土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 公共建筑设计 \ 可开放幼儿园


发布于:2022-10-10 10:12:10 来自:建筑设计/公共建筑设计 [复制转发]

转自公众号:非常建筑 FCJZ

鸟瞰-Bird's eye view?田方方

Kindergarten in a Community

Open Kindergarten is a part of the amenities for the Daniufang housing community for relocated population. Completed in July 2021, with a site area of 4,300 square meters, this facility will accommodate 12 classes of 360 children.  

从活动场看幼儿园-View of the kindergarten from the playground?田方方

每个班级教室有两个朝向的采光为室内带来充沛的阳光-Every class unit has two sides facing the sun to bring in plenty of daylight?田方方

楼翼间的弧形半室外阳台-Curved semi outdoor balcony between the wings?田方方

住宅区一侧采用实墙和镂空圆孔墙的组合以减少相互干扰-On the side facing the residential area, a combination of solid walls and perforated concrete blocks are used to reduce interference?田方方

Why Open?

Without being confined in their own classrooms only, children need space shared between different classes and levels for collective activities that will help them develop their social abilities and learn to be members of a community from an early age.

可开放的班级单元,共享楼层公共空间-Open class units and sharing the floor public space?FCJZ

Master Plan

The south side of the project site is next to a street, the east and north sides are surrounded by high-rise residential buildings of the Daniufang community, and the west side, apart from more high-rise residential buildings will be a public green space to be built in the future. The site is enclosed by residential areas, with strict requirements on various set-backs. Therefore, we arranged the building programs in a fan-shaped layout, with the children's living space facing the direction of the public green space with optimal sunshine. The auxiliary rooms are facing the relatively quiet east and north. Meanwhile, the roof is used as a green area to supplement the deficiency of the ground green space. A terraced amphitheater on the roof brings natural light from the south to the multi-activity room on the north side.

主入口-Main entrance?田方方

主入口内的楼梯-Stairs inside the main entrance?田方方

镂空圆孔墙面为半室外阳台营造出有趣的光影变化 The perforated concrete block wall creates interesting light and shadows for the semi outdoor balcony?田方方

Floor Plans

Out of considerations of class size, safety, and health, the conventional kindergarten design typically adopts the closed class unit model. However, this kind of design is often not conducive to the comprehensive growth of children's bodies and minds. Our goal is to turn an entire floor into the live/activity area for every child.

围绕中庭排布的班级单元 Class units arranged around an atrium?田方方

闭合的班级隔断门 Closed class partition doors?田方方
On each floor, rooms are arranged around a central public space, onto which the class units can open with a series of partition-doors. When the weather is not agreeable, a whole floor can be fully opened and becomes a singular large room. Inside a class unit, auxiliary rooms are also open to the extent the usage would allow and the midday nap area is integrated into the activity space.

打开的班级隔断门 Opened class partition doors?田方方

三层共享活动空间 Shared activity space on the third floor?田方方

The public space in the middle of the floor has a free plan with an atrium, a skylight above, and a multifunctional staircase that doubles as a small theater. Children are here to talk, play, perform, etc., developing their sense of community and social awareness at the same time.

中庭天窗 The atrium skylight?田方方

屋顶上的阶梯剧场 The terraced amphitheater on the roof?田方方

孩子们可以坐在露天阶梯上观看“小剧场”的表演和活动-Children can sit on the outdoor steps watching performances and activities in the small theater?田方方


The kindergarten consists of three floors. The windows of the twelve living units are distributed according to daylight conditions offering each room the best results in terms of daylight and orientation while creating a sense of formal rhythm on the building facades.

从三层中庭俯瞰一层共享活动空间 The third floor atrium overlooks the ground floor public space?田方方

三层开放的多功能厅可兼做小剧场 The open multi activity room on the third floor can be used as a small theater?田方方

The kindergarten's six volumes are all connected by semi-outdoor curvilinear balconies, for their enclosure, we chose a round hollow-out concrete block to bring rich light and shadows to the interior.

弧形的半室外阳台成为活动室间的柔性连接-The curved semi outdoor balcony becomes a flexible connection between the wings?田方方

通过外遮阳帘减少西晒-Reduce excessive sunlighting through external shades?田方方



项目信息 Project Info
客户 Client: 北京市海淀区教委Education Committee of Beijing Haidian District
地点 Location: 北京市海淀区Haidian District, Beijing
项目主持设计 Principal Architect: 张永和Yung Ho Chang
项目团队 Project Team: 梁小宁,桞超,张鹤Liang Xiaoning, Liu Chao, Zhang He
设计合作 Collaboration: 北京维拓时代建筑设计股份有限公司Beijing Victory Star Architectural & Civil Engineering Design CO., LTD.
基地面积 Site Area:4300m2
建筑面积 Building Area: 4980m2
建筑高度 Building Height: 12.9m
建筑结构 Structure: 钢筋混凝土结构Reinforced concrete structure
设计周期 Design Period: 2019 ~2020
建造时间 Build Time:2020~2021
竣工时间 Completion Time: 2021

  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发


    2022-10-10 12:05:10

    回复 举报



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南京市秦淮区宜家南侧地块建设项目(by 东南大学建筑设计研究院)

西南全景 背 景 宜家南侧地块具有本世纪初以来中国城市跃进拓展时代的典型特征:用地由低效向高价值转型,以及由高架道路分割而成的碎片化的城市结构。基地区位处于进出南京的南门户地段,卡子门高架、宁宣高速将其与老城区及南京南站相连接,并延伸至城市南端的禄口国际机场,在宏观的城市层面处于重要的城市交通战略节点;中观区域上又位于依托大校场军用机场搬迁后所留用地而进行开发的南部新城,以及南京老城南这一新老城区交界的过渡地段——后者也因临近秦淮河与雨花台烈士陵园等传统历史文化景观区而闻名;在微观的街区层面,西侧紧邻卡子门高架道路,西北侧为卡子门世纪广场这一南京南门户标志,南、北又分别毗邻宜家家居与红星美凯龙两个大盒子仓储超市,东侧贴临城市绿廊与春天家园住宅小区。此外,本案还面临着不规则且局促的用地形状、高达10余米的场地高差等复杂的设计挑战。


经验值 +10