项目名称:越南FPT大学行政楼设计(The administration building of FPT University)
设计单位:VTN Architects (Vo Trong Nghia Architects)
主创设计师:Vo Trong Nghia
合作设计师:Vu Hai
设计团队:Ngo Thuy Duong, Tran Mai Phuong
室内设计:Group 8 Asia
建筑总面积:11065 ㎡
摄影师:Hiroyuki Oki, Hoang Le
The FPT Technology building is part of the first stage of a larger master plan to convert the university to a globally competitive environmentally conscious university. The building acts as a gateway to the campus and the green fa?ade clearly dictates the future direction of the campus. Since FPT University offers Information Technology (IT)-related courses, the campus is designed to maintain a healthy balance between physical and virtual environment, as well as to improve our relationship with nature. As the building is the first stage of the expanding university it has been designed to be adaptable in it program to accommodate the varying programmatic requirements of the future.
This University is situated in an area of Vietnam that experiences frequent energy shortages. Passive design is employed to reduce the buildings dependence on active systems so that during blackouts the building is able to function on minimal generated backup power. A shallow plan allows copious natural light into the building reducing the need for artificial lighting. The trees within each window opening operating as a green skin to reduce direct heat transfer through the windows. The building is orientated to the prevailing breezes and employs cross ventilation for cooling. The green skin of trees and adjacent lake help to reduce the air temperature.
The fa?ade has been designed as simple modules that express the simplicity of the sustainable design. The structure is built out of affordable concrete construction, the standardized modules allow higher quality finish to be achieved together with economical time.
The increased urbanization and densification of Vietnamese cities are having a large impact on urban vegetation and what was once the urban population’s strong connection with the environment. Due to current situation, the building design ensures that the students are exposed to greenery and maintain the connection with nature even when they are away from home. The trees in each room and outdoor gardens allow a constant connection with nature. And there are also trees beside open spaces with void, students use these space freely. Landscape is also integrated at the top of the building to form a public stepped garden for the students and staff members. This connection helps raise awareness of the environment through the constant reference and experience of the benefits of a sustainable passively designed building.
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深圳云海学校项目名称:深圳云海学校 项目地点:广东省深圳市盐田区 用地面积:30200 ㎡ 建筑面积:30800 ㎡ 建设单位:深圳市盐田区政府投资项目前期工作办公室 使用单位:深圳市盐田区教育局 设计单位:深圳市欧博工程设计顾问有限公司(设计总包) 设计建设周期:2013 年-2019 年 摄影师:胡明俊 深圳云海学校位于盐田后方陆域西南片区梧桐山上,东南面是蜿蜒的盐田海岸线,享有背山面海的优越景观资源的同时,设计需要解决场地内复杂的地形与高差。盐田作为广东省教育强区,随着近年来居住区的发展建设和人口数量的快速提升,盐田更加注重基础教育设施的管理建设。这所九年一贯制学校,容纳了24 个小学班级和12 个中学班级,高密度的建筑体量及复合的功能被高效有机地整合在一起,以简洁、克制的建筑表达,创造多层次的室外空间,来应对场地内外的复杂现状。学校整体布局清晰且高效,以局部架空的手法整合场地高程。主入口位于北侧中青路,入口正对一栋体量方正的行政楼,其底层架空,为入口区域提供了开阔的视野和良好的通风环境。一个大台阶将学生们引导至这个半室外的平台。这个平台整合了学校内部主要的几条动线,有效组织了通往行政楼、南侧教学楼实验楼区域及东侧食堂及职工宿舍楼的交通。
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