土木在线论坛 \ 建筑设计 \ 居住建筑设计 \ 特色住宅:美国“管状形”外立面综合体


发布于:2022-09-20 10:23:20 来自:建筑设计/居住建筑设计 [复制转发]





总部位于纽约的建筑和设计工作室ODA前往阳光明媚的佛罗里达州,展示其位于劳德代尔堡的最新住宅公寓项目的设计。这座豪华塔楼将在新河以南的里约维斯塔社区上空 47 层,引入 830 套公寓单元,从工作室到两居室。  


New York-based architecture and design studio ODA takes to sunny Florida, unveiling the design of its latest residential project in Fort Lauderdale. The luxury tower will rise forty-seven stories above the city’s Rio Vista neighborhood south of the New River, introducing 830 apartment units from studios to two-bedrooms.


这座由 Dependable Equities 开发的大型混合用途建筑将在 633 SE 3rd Avenue 上成型,其高耸、精致的设计在城市肌理中脱颖而出。一个带有活动人行道的大型街角广场以及底层零售空间将进一步激发街道公共领域的活力。  

Developed by Dependable Equities, the large, mixed-use building will take shape on 633 SE 3rd Avenue with an elevated, sophisticated design to stand out among the urban fabric. A large corner plaza with activated walkways along with ground floor retail space will further dynamize the public realm at the street-level.  




The design team at ODA shapes its Fort Lauderdale tower as a cluster of tubular volumes. These rounded, stepping forms are carefully composed to elegantly ease the massing of the tower as it rises. With a sleek, curved glazed facade and alternating wrap-around balconies, the architecture generates a dynamic play which breaks up the massing of the building. The project will offer its residents extensive roof-deck amenities at different levels — created by setbacks and carved double height voids — all opening outward with wide open views to the city.  


ODA 创始人兼执行董事 Eran Chen 评论说:“这种规模的建筑容纳了一个人们在他们认为是家的地方生活、工作和娱乐的社区。这种新的生活方式是由一个形状灵活的建筑形成的,创造了强大的联系,并允许多样化的活动。  

Eran Chen, Founder and Executive Director, ODA comments: ‘Buildings at this scale house a community of people who live, work, and play from what they consider home. This new lifestyle is formed by a building that is shaped to be flexible, create strong connections and allows for diverse activities.’  


ODA 的 633 SE 3rd Avenue 项目将为劳德代尔堡带来出租单元和 13,000 平方英尺的商业零售空间。塔楼将被抬高到一个裙楼之上,裙楼本身被住宅单元包裹着,这些住宅单元延续了圆形的表达方式。在这里,一个动态的三维“停车屏幕”立面进一步呼应了圆柱形塔的设计。到了晚上,停车场立面的凹形凹槽将呈现为一堵发光的、有质感的墙,增添了邻里的气氛。  

ODA’s 633 SE 3rd Avenue project will bring both rental units and 13,000 square feet of commercial retail space to Fort Lauderdale. The tower will be elevated atop a podium, itself wrapped with residential units which continue the rounded expression. Here, a dynamic three-dimensional ‘parking screen’ facade further echoes the cylindrical tower design. At night, the parking facade’s concave recesses will appear as a luminous and textural wall, adding to the neighborhood’s atmosphere.  


面积:1,099,811 平方英尺     
  • lijiawei411
    lijiawei411 沙发

    这座由 Dependable Equities 开发的大型混合用途建筑将在 633 SE 3rd Avenue 上成型,其高耸、精致的设计在城市肌理中脱颖而出。一个带有活动人行道的大型街角广场以及底层零售空间将进一步激发街道公共领域的活力。  

    2022-09-20 10:36:20

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转自公众号:内小宅   每天给你分享一个设计灵感 这个公寓位于澳大利亚墨尔本,   该房屋被称为 RaeRae House,   由建筑师    Austin Maynard 改造。


经验值 +10