土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ 极简框架立面,大学研究中心


发布于:2022-09-23 10:02:23 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]


The enclosed campus paradigm of Tel Aviv University is challenged for the first time in 34 years (second only to the Tel Aviv university art gallery opened in 1988) as a new building re-connects the city and the campus. The building, designed by PEZ in collaboration with Zarhy Architects, houses both R&D Center for a worldwide leading semiconductor company together with the Tel Aviv University Engineering Faculty, creating a unique meeting point for academia and industry.


Located on a prominent site on the hillside, The building changes the landscape of Tel Aviv’s main highway. It takes advantage of the site’s height elevation difference in order to create a diverse, accessible, and animated urban fa?ade. Its open ground floor showcases learning spaces, lobby, and cafeteria and allows direct entry to the building from the city streets. A new generation of research buildings is introduced, abandoning the idea of academia as an enclosed and detached Ivory Tower and connecting it to the vibrant Tel Aviv urban life.


The building re-invents the idea of architectural flexibility by creating an exoskeleton, liberating the interior spaces from structural elements, and enabling endless layout possibilities. This exoskeleton consists of structural elements and an innovative sun-shading system, which re-interprets the brutalist brise-soleil tradition on campus in a contemporary manner, creating a striking architectural identity. Inside the flexible framework, a series of social spaces are created to encourage informal meetings, collaborations, and ultimately innovation. It is a new model of a research building – simple, efficient on one hand, and iconic on the other hand.

PEZ 是一家位于瑞士巴塞尔和以色列特拉维夫的国际建筑工作室。它由 Pedro Pe?a Jurado 和 Daniel Zarhy 创立,作为他们在 Herzog & De Meuron 工作期间持续合作的延续。该工作室目前参与了众多国际项目,并获得了许多国际奖项和奖项。

PEZ is an international architecture studio based in Basel, Switzerland, and Tel-Aviv, Israel. It was established by Pedro Pe?a Jurado and Daniel Zarhy as a continuation of their ongoing collaboration while working at Herz     og & De Meuron. The studio is currently involved in numerous international projects and has won many international prizes and awards.

建筑师:Studio PEZ , Zarhy Architects

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武汉湖光序曲酒店建筑设计方案 湖北建艺风工程设计 今年四月,为推动武汉东湖城市生态绿心高质量发展,相关单位面向国内外优秀建筑设计机构公开征集湖光序曲酒店建筑设计方案,本案为入选六家方案之一。 项目地块位于武汉东湖风景名胜区渔光景区内,周边包含丰富的景观资源,是东湖绿道起点处的门户区域。建筑共地上四层地下两层,顶部设有巨大遮阳观景平台及露天无边泳池,可以做到零距离“观园、观林、观湖”的独特体验。


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