土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ 穿孔板立面:农贸市场


发布于:2022-07-22 09:50:22 来自:建筑结构/混凝土结构 [复制转发]

Soi La Salle是一个试点社区项目,在过去10年中经历了一次颠覆性的变化。这个社区由一个住宅区、新鲜市场、教育机构和宗教场所组成。扩建后,出现了一所国际学校、公寓和社区商场。

Soi La Salle is a pilot community project which gets through a disruptive change over the past 10 years ago. This community consists of a residential area, fresh market, educational institution, and religious venue. The expansion has resulted in an international school, condominium and community mall.

原来的空间是一个新鲜水果市场。以前的房东是一位佛教徒,她将这个空间无偿出租了10年。  沿着邻里区的两侧也是一种市场。最终,这是项目的主要概念,通过保留65%以上的绿地并将其作为可渗透的区域,维持生活方式,文化方式与社区活动一起运行。它也为住宅区周围的社区和Soi La Salle的12所学校制定了一个社区。

The original space was a fresh fruit market. The previous landlord was a Buddhist nun who let this space without any expenditure for a period of 10 years.  Both sides along the neighbourhood area are also a kind of market. Ultimately this is the main concept of the project to sustain the way of life, the way of culture to be run along with communal activities by preserving more than 65% of green space and keeping them as permeable areas. It also enacts a community lung of the community surrounding the residential area and 12 schools in Soi La Salle.



Master Plan Design Intent is to encompass a space which can be multifunction by simplifying architectural and structural work integrating landscape, mechanical and electrical work in the direction. The main area has been developed to be a health friendly market. A green vegetation area is designed to be the rooftop vegetable farm. We also design wild plants to be the middle centerpiece acting as a sanctuary in nature. Central space is the main event activity. All retail space is connected and can be modified for new tenants or newcomers. Leasing space can be functional in a horizontal or vertical direction by using 7 staircases to connect the upper floors and the lower floors.

主要材料规格是木材、钢材,然后将原材料的设计与成品混凝土的性质相结合。材料的变色和变质将使材料发生季节性变化。不需要对材料表面进行纹理涂层或化学处理。这是为了让建筑在柔软的景观中自然呼吸并保持可持续发展。钢屋顶使用了一个小混凝土柱,在不同的角度有 3x3 米的净空间,在空间和周围的绿地之间建立了联系。额外的屋顶和覆盖物也可以用于未来的扩展。

The main material specification is Wood, Steel prior to blending the design of raw material with the nature of raw concrete finished. The tarnish and deterioration of material will allow the material to be seasonal changed. No texture coating or chemical treatment on the material surface is required. This is to allow the building to breathe and stay sustainable with the soft scape naturally. The steel rooftop uses a small concrete column with 3x3-m clear space at a different angle, creating a connection between space and surrounding green space. The additional roof and cover can also be administered for future expansion.

建筑物的正面采用了相称的空间比例,来自CHANGIGARH(Le Corbusier的阴影之塔)的遮阳板,其位置与泰国的位置相似。尺寸和图案通过使用穿孔钢板来改变以适应该项目。这使得通风以及防止主要街道上的噪音和灰尘污染。


The frontage of buildings adopts a ratio of proportionate space, sunscreen from CHANGIGARH (Tower of Shadow Le Corbusier) which is located similarly to the location of Thailand. Dimension and pattern are altered to fit the project by using a perforated steel plate. This enables ventilation as well as prevents noise and dust pollution off the main street. It also diverts a wind direction. This natural factor allows raw materials to change as time goes by. For example, the steel allows rustic finished to display its raw rust naturally. A final coat can be applied to preserve such conditions to stay, last longer and blend its own design through a way of nature.

建筑物的立面,将根据拉萨尔扇形学校进行修改,这是该地区的第一个教育机构。一个区分的图案被用来创建这样的模块,然后这个图案类似于一个典型的 "Khid "图案,它类似于泰国当地的垫子。它还可以作为一个屏幕来保护西-东方向的雨水和阳光。在晚上,它还通过灯显示出一个 "剪影",这也让人想起了这个地区的古老生活方式。

Elevations of building, to be modified from the La Salle fanlight school, which is the first educational institution in this area. A distinguish pattern is being used to create such modular, then this pattern resembles a typical ‘Khid’ pattern which is similar to a Thai local mat. It also acts as a screen to protect rain and sun over the west-east direction. At night, it also displays a ‘silhouette’ through the lamp which also reminisces the old way of life in this area.

建筑师:M space

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? Ennead Architects和Kahler Slater公布了将耗资 2.4 亿美元的新密尔沃基公共博物馆 ( MPM ) 的设计。 该博物馆计划在该市 Haymarket 社区的 Sixth 和 Vliet 的拐角处建造一个占地 2.4 英亩的场地。 老    MPM 始建于 1882 年,两年后向公众开放,作为威斯康星州的官方自然历史博物馆,一直位于其 Eschweiler Eschweiler & Sielaff Architects 设计的 Wells Street 位置,距离其未来的新家仅往南几个街区。


经验值 +10