts to interpret the composition, the naturalistic plant design infuses the energy of plants into people's body and mind.








In the process of exploring design, what is more important than spatial design is connecting people to people, we explore human interaction and motivate people to connect with each other. From design to landing, we create a customized journey of spatial design to purify people's hearts with exquisite spaces.





设计面积:19445 ㎡

注:图 文系山水比德原创供稿,感谢 原作者辛苦整理,版权归原作者所有,仅供学习交流!      

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转自公众号:MAXI美溪景观 荣获第十三届园冶杯地产园林大奖 稀世墅境林下伴溪而居,是紫金原著的生活追求,和对山的敬意。设计从山居空间的本源出发,采用层层叠叠、硬朗纯粹的直线语言,表达山的节奏与层次感。通过树林环绕,潺潺水系,奠定了山、自然和生活的基调和秩序。


经验值 +10