图片 Image: ?MVRDV
Located at the Changhua Coastal Industrial Park, near to Taichung, the building’s primary purpose is for the storage and maintenance of sustainable energy equipment
MVRDV 揭晓了为台湾电力股份有限公司设计的「Sun Rock 光能之石」离岸风力发电厂运维中心,包含办公室、维修工厂、存储空间和公共展厅的方案。呼应企业对于绿色转型的决心,「光能之石」运维中心的设计致力于如何将太阳能发电效率最大化,从建筑形态到立面造型都直接反映了这一愿景。因此,“光能之石”也是一份向公众传达台电企业目标的“建筑宣言”。
MVRDV has revealed Sun Rock, an operations containing offices, a maintenance workshop, storage spaces, and a public gallery for Taiwan’s government-owned power company Taipower. Anticipating the company's planned transition to green energy, the features of the Sun Rock building, from its shape to its fa?ade, are focused upon generating solar energy as efficiently as possible. The building therefore acts as a definitive statement of intention, and a “manifesto in a building” to communicate Taipower’s goals to the public.
图片 Image: ? MVRDV
Anticipating the company's planned transition to green energy, the features of the Sun Rock building are focused upon generating solar energy as efficiently as possible
Located at the Changhua Coastal Industrial Park, near to Taichung, the building’s primary purpose is for the storage and maintenance of sustainable energy equipment. The site for Taipower’s new facility receives a significant amount of solar exposure throughout the year, and so the rounded shape of Sun Rock is designed to maximise how much of that sunlight can be harnessed for energy. On the southern side, the building slopes gently downwards, creating a large surface area that directly faces the sun during the middle of the day. At the northern end, the domed shape maximises the area of the building exposed to the sun.
图片 Image: ? MVRDV
MVRDV设计了横向“折叠”的立面,以最大化地吸收太阳能,折面上附着光伏电池板(必要时可与窗户搭配混合),且折叠的角度也都进行了最优化调整,充分发挥太阳能板的发电潜力。基于此,建筑可以承载4,000平方米以上的光伏面板,每年可产生近100万千瓦时的绿色能源——相当于燃烧 85 吨原油所产生的能量——使大楼能够完全实现能源的自给自足。MVRDV正在细化设计方案,预计将增加更大面积的光伏电池板,每年可产生高达170 万千瓦时的电力,除了支持建筑本身的运营用电,也为台电公司的电网提供能源。
The fa?ade maximises this solar potential with a series of pleats, which support photovoltaic panels (mixed in with windows, where required) on their upper surface. The angle of these pleats is adjusted on all parts of the fa?ade to maximise the energy-generating potential of the solar panels. As a result of these measures, the building can support at least 4,000 square metres of PV panels that would generate almost 1 million kilowatt-hours of clean energy per year – an amount of energy equivalent to burning 85 tonnes of crude oil – and making the building completely self-sufficient. Further design options are under consideration that would add an even larger area of PV panels, with calculations showing the building could generate up to 1.7 millionk Wh annually to contribute energy to the grid.
图片 Image: ? MVRDV
MVRDV创始合伙人Winy Maas 说: “ 我们的目标,是让我们所有的项目都具有可持续性,然而台电运维中心则具有更加独特而迷人的挑战之处,它的设计需要满足一个非常明确的重点,将可持续建筑中的绿色能源推向极致。这是一个完全数据导向的设计。当数据分析成为设计的决定性因素时,产生的结果总是很有趣。 ”
“We aim to make all o four projects sustainable, but this project provided a unique and fascinating challenge”, says MVRDV founding partner Winy Maas. “The design required a hyper-specific focus, pushing the boundaries of one component of architectural sustainability – green energy – to its absolute limit. As a result, our designis completely data-driven. It’s always fun to see the results when you let analysis be the determining part of the design.”
图片 Image: ? MVRDV
At the heart of the building is the Data Room, a soaring atrium with real-time displays of data about Taipower’s operations
At the heart of the building is the Data Room, a soaring atrium with real-time displays of data about Taipower’s operations and the amount of renewable energy the company generates. On the first floor, a gallery space provides a view onto the maintenance workshop, allowing the public an up-close look at the machines that make sustainable energy possible, from solar panels to massive wind turbine blades. A further gallery for exhibitions is included on the top floor, while at roof level, under the shelter of a dome of solar panels, is a terrace complete with trees for both visitors and Taipower employees to relax.
图片 Image: ? MVRDV
A gallery space provides a view onto the maintenance workshop, allowing the public an up-close look at the machines that make sustainable energy possible
可持续能源发电为 「光能之石」 在工厂营运和维护的基本功能之外赋予了更多的意义;设计巧妙地将建筑的实用空间与一系列展览空间相结合。因此,它也将成为台电公司向公众展示其对绿色未来愿景的媒介与平台。
The sustainable energy-generating features of Sun Rock make the building more than simply an operations and maintenance facility; the design cleverly combines the building’s utilitarian spaces with aseries of gallery spaces. The building is thus also an important communication tool for Taipower to publicly show their ambitions for a greener future.
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