土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 结构新鲜事 \ 多层办公:大型木桁架结构设计


发布于:2022-12-01 17:02:01 来自:建筑结构/结构新鲜事 [复制转发]

柏林EDGE Suedkreuz的七层办公大楼是采用以可持续方式建造的。两座独立建筑中较大的一座占地约20000平方米,是德国木材混合建筑。德国可持续建筑委员会(DGNB)在2022年将该项目认证为德国最可持续的建筑。

The seven-story office complex EDGE Suedkreuz Berlin was built sustainably using a modular timber hybrid construction method. The larger of the two free-standing buildings covers around 20,000 sqm of floor space, making it the largest wood-hybrid building in Germany. The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) certified the project as Germany's most sustainable building in 2022.


At the heart of the Carré, the building is a spacious, light-flooded atrium, spanned by a transparent ETFE foil roof resting on a wooden truss construction. The central eye-catchers are the four tree-like structures, graduated in height, whose platforms are connected to each other and to the office floors by filigree staircases and bridges. On the fifth floor, the Sky Lounge with its panoramic facade and outdoor terrace opens up to the atrium. Wood is visibly present in all interior areas of the building.

在建筑施工中,重点是尽可能地减少二氧化碳排放量和建筑群的重量,并根据 "从摇篮到摇篮 "的原则,使用可以回收的可持续材料。该项目已在Madaster数据库中注册,并有一个材料护照,使所使用的材料能够被重新使用和回收。


In the construction of the buildings, the focus was on reducing the CO2 footprint and the weight of the complex as much as possible, and on using sustainable materials that can be recycled according to the cradle-to-cradle principle. The project is registered in the Madaster database and has a material passport that enables the materials used to be reused and recycled. Due to an approx. 50% saving of reinforced concrete compared to conventional in-situ concrete construction, the construction-related CO2 footprint of the ensemble is correspondingly lower. Industrial pre-production (also of the lightweight facades) and the use of wood were essential building blocks. A low construction weight, shorter shell construction times, high planning and cost security, and long durability are further advantages of this construction.


The facades are constructed in an even grid of weather-resistant glass-fiber concrete panels that weigh only 30 kg per sqm. They are approx. 80% recyclable and have a decarbonizing effect due to their special surface structure.


With an extensive deconstruction concept, the issue of circularity was integrated into the planning at a very early stage. The flexibility and reusability of the building are ensured, among other things, by avoiding load-bearing interior walls, a room height of at least 3 m, a well-thought-out arrangement of the staircases, and the zoning of the technical building equipment. The office floor plans are based on a flexible, modular grid.


The four main pillars of the building's energy supply are sufficiency, efficiency, combined heat and power, and load management. In the process, conditions were created to sensitize the users to a conscious, efficient use of energy. The office spaces are air-conditioned by suspended smart ceilings. A sufficient amount of daylight in the offices minimizes the need for artificial lighting.

办公区以及相关的辅助区和流通区都是无障碍的,所有的室外区域也都设计成无障碍的。柏林EDGE Suedkreuz获得了DGNB白金证书,其得分是德国有史以来最高的95.4%。此外,由于其出色的设计和建筑质量,该建筑群还获得了DGNB钻石认证。同时还在争取获得WELL v2白金认证。

The office areas as well as the associated ancillary and circulation areas are barrier-free, and all outdoor areas are also designed to be accessible. EDGE Suedkreuz Berlin received the DGNB Platinum certificate with the highest sc     ore ever achieved in Germany of 95.4%. In addition, the ensemble was certified with DGNB Diamond for its outstanding design and architectural quality. WELL v2 Platinum certification is also being pursued.

建筑师:Tchoban Voss Architekten
面积:32000 m2

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    阿巅2019 板凳


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11月17日,住建部发布国家标准《建筑与市政施工现场安全卫生与职业健康通用规范》,自2023年6月1日起实施,同时废止118项工程建设标准相关强制性条文。   现批准《建筑与市政施工现场安全卫生与职业健康通用规范》为国家标准,编号为GB 55034-2022,


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