学校综合体:校舍,体育馆——两个功能两个功能,两个大厅,一个集合体。 新校舍和双运动馆是两个独立的体量,扩展了Weissenstein学校综合体的功能。它们为学校和社区定义了一个新的学校操场和活动空间。新建筑的外墙采用了整个建筑群中使用的浅色熟料砖,但采用了拉伸和佛兰德邦德的方式铺设。 Two functions, two halls, one ensemble. The new schoolhouse and double sports hall are two independent volumes that extend the ensemble of Weissenstein school complex. They define a new school yard and events space for the school and the community. The facades of the new buildings adopt the light-coloured clinker brick used throughout the complex but laid in a stretcher and Flemish bond.
经验值 +10
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只看楼主 我来说两句抢沙发