建筑自古以来便是社会文化的空间载体,作为具有社会属性的物质空间,一直与社会文化相互依存、相互作用而形成一个和谐的整体。作为城市地标的商业综合体亦是如此。随着数字时代的发展与冲击,传统商场不再是单纯的购物场所,而是融合生态、娱乐及文化等功能的城市中心。 As the physical space with socialattributes, architecture has always been interacted with society to define intoa harmonious unity. With the impact of the digital age, theretail project is no longer simply for people shopping, but integrates nature,entertainment and culture, outlining an urban icon with local context andfunctionalities. Aedas董 事陈玉莹、创始人及全球首席 设计师纪达夫(Keith Griffiths)带领团队,在广州镜湖大道综合体项目中, 结合传统建筑的场所营造及岭南地域的气候特点,以文化赋予商业新内涵,为传统商业寻找“破局之道” ,旨在打造承接广州花都区过去与未来的地标综合体。 Led by Aedas Director Fiona Chen, Founder andGlobal Principal Designer Keith Griffiths, the team has designed a NanhaiDevelopment Guangzhou Jinghu Avenue Retail Project by merging the placemaking features oftraditional buildings and the climatic characteristics of the Lingnan region. Itredefines a new retail typology of shopping mall with cultural sprit for thecitizens, aiming to be the future-oriented landmark of Guangzhou. 南海发展广州镜湖大道商业综合体 Nanhai Development Guangzhou JinghuAvenue Retail Project 项目位于广州“北大门”花都区,规划打造约11层的高层商业裙房及100米塔楼。非常规的高层商业所构成的体量对城市影响巨大,因此 如何消减其巨构体量给城市带来的压迫感和给民众产生的距离感是本项目其中的设计难点 ;同时地块用地狭长且被规划一分为二,如何将两地块联系、将其设计打造成统一的整体是团队遇到的另一个设计挑战。 Located in Huadu District of Guangzhou, theproject encompasses an 11-storey retail podium and a 100m tower. With anirregular architectural volume, the retail podium has a large massing placed onthe plot that could cause a huge impact on the city. Therefore, reducing thesense of oppression brought by its mega-structure to the city is one of thebiggest challenges in this project. At the same time, how to deal with the split narrowplots to design them into a unified project is another tough difficulty. 高层商业的巨构体量 Mas sing of high-level retail podium 在多轮设计研究与沟通下,Aedas董事陈玉莹提出“山水·街市”的总体设计理念——如同于花都山水田园间的街市般, 以“上碎下整”整体造型的设计策略 、 “Mall+街”的空间形式减少对城市压迫感,创造高低区的多首层空间 ,以形成具有相对平缓、舒适及宜人场所的造型体量。 Underthe overall concept of street market within the nature, the team creates amixed-use destination embraced by mountains and rivers, echoing the landscaperesources in Guangzhou. Aedas Director Fiona Chen shared the design inspiration, “The project isbased on the shape of solid lower part and fragment upper part, by merging theshopping podium and retail street to reduce the massing’s oppression and create amulti-layered space.” “上碎下整”整体造型 The shape of solid lower part and fragment upper part 高区尺度宜人的“街市”场所 A communal “market” space 在此基础上将架空层进行错位以过渡上下关系,使局部空间上下渗透,以层层退台和多级路径打造开放的公共空间。 面对两地块的分割性难题,设计团队创造性地引入整体大气的屋顶飘带,以一气呵成的形态将两侧地块连接在一起, 提供给城市独特的地标形象。 屋顶飘带在解决上方体量过碎的同时为市民打造空中观景平台及跑步健身场所,以开放的姿态拥抱这座城市。 The cascading podium has enhancedthe porosity by staggeringup and down the empty open floor to blur the boundary between the two verticalparts, and optimized the connectivity of public space through retreating terracesand stairs. In order to stitch the plots, the design uses the floating roof todominate the overall project, which forms a unique urban iconic. The roofstructure while avoiding the fragmented volumeabove, also provides a sky deck and sports facility for the citizens, showing agreat friendly attitude to the city. 屋顶飘带一气呵成、统领全局 A rooftop corridor stitches the plots and functions 飘带下的层层退台营造活力公共空间 A cascading podium underneath the sky corridor 屋顶飘 带之上是引入三星级酒店的100米塔楼。在裙房空间层级较丰富的情况下,设计采取以纯粹体量呼应设计整体。塔楼以简洁的形象与下方裙房丰富的体量相得益彰,共同形成地块和谐统一的建筑形象。 There is the three-star hotel tower above the floating roof, which isadopted pure geometric shape to echo the overall design. The clean image of thetower complements the rich volume of the podium, together forming a harmoniousand unified architectural image of the site. 塔楼与裙房形成和谐统一的建筑形象 Integrating the tower andpodium to form a unified image 在项目推进与深化中,设计团队尤其注重多元尺度空间的塑造,以包容不同人群的多元空间和传统社交的场景意向传递新时代的商业价值。 纪达夫认为,花都区以往饱含了“田涧”“塘池”“农耕”“街坊”等充满记忆画面的场所,这些有趣的空间特质应在项目中保留,并以设计之力赋予其新内涵。 基于此,团队以朴实的“市集”为特色与场地进行对话,以与市井生活息息相关的 “街-巷-院-场-台”为特色凸显空间之多元、商业之万象 。 Duringthe progress of the design, the team has put a great emphasis on shaping amulti-scale space to cater for different target groups by traditional socialscenario in a modern retail space. “Th ere were lots of interesting localcharacteristics that should be preserved in the project, so we have adopted thetraditional context to create a vibrant retail environment with localfeatures.” said Aedas Founder and Global Principal Designer Keith Griffiths. Basedon such great vision, the team revitalized the area with an open layoutconsisting of alleys, courtyards, street, ground and terrace to highlightthe diversity of space and enhance the prosperity of retail. 多元尺度的场所营造策略 A placemaking and diverse layout 极具包含性的多元商业空间 A multi-dimensional retail space 以架空层的商业中庭为例,设计团队将其塑造成如同传统院子般的社交场所,同时置入球体空间以引发人们 对“内外”空间界面探索的趣味性与故事性 。该异质球体空间模糊了室内外空间界面,仿佛“时光隧道”,形成既内又外的趣味场所。 The commercial atrium on the empty openfloor creates a spacious communal space as a traditional social courtyard, whichconnects the sunken plaza with unique spatial experience. It blurs theexterior-interior boundary that facilitates circulation and injects vibrancy tothe space. 中 庭社交场所“时光隧道” Spacetunnel courtyard 如何适应岭南地区炎热多雨的地域气候性是项目设计的另一重要研究要点。设计通过流畅的屋顶飘带打造“大榕树下”的遮阴效果,也顺应广州夏季风的通风廊道,形成良好的风环境。同时项目借用当地传统建筑开敞空间的营造手法, 通过控制建筑尺度,打造巷道空间, 从而形成“冷巷拔风”的通风效果 ;再通过理水降温的理念,与周围绿地公园一体化打造,从而形成舒适宜人的微气候环境。 Inresponse to the hot and rainy weather conditions in the Lingnan region, thefloating roof structure creates a shading effect as that under the big banyan tree,and also conforms to the ventilation corridors of the summer wind in Guangzhou,forming a good wind environment for the project. At the same time, inspired by the local constructionstrategic, a comfortable and pleasant microclimate environment is formedthrough the public space in different scale, water treatment and green garden. 适应当地气候性的场所营造策略 Design approach in response to the local climate 飘带之下一体化的景观柱如同枝繁叶茂的大榕树枝,结合极具未来科技感的镜面不锈钢材质,反射出多面城市景观,成为该项目的点睛之笔。 Theintegrated landscape column under the floating roof as a luxuriant branches ofbig banyan tree, reflects the multi-faceted urban context by the mirrorstainless steel material, which makes it become the finishing touch of theproject. 飘带之下一体化设计的景观柱 The integrated landscape column “面向未来的镜湖大道综合体如同注入文化内涵的空间容器,以极大的包容性为大众提供交往、体验、休憩和运动等场所,以极强的本土地域性成为民众茶余饭后的好去处,这些生活中朴实的传统社交场景,将为花都区塑造历久弥新的商业地标。” 纪达夫如是说。 “The newdestination will become a cultural-retail hub complemented with ecology,leisure and sports amenities. It enhances the value of commercial and society with great inclusivenessand strong local characteristics. The simple but significant traditional socialimage in life will create a timeless urban living room in Huadu District.”said Keith Griffiths. 位置 :中国广州 总体规划、设计及项目建筑师 :Aedas 业主 : 广州红润置业发展中心(有限合伙) 建筑面积 : 82,333.70平方米 竣工年份 :2025年 主要设计人 : 陈玉莹,董事; 纪达夫(Keith Griffiths) 创始人及全球首席设计师
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