土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 基于共享居住的理念 | 巴厘岛·The Founder共享居住空间

基于共享居住的理念 | 巴厘岛·The Founder共享居住空间

发布于:2022-12-01 09:05:01 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]



Located in the center of Ubud, Bali. The vision of Clan Living was to create a new model of micro living where the entrepreneur finds their own space for private living as well as places to work, share ideas and gather with others.


Designed from the existing structural building, Ruang Nyaman created the curved bamboo facades as the protagonist material, combining with other natural materials such as natural stones, coffee branches, wood to react and enhance the cultural context of this site, and developed with sustainable considerations. For the facade, arch shaped bamboo conveys the sense of flexibility towards the digital nomads era of working. Using a secondary skin facade that is arranged in a hollow and with enlarged shape on top of it, as a natural response to the surrounding environment, from visibility to sun exposure.



The communal area is set with a massive bamboo roof, spanning two levels with a wooden ramp connecting the two floors. On the upper level, they can work and enjoy the work while enjoying the pool view and curves pattern calming the eyes, evoking a soothing atmosphere. The ground level boosts interactions and gathering while soaking their feets under water. In addition to the communal space, it features a fully equipped kitchen and pantry as they gather and share.



The private areas were built with 3 floor levels, ensuring each level has a different experience. The ground level includes a big terrace with arranged coffee branches as the lounge chair, with direct access to the pool. Second level was built with the same coffee branches, in addition giving the hanging nets as a hammock as the focal point to give a different way to experiencing the balcony. And the third floor features a long work stool table with exciting views towards its surroundings. The interior design uses a mezzanine system with a unique staircase to connect the living room and bedroom. They are all designed to maximize the user’s sense of comfort, combining work and vacation.






The Clan Living will grow throughout time, and make it a strong foundation in understanding spaces through new ways of view to achieve a new perspective of a good living space, as we create and build today for tomorrow's living.





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共青森林公园位于上海市杨浦区,东濒黄浦江,西临军工路,全园总占地1965亩。公园本来是黄浦江边的滩涂沼泽,1956年上海市政府疏浚河道开垦荒地后辟为苗圃。 1958年春团中央书记胡耀邦带领在上海开会的全国青年积极分子栽植果树。在圃内建立了青春实验果园,取名为共青苗圃,共青森林公园得名于此。 该园是以森林为主要景观的特色公园,共种植200余种树木,总数达30多万株。公园分为南北两园,北园占地1631亩称为共青森林公园,南园占地239.6亩称为万竹园。南北园风格各异,北园着重森林景色,有丘陵湖泊草地,南园则小桥流水一派南国风光。


经验值 +10