土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ 简约现代,多层办公


发布于:2022-09-15 10:12:15 来自:建筑结构/混凝土结构 [复制转发]

Kv Ledvolten 位于瑞典斯德哥尔摩快速发展的新 Ulriksdal 区的中心位置。体量部分呈三角形,独立,被三边的街道和北面的广场所包围。当到达现场时,它的体积存在是突出的。三角形及其狭窄的角度与环境创造了有趣的几何关系,并赋予建筑强烈的雕塑特征。

 Kv Ledvolten is a central location in the new rapidly growing Ulriksdal district in Stockholm, Sweden. The volume is partly triangular and detached surrounded by streets on three sides and a square to the north. Its volumetric presence is prominent when arriving at the site. The triangular shape and its narrow angles create playful geometric relationships with the context and give the building a strong sculptural character.

立面。就像一座城市宫殿,它分为三个层次:浅灰色混凝土基座和木框玻璃隔断形式的入口层;“身体”由三层组成,具有重复的打开节奏;还有一个双层高的顶层,“皇冠”,为租户的社交活动提供了一个壮观的 5m 天花板高度空间。

Facade. Like a city palace, it′s divided into three orders: the entrance floor in the form of a plinth of light gray concrete and timber frame glass partitions; “the body” consisting of three floors with repetitive opening rhythm; and a double height top floor, “the crown”, that provides a spectacular 5m ceiling height space for the tenants’ social activities.


Each floor protrudes 5cm, which contributes to the building's characteristic appearance and playful volumetric character. The succession protrusions allow for a mass breakdown along the fa?ade and generate a better balance of proportion, both vertically and horizontally.


Material and color. The color was chosen in relation to the palette of the surrounding buildings. On the other hand, to distinguish the character of the intervention and emphasize its sculptural presence, a glossy finish was chosen for a touch of exclusivity. The “body” and “crown” are built from prefabricated concrete elements that are painted using a method that gives a glossy, shaded metallic finish.


The facade at ground level is characterized by the relationship between light gray concrete and timber frame glass partitions.  Extruded timber fins mark their presence and take up space, while ribbons create a finer detailing highlighting the entrance points. The recesses on the blind prefabricated concrete walls at ground level follow the proportions and rhythm of the timber-framed partitions to form a harmonious composition throughout.

细节和完整性。建筑物的组成部分,例如预制的立面元素和窗户开口都得到了合理的照顾,但也对建筑物的体积及其作为个体细节的存在进行了很好的研究。预制构件节点从属于建筑物的设计,用作立面的垂直参考,而水平节点由 5 厘米的突起形成。

Detail and integrity. The building's constituent parts such as the prefabricated fa?ade elements and window openings are rationally cared for, but also well studied in relation to the volume of the building and their presence as individual details. The prefabricated element joints are subordinate to the building's design and used as the facades’ vertical reference whereas the horizontal joints are formed by the protrusions of 5cm.

界面细节简洁明了。窗框与混凝土元素重叠,如果从外面看,这种方式是隐藏的。窗台和围裙被集成到混凝土元素中,提高了细节的清晰度和简单性。Ledvolten 通过了 BREEAM 非常好的认证。

The detailing at interfaces is simple and clear. Window frames are overlapped by the concrete elements and this way is hidden if looking from the outside. Windowsill and apron are integrated into the concrete elements promoting detail clarity and simplicity. Ledvolten is BREEAM Very Good certified.

建筑师:Gatun Architects

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    设计力求将图书馆的文化属性、场地的环境属性,及当代社会的公众属性融为一体。建筑的位置被规划在山顶的端头,根据地形高差布置在崖口处。建筑与山体融为一体,成为场地的一部分。 这样的处理既可以使图书馆具有最大的观景面,又在减少土方量的前提下最大限度的控制建筑的高度,不遮挡住宅的观海视线。


经验值 +10