土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ 极简现代,多层办公:90×90米方形布局


发布于:2022-09-26 09:08:26 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]

Zara.com 大楼为Arteixo的 Inditex 综合大楼增加了 63.184 平方米,新的体量提供了以垂直度为特征的清醒形象。他们的工作空间的配置为公司带来了必要的灵活性,这要归功于获得更好环境质量的大自由高度和宽敞的休息区,视野和自然光。一座获得 LEED 白金可持续性认证的高效建筑。

The Zara.com building adds 63.184 m2 to the Inditex complex in Arteixo with a new volume that provides a sober image characterized by verticality. The configuration of their workspaces generates the necessary flexibility for the firm, thanks to large free heights that obtain a better environmental quality and spacious rest areas, with views and natural light. A highly efficient building that achieves LEED Platinum sustainability certification.

新的 Inditex 扩建遵循了综合体近期发展的战略,该综合体基于独立的体量,为有植被的人们开发和整合户外空间,创造健康的环境,从而为不同的建筑提供更好的自然照明条件和通风。

The new Inditex expansion follows the strategy of the recent growth of the complex based on independent volumes that develop and incorporate outdoor spaces for people with the presence of vegetation, generating healthy environments that in turn allow the different buildings to be provided with better lighting conditions natural and ventilation.

与新建筑的连接是通过一条新的人行道产生的,该人行道完成了一个大型的内部连接轴,并允许按照前几个阶段的逻辑以一种可访问且非常直观的方式进入新建筑。新建筑由 5 层 90×90 m 组成,被组织成两个大型自由高度的工作空间,辅以位于一侧和工厂中心的支持和服务空间。这种配置允许产生必要的灵活性,以适应公司当前和未来的不同需求。

The connection with the new building is generated through a new walkway that completes a large internal connection axis and will allow access to the new building in an accessible and very intuitive way, following the logic of the previous phases. The new building consists of 5 floors of 90×90 m, which are organized into two large free-height work spaces complemented by support and service spaces located on one side and in the center of the plant. This configuration allows generating the necessary flexibility to adapt to different present and future needs of the company.


The fa?ade system solves, by means of large 4.8-meter high high-efficiency glass modules, the interior lighting of the workspaces and incorporates the structural pillars in the space between modules, freeing the interior spaces from pillars close to the fa?ade. and increasing the sensation of space and natural light. Incorporating the mass of the pillars into the outer skin improves the building’s thermal insulation and reduces its energy demand.


By finishing the fa?ade and the roof in light colors, the building manages to capture less heat by limiting the increase in ambient temperature due to the heating of the buildings, also known as the “cool island” effect. The repetition of the window modules generates a sober and elegant exterior image of the building characterized by verticality. The commitment to the white color gives depth, contrast and luminosity to the building.

为了更好的内部连接,五层楼通过宽楼梯连接,促进建筑物内的健康流动。主楼梯由一个 32 米高的大型垂直中庭发展而来,充满自然光。使用自然光生成舒适的楼梯并将其放置在可见空间中的事实鼓励了它们的使用,从而促进了人们的福祉,减少了电梯的使用和相应的能源消耗。

For a better internal connection, the five floors are connected by wide staircases, promoting healthy mobility within the building. The main staircase develops from a large 32-meter-high vertical atrium flooded with natural light. The fact of generating comfortable stairs, with natural light and placing them in visible spaces encourages their use and therefore the well-being of people, reducing the use of elevators and their corresponding energy consumption.

某些楼层高达 6 米的巨大内部自由高度允许每立方米的人员集中度较低。这一事实与过滤有害颗粒的空气更新系统一起,保证了在非常低密度的环境中提供高质量的室内空气。

The great interior free heights of up to 6 meters high on some floors allow a lower concentration of people per m3. This fact, together with air renewal systems that filter harmful particles, guarantees a high quality of indoor air in a very low-density environment.


All the new outdoor spaces have been pacified to allow them to be used and enjoyed by people, contributing to de-densification and the generation of alternative environments for meeting, gathering and rest. In a   ddition, each of the floors has spacious cafeteria and rest areas with large windows.


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