Modern enterprise office headquarters, through science and technology, such as instant messaging software, the work closely adjacent between employees, but at the same time the direct contact between employees is rare, dull, indifference is a common way to describe the relationship between company staff, so create innovation and interactive office atmosphere, is the main work we face.Huaxia Star culture communication enterprises hope that designers will create a new space for the characteristics to strengthen communication and open interactive mode of Internet enterprises.This case strives to reflect the Internet office communication enterprise open, inclusive, innovative office environment, the entrance of the ground using the Spanish style of design and color porcelain, smallpox using wood veneer, the front desk with large plate plate white paint, with stainless steel advertising screws, advertising words and advertising light box, the front desk unique modeling design, makes the space give a person clean, soft with just, unique impression.
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大诺营造:白色盒子里的绿洲!建筑坐落于章江畔,与生态绿意相伴。其原身为营销中心,今由中博集团委托我们对其进行设计,业主希望新总部的设计符合当下主流审美,避开同质化;纯粹且蕴含生机,以全新的企业面貌迎接新的开端。 Zaha Hadid将空间比喻为一个“白盒子”,以此给予空间最大的可塑性。 本案以“白盒子”为伊始,将一切归零,以内建筑的手法、匀质的材料、灵活的线条并以方寸自然,述说简练纯粹空间语言,塑造一个美感与功能共融,商务、办公、展示多维一体的新型办公空间。
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