土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 家装设计 \ 解构主义美学:三个创意十足的展厅设计


发布于:2022-08-16 09:17:16 来自:装修设计/家装设计 [复制转发]


印际 | Yinjispace

内外之间 | InsideExternal




The project is located at a mall's corner, which seems like a forgotten area because of its low person flow. Therefore, changing this situation is a very important part of the design strategy.


Design Thinking

Novacolor是源自意大利艺术涂料, 始于研制一些历史悠久石膏类天然矿物质涂料。 如何让200种漆面的质感与色彩展示在一个180㎡的空间中处于和谐的位置,同时通过视觉与体验带来商业引流,这是我们骨子里的动机,为了达到一个结果而不是一个目的。

Novacolor was established in Italy, and originated from developing some natural mineral paints that have a long history. The design team aims to display 200 paints’textures and colors harmoniously in a 180-square-meter space, and attract more customers through eye-catching exhibition and wonderful experience.


Free Plane


Irregular geometric lines are intertwined or separated. These contradictory lines constitute a free and open geometric plane, laying the foundation for a smooth and freely flowing space. The simple geometric volume, non-decorative elevation and the mystery of peeping through the gap present a new atmosphere for the space. The whole spatial pattern can be imagined from small details.




Generally, a space is enhanced by proportions, shapes, material, light and details, but thistime, the focus of the space is material, which needs to be exhibited. The space provides people with more opportunities to communicate and interact. Thenatural white color, gray cement texture, silver metallic paint wall and the black travertine wall of the entrance are organically integrated in the space.


The display cabinet separated from the top is the only element that divides the space. The small blue ellipsoid is set at the highest point of the corner andable to create fascinating interactions with visitors, which emphasizes the mystery and fun spirit of the space greatly. The stacked rectangular bricks onthe floor attempt to show the black metallic paint with rough texture, intending to express the diversity of paint and various emotions. In this way, people canreally feel the space and materials are breathing.


Visual Planning


The transitional space's opening is specifically downsized, which is a clue toenter a world of different emotions and styles. A small opening can stimulate people's interest and imagination. The small blue ellipsoid hung on the top echoes with the curve of the plane and generates a strong sense of power.


A flexible space is divided by a sphere. In the space, people are the focus. Thisis an open area with strong spirit, in which people can communicate with thespace. The blue ellipsoid and the blue plate embedded in the reception desk are like two loners whispering to each other, forming a balanced feeling. The perceptual area is created through the meticulous geometric order. It’s a placeof contradiction and coordination.



在材料的设计上,我们将自然沙面质感/凹凸金属质感与蓝色的羊皮质感进行碰撞,体现材料本身的张力,同时又将200 多种丰富的材料样板做了隐藏,从而低调的渲染材料在空间中简洁的表现力,用矛盾来阐述一个关于漆的艺术展厅。

In terms of material, the natural concave-convex metallic texture and the blue sheep skin texture create a contrast. Mean while, more than 200 material templates are employed in a low-key way to demonstrate their conciseness in thespace. An artistic paint showroom is presented through contradiction.

电影性与戏剧化的 光与影

Cinematic And Dramatic  Light And Shadow


Lightis an important medium for expressing the emotion of a space. Tesioned membrane structure is applied in a large area to emphasize the softness of light. On the one hand, the structure enhances the products' lighting effect and weakens the shadow emotionally, which forms a kind of dramatic silence. On the other hand,the light and shadow are partially intensified to express the texture of thematerial and the restless feeling of the space. A repressive poweris likely to be released.


Thistime, the team regarded the design as an aesthetic practice, and tried to dosomething heart -touching.


项目名称: Novacolor艺术漆展厅

设计机构: 艾克建筑设计

总设计师: 谢培河

设计团队: 艾克建筑

项目地点: 广东汕头

建筑面积: 180平方

主要材料: 不锈钢、艺术漆、微水泥、透光膜、雾化玻璃

设计时间: 2020年3月

竣工时间: 2020年7月

摄影师: 欧阳云




A structural equation for balance, interlacing and light sensitivity.



This case is the space design that manages a variety of material comprehensive business to do. Take a different view,observing the multitude of things on the earth, to stretch the eyes, to broaden the mind, is enough to make the most of the pleasure of hearing and hearing.


Although it is the space of the material exhibition hall, JG Phoenix design hopes to weaken the selling purpose of the space, the guests experience is the leisure of the living room; Materials are selected for private service, stored "out of sight" to maintain the cleanliness of the space.




The combination of the designer's intuition for space expression and precise construction, the simple but delicate geometric lines of space architecture, the pursuit of irregular but harmonious beauty, show the essence of materials and the collision between different materials.



In the display function, the curved outline partition enriches the space composition, the clever moving line design effectively expands the depth of the space, and realizes the fluidity and flexibility of the space layout. The purpose of the main space is to receive and display materials. Invisible show product sliding door shows product adequately while also extremely practical.




石材是空间细节处的线索,空间记忆点,也是一种自然精神的传递 。细节边缘投下的投影与光相互作用透射的光影神秘且纯粹。

Stone is the clue of space details, the memory point of space, and also a transmission of natural spirit.The projection from the edge of the detail interacts with the light and the shadow transmitted is mysterious and pure.


The splicing of logs and I-beams plays a structural mechanical relationship in the space, and there is an emotional and rational collision between materials.


Red transparent partition, light and space structure interaction brings sensory energy, create space highlight.


From each Angle, the space has different forms and details. Behave, but have rich visual experience.


The space has a hollow 'suspended' box and extensive wood finishes to warm the habitat. Interestingly, the designer opened "several openings" for the small space of the attic, which connected with the outside while the relatively narrow space was also transparent.


The product discussion table faces the attic, and the "small skylight" above is also the glass tea table of the attic lounge, which echoes the discussion table made of pure glass.

名予“兰亭”,LANTING。 总经理办公室是充满气场和精神能量的空间,希望在此洽谈时愉悦、静修时安定。虽无丝竹管弦之盛,一觞一咏,亦足以畅叙幽情。
The prime Minister's office is a space full of energy and spiritual energy. I hope to be happy in negotiations and calm in retreats. Although there is no silk and bamboo orchestra sheng, a crystal, also enough to Syria.

To create with modern senses, you can also see the miniature of East. Zen and meditation are the atmosphere of the space as a whole.

项目名称: 兰亭材料展厅
项目地点: 广东汕头
设计机构: 今古凤凰设计机构
主案设计师: 叶晖 
参与设计师: 陈坚、林伟斌、陈雪贤、蔡继坤
陈设设计师: 曾东旭
文案: 刘欣程
摄影: 欧阳云



The juncture of time and space, the shuttle between light and shadow,Paved out all the divided segments throughout the whole space. Pulled up the soft lines which have been extremely outlined. The silent gesture of the shadow, the gentle sprinkling of the light, The world is changing rapidly, in exchange for an otherworldly sort of place To compose a quiet song of light and shadow, Just wait for the moment to sing for you when you step into this place.

Lost and Searching

The flood of times keeps rushing across us, and we keep moving forward all the times.  There are never-before-seen choices with fragmented, explosive information flooding in all the time, but we already encountered with being lost in the shadows. Similarly, How do designer deal with this when he run into an irregular space?

To put your foot down by combining the natural landscape with building blocks. In a limited space, utilize folding intersperses so as to slow down the time in an interspersed space. Let time and space reinforce each other. With a kind of comfort, a kind of search. Thus, at the beginning of the space, a full moon-like bright light and shadow transmit lights warmly and peacefully.

Whether you remember the "The Peach Blossom" had ever said: there is a mountain at the end of forest sources. And there is a small opening in the mountain, as if there is light. Perhaps, An apparently blind alley leads suddenly into an open space, we can find the lost comfort and exit by search the lights


Walk and Stop

Each time of focus of life, often comes from constant self-inquiry after running.

The lunar device was hidden in a corner, using specular reflections to make silver moonlight looks more layered. Also brings pleasantly cool effect.

Roads are always zigzag and long, the forked intersections may be an options, but they may be more likely to be a place for new life.  Life will not always follow the rules of the way, it is exactly the same as the space, instead of regular structures, irregular structures may arouse more thinking.

Black and white builts up the high and low ups and downs, light and shadow shaped the layer folding, in the long corridor at the junction of light and dark slowly, looking back is the shallow moon, the forward is the green scenery, the mind is feasible to stay, is really another kind of singing of life.

Turning and Open-hearted

The tone of the black-and-white gray system tends to construct the simplest space.  But just because of this simple frankness, it refract the light from the oblique glass curtain wall and also give birth to more beauties.

The tree is here, because of the idea of architecture, which adds a lot of interest, with the courage to embrace the world.  Light is here, because of the turn of angle, which gives freedom, with the possibility of infinite growth. The corners with folding shape provides more possibilities in practical applications and also increases the interest of the space.

In the moment of eager conversation and brain-stirring, geometric transformation with a box-shaped frame to split and then traction, soft white yarn will be the light outside the window to become light and soft, a few twists, a few frank, just like music being sent to the front.

Light and Precipitation

Between heaven and earth, the seen and unseen in the world, the connection of all things can only be intended.  Sunrise and sunset, light and shadow in the subtle changes, the story of the light and shade is wonderful.

Facing the concrete columns that stand in space like behemoths, the designer chose to combine it, clings to it and merges it instead of escaping it, which brings a new lease of life here in the form of a water bar, as if in the clouds.  Seems to be the accumulation of rock deposits, but has light and light dance steps, the situation of life is often so.


Interspersed andstationary

Light and shadow, like a key here, interspersed in each structure, parked on a wall, slowly pounced on the felt cushions.

In the morning or evening, always follow the time change, slowly open the room's artistic space.  This is the singing of light and shadow art, but also beyond the essence of the emotional experience, traction, interspersed, into, still, more comfortable and more transparent.

Frontlight and backlight

The forks in life turns thousands of times, you can only make a correct choice by grasping the direction.  However, right or wrong, sometimes it's not that important.


Space has a sense of order/layers, also has penetration. Laying out the order, alternating division, emphasizing the level, also enhances the sense of ceremony and experience.


Creative process

轴 测 图
Axonometric Drawing

設計单位  |  MJD福建無印良品空间設計有限公司
项目名称  |  福人空间
项目地址    |  福建
設計主创  |  陈绍良
設計团队  |  MJD無印良品設計
設計时间  |  2021.3
完工时间    |  2021.6
项目面积  |  150m2
项目摄影  |  陈荣坤
主要材料  |  毛毡 黑玻 地毯 岩板 钢板

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榻榻米的设计可以说是非常实用了,不管是作为备用的客房、独立的书房还是儿童房来用都可以让家里拥有许多的储物空间,但是也有很多屋主觉得榻榻米不能靠窗,觉得容易风吹雨淋、太阳暴晒,那就一起看看这些不靠窗的榻榻米该怎么设计吧! 最常见的做法就是把榻榻米床放在卧室的内侧,然后延伸出来的书桌柜靠着窗户摆放,这样读书、学习也有更好的光线。 这样设计可以避免榻榻米床靠着窗户,容易被风水雨淋和太阳晒的问题,对于定制的柜子来说,少了这些问题,使用寿命就长了。


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