重焕生机 | 马略卡广场改造转自公众号:Hhlloo设计网 这是一个改造现有公共空间的项目。通过使用干预措施增强了现有的质量和元素,并使该场地成为市民未来生活的基础设施。广场位于历史中心和不同城市结构之间的关键位置,人行道和车辆的交通流线都穿过此地。基于这一点,印加市议会在2016年召开了一次公开的整修竞赛。 This is a project for the transformation of an existing public space. The intervention enhances existing qualities and elements through its use and enables the place as an infrastructure for future lives. The plaza is located in a key situation of articulation between the historic center and different urban fabrics, marked by both pedestrian and vehicular traffic flows that cross and surround it. Based on several problems, the city council of Inca convened in 2016 an open competition for its refurbishment.
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