Not all urban renewal projects canbe like phoenix rise from the ashes, but JC Plaza did.
▲ 项目完工照片
作为上海市中心静安核心区域的标志性建筑 - 锦沧文华酒店曾是重要的城市据点,其前身为沧州饭店;1900年,在沧州饭店原址建成了锦沧文华大酒店,由3家著名饭店的名字组合而成:锦江饭店、沧州饭店和新加坡文华酒店。然而历经城市数十载的变化,酒店的功能已无法满足周边客群以及游客的消费需求,其商业模式可实施性与可持续性都受到了极大的挑战。
JC Mandarin hotel was an important urban landmarkarchitecture located in the Central Shanghai District of Jing’an. The centuryyear old site was once a stronghold site for former Cangzhou Hotel, JinjiangHotel and Singapore Mandarin Hotel. Asthe city evolves over the years, the demands for hospitality service andconsumption on this site has declined significantly and therefore posing agreat challenge to make the business model viable and sustainable.
▲ 区域位置
▲ 项目实景
Following Baohua Group’s acquisitionand as the new owner of JC Mandarin Hotel, Baohua have executed several due diligencesanalysis within the market positioning. This has resulted in repositioning thebuilding function into a 5A class office building with high-end shopping mallcommercial podium complex. Succeedingthe approval from Jing’an district bureau regarding the change of function. Early 2016 took launch of the architectural design renovation work And late 2017, Greenbergfarrow was appointed as the executive architectural fa?ade designer.
▲ 设计效果图
JC Mandarin Hotel was once alandmark five-star hotel icon on a prominent position of West Nanjing Road anda symbol of Shanghai reformation into an international cosmopolitan city. JC Mandarin Hotel has witnessed the miraculousevolution of old Shanghai and carries many memories to Shanghai residence fromold and young. In the hay days,ceremonial events such as wedding venues were the preferential location toshowcase their social status and young salary earners would treat their parentsto a fancy gourmet meal after their first hard earn paycheck.
▲ 改造前实景图
In the decades since its completion,the hotel has welcomed celebrities such as Sun Yat-sen, Yan Fu, Hu Shi, ZhaoYuanren, Guo Moruo, Mei Lanfang andCheng Yanqiu, as well as world culturalcelebrities such as Dewey and Tagore.
随着上海经济的进一步提升,酒店业也得到了发展,许多类似的五星级酒店品牌入驻,市场竞争非常激烈, 酒店品牌方和运营商 都经受了极具挑战性的市场环境。2013年底,公司决定出售锦沧文华酒店,经过激烈的竞争,宝华集团最终获得该物业收购权。
As Shanghai's economy has further improved, the hotel industry has grown as well and many similar five-star hotel brands have entered the market. The market at the time wasvery fierce and created a very challenging environment for existing hotelbrands and operators. By the end of 2013, the company decided to sell JC Mandarin Hotel, Baohua Group managed to win the acquisition ownership of the property through fierce competition.
▲ 概念设计图
▲ 概念设计图
GreenbergFarrow设计团队根据客户的要求和期望开发了大量的设计概念,同时在现有结构上进行了整体的改造创新与升级。建筑设计的灵感启发来源于老建筑的叠层方式 。
GreenbergFarrow design team developed a numerousamount of design studies and concepts to meet client’s requirements andexpectations. at the same time, the existing structure has been renovated and upgraded. the design of the building was inspired by the stacking of old buildings.
▲ 设计过程稿
设计的核心区域是将塔楼和裙楼连接在一起的区域, 我们希望可以创造从街道到塔楼的城市活动层。
The ‘Heart’ zone will be the anchor tolink the Tower and Podium together and w e wanted to be able to create layers of urban act ivities from street level up to the towe r zone.
▲ 设计草图
同时打造一个具有强烈场所感的城市街景, 将典型的城市零售街区重新定义为人性化的尺寸,使其在多个层面上与店铺进行更大的连接,这样的设计划分增强了户外公共空间从而形成新的社区空间。
At the same time create anurban streetscape where there’s a strong sense of place, redefining the typicalurban retail block to human scale allowing greater connectivity with theshop fronts on multiple levels. The breaking down of scale enhances outdoorpublic spaces allowing to manifest new event spaces to form communities.
▲ 外立面设计图
▲ 特色立面&商铺展示面&主入口设计
The exterior wall cladding modularpanels and arrangement design is based on the flexibility of demountability toallow future adaptation of advertisement billboards.The development of the modular panel wassophisticatedly assembled with integrated hidden lighting system. The extrudedprofile metal panel components are made from laser etching pattern stainless steel panelsto provide enhanced unique appearance of the panel surface. By nature, the appearance of the panel willreflect differentiating tone of colour shade viewing from different angle. Whencombined collectively with the granite and glazed modular panels on thebuilding fa?ade, it creates a very unique and fascinating surface that helpemphasis a landmark building on the prominent location of West Nanjing Road andaddressing confidently across the road of Plaza 66.
▲ 建筑立面细节设计图
▲ 最终设计效果图
▲ 最终设计效果图
▲ 最终设计效果图
▲ 最终设计效果图
The large double height glazedadvertisement light boxes were strategically positioned to address the streetvisibility from afar.
With the joint efforts of GreenbergFarrow, Baohua Group and many other consultants, we used advanced technology to redesign the whole building and underground space, expanded the size of the underground space and space efficiency. Theconstruction of JC Plaza implemented strict LEED CS Gold and Green Two-Star architecturaldesign certification standards and the concept of environmental protection werealso considered in the details of architectural design to create a green, low-carbon, healthy and environmentally friendly consumer experience. The achievement of the design andconstruction of the building utilized advanced digital technology to realizethe Grade A office tower and the ultra-sophisticated high-end podium mall,together realizing the transformation of JC Plaza.
▲ 完工照片
▲ 完工照片
▲ 完工照片
The 20,000 square meter high-end retailcommercial podium of JC PLAZA, covering B1~4F, is positioned as an exquisitehigh-end shopping complex. A generous ceiling height of 5.6 to 6.6metersprovides enough luxurious retail sense of space. Rich texture stone finishes,crisp metal trim lines and delicate lighting run throughout the retail interiorsetting off the atmosphere and fashion orientated temperament. The overlap ofstatic and dynamic space creates a unique environment. The office building is positioned according to Grade A office standards, total 35,000 s quare mete r and 17 floors, with an average single floor area of 2,150 s quare mete r . providing the highest quality office space and services for multinational companies to be located in the building.
▲ 完工照片
作为上海的标志性建筑之一, 锦沧广场将 在充满活力的静安区重新焕发光彩,成为引领精致高端城市生活方式的标志典范,同时唤醒人们对项目辉煌过往的丰富记忆。 2022年8月左右,集“十里洋场”繁华的海派文化与国际超前生活方式引领于一身的锦沧文华广场即将全新亮相 。
JC Plaza will revive as one ofShanghai’s reminisce iconic symbol within the vibrant district of Jing’An. This will be a hallmark exemplar in leadingan exquisite high-end urban lifestyle with heightening nostalgic senses of theurban rich memories of the past. JC Plaza’s grand opening anticipation isexpected to be revealed at end of August, 2022, celebrating the long awaitedintegration into Shanghai’s prosperous ‘Ten miles of foreign field’ andinternational culture.
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某地铁运行库上盖高层结构的厚板转换层抗震性能分析地铁车辆基地运用库是全线车辆停放和检修的主要场所,因其占地面积大,利用上部空间进行房产物业开发是提高城市土地利用率和地铁投资回报率的有效途径,应用前景较为广阔。 设计运用库上部空间时,上部结构体系常采用框架结构、框架–剪力墙结构、剪力墙结构、钢结构和组合结构等多种结构体系;竖向构件转换主要采用部分抗侧力构件(剪力墙、核心筒)落地、部分竖向构件转换的形式;转换层常采用梁式或厚板
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