土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ 办公立面:双层表皮设计


发布于:2022-09-07 10:35:07 来自:建筑结构/混凝土结构 [复制转发]


Suanphlu Office is a private office with the owner's penthouse on the top floor. It is situated next to Lao Pueng Thao Kong shrine, a historical shrine of Suanphlu’s community. The building’s main orientation faces the shrine, which is also in the west direction that receives a lot of sunlight. The neighbor becomes an important factor in the facade design. The facade design has to not only consider the view of the users on the inside and the amount of sunlight getting through the building but also be aware that this facade also serves as a backdrop for the community with the potential to reflect the harsh sunlight onto the neighboring shrine.


Due to the property size limitation, the building features concave insertions of green pocket courts, climbing from the base up the side. The pocket courtyards are continuously placed on each level alternatively from floor to floor resulting in the different layers of green views on each floor. This idea not only improves the building’s elevation aesthetics but also creates views of pocket greenery for the office spaces inside the building.


The double-skin facade is designed to protect the building from harsh sunlight, reduce the reflection on the glass facade, and encourage wind flow and ventilation. The building’s glass facade is covered by aluminum cladding to reduce the heat and the amount of sunlight entering the building, while still providing visibility to the outside through its clear, perforated, and opaque design.


The semi-gloss titanium claddings are added at different angles which results in a shadow pattern that changes throughout the day. The planes are bent at different angles to avoid harsh sunlight reflection onto the neighbors while the diagonal cuts in the design visually separate the facade into panels across the building, creating movements and adding dynamically. The facade becomes a recognizable feature that adds a unique characteristic to the project as the owner has intended and as a result, the project is able to enhance the quality of life for the users on the inside while also being considerate to the existing surrounding community.

建筑师:IDIN Architects

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为了保护环境,利用工业废渣来生产建筑材料是当下一种普遍的做法。废渣主要有粉煤灰、炼铁产生的粒化高炉矿渣、炼钢产生的钢渣等。 钢渣用在混凝土砌块或混凝土砖中,若使用不当,后果将会很严重。 因为在现行混凝土砌块或混凝土砖的国家标准中,没有关于体积安定性检测的相关技术要求。某住宅小区使用掺有钢渣的混凝土砌块建成,在施工完成5~6年后,外围护墙体出现大面积开裂现象,凿开面层发现砌块也有同样的裂缝(图1、图2)。在某综合楼施工6年后(施工日期为2014年)也出现大量裂缝,同时导致窗户变形(图3、图4)。


经验值 +10