-- Alex Chinneck
Alex Chinneck 因其独特的临时公共装置艺术而为人所知,他在公共空间内打造了断裂的外墙、拉链式的墙壁,打结的邮筒等非常规的装置雕塑,创造了一种奇妙的建筑幻觉。
From the knees of my nose to the belly of my toes 从鼻子的膝盖到脚趾的肚子
Fire in the jelly 果冻里的火 Open to the public 对公众开放 Under the weather but over the moon 天气不佳,但在月亮之上 Growing up gets me down 长大让我沮丧 Birth death and a midlife crisis 出生、死亡和中年危机 A spring in your step 步伐轻快
A pound of flesh for 50p 一磅肉50p Pick yourself up and pull yourself together 振作起来 Richard of york gave battle in vegas 约克的理查在维加斯作战 Somewhere under the rainbow 彩虹下的某个地方
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只看楼主 我来说两句 抢板凳这些做雕塑还好。。真住人那就是烧钱
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