土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ 总部办公建筑:椭圆形设计,透明式立面


发布于:2022-09-27 15:33:27 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]

由合伙人Shohei Shigematsu和Jacobs领导的建筑事务所OMA公布了伊利诺伊大学系统的一部分Discovery Partners Institute的新总部设计。该建筑计划在芝加哥河沿岸的“ 78 ”建立一个创新区。这座八层高的建筑位于 Loop 西南 1 英亩的土地上,将为 DPI 及其大学和行业合作伙伴提供超过 200,000 平方英尺的办公室、教室、实验室和活动空间。

Architecture offices OMA, led by Partner Shohei Shigematsu, and Jacobs have unveiled the design for the new headquarters for the Discovery Partners Institute, part of the University of Illinois System. The building is planned to anchor an innovation district at “The 78”, along the Chicago River. The eight-story building, located on a one-acre site southwest of the Loop, will provide more than 200,000 square feet of office, classroom, lab, and event space for DPI and its university and industry partners.

DPI 在不同的社区中培养研究、学习和创新的机会,需要一种能够适应其项目持续增长的架构。我们想提供一个促进跨学科互动和实验的建筑。程序被组织以最大限度地提高效率和融合的潜力,并且围绕中心碰撞区域配置了多样化的布局。柔软、透明的形式和公共底层为社区提供了对建筑及其网络的公开邀请。- Shohei Shigematsu,OMA合伙人

DPI cultivates opportunities for research, learning, and innovation in diverse communities, requiring an architecture that adapts to the continued growth of its programs. We wanted to provide a building that fosters interdisciplinary interaction and experimentation. Programs are organized to maximize efficiency and the potential to converge, and variegated layouts are configured around a central zone of collisions. A soft, transparent form and public ground floor offer an open invitation for the community to the building and its network. - Shohei Shigematsu, OMA Partner

该建筑以多方向的方式设计,对任何特定方向都是公正的,以便与周围所有社区建立牢固的联系,吸引来自四面八方的社区,并向芝加哥河开放。位于第 15 街和 Wells-Wentworth 的入口处将标有 Richard Hunt 的雕塑。一楼被设想为公众共享空间,配有咖啡厅、礼堂、展览和多功能空间。

The building is designed in a multi-directional manner, impartial to any specific direction, in order to create strong connections with all surrounding neighborhoods, engage communities from all sides, and open up toward the Chicago River. The entrance located at 15th Street and Wells-Wentworth will be marked by a sculpture by Richard Hunt. The ground floor is conceived as a shared space for the public, complete with a café, auditorium, exhibition and multifunctional spaces.

面积:200,000 平方英尺

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