土木在线论坛 \ 装修设计 \ 公装设计 \ VMESHOU - 北京三里屯旗舰店

VMESHOU - 北京三里屯旗舰店

发布于:2022-07-18 10:54:18 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]

VMESHOU's new brand image store is located in the two-story shop in the SOHO business district of Sanlitun, Beijing, and invites DOMANI to carry out the space experience planning and interior design, creating the brand's first offline experience center in Beijing. It also serves as a reception and exchange space for corporate partners.


The construction area of the site is small and the floor height has no advantage, and the overall space feels cramped and monotonous. The key point of the design is to break through the many limitations of the original building structure and build a unique space that is suitable for multiple use scenarios, strong plasticity and functionality, and can help the brand to give an impressive appearance.The uniqueness must be born from the imagination outside the frame, and a space game begins.

Spatial Reconstruction: Layers, scale and a sense of breathing  


The stairs were moved from the bottom of the space to one side, and the position of the floor opening was reset to form a 7-meter-high void area at the entrance. The experience of entering the store would be suddenly enlightened and laid a foreshadowing for the later experience.


The reception area and the stairs were separated from the aisle gray space by a partition wall. The walls stranded in parallel and open and close in an orderly manner. Within the limited floor area of the first floor, the foyer, the reception desk, the aisle, and the stairs were separated yet occasionally intersect in the victors’ perspectives when they were in different areas. The circuitous circulation provided a shopping experience of richer sense of hierarchy and accurately mobilizes the emotions of the visitors.


In the process of going up the ladder, the core functional areas on the second floor are gradually revealed, and the sense of curiosity and prying is fascinating.


Like the flowing space of Mies Van der Rohe, the opening and closing and separation of the walls present just the right sense of scale and breathing, and the interesting space form and the changing perspectives of sight make people immersed in it, like a Chinese garden, every corner is uncharted territories to explore.


Here, space has become the absolute protagonist. Small scale of furniture of different forms and colors are flexibly distributed in it, and like the visitors, they reach a delicate balance with the whole site volume as independent individuals. The plasticity of its arrangement and combination is refined to be compatible with rest or negotiation or more usage scenarios.


Metaphors: Body, vision, and wandering consciousness  

Interestingly, when people are in the space, they can become both subject and object of the observation at any time and anywhere. Whenever you stop by the railing or look up, the line of sight becomes the supplement of the track, and the metaphor of "body" and "vision" seems to be staged in the framed space. The intervention of the pipeline device further renders the surreal atmosphere and injects a new dimension of "consciousness". The body only exists in one place, but the vision can be extended through the gaps, and the consciousness interlaces with each other, rising, passing through walls, wandering, and to everywhere.


"Consciousness" walks randomly, but there are still traces to follow. By analyzing the ceiling conditions of the original building, the non-removable pipes and exposed beams are covered, round pipes of four diameters are used and interspersed, and the lamps are partially embedded to provide indirect lighting and key area lighting in the space. Give a jumping orange to form a visual focal point throughout the space. 

The fresh orange blood flows in the space, becoming a sign of strong vitality. The embodied consciousness pulls the line of sight and free it out of the shackles of the body.


Pure texture and the enchantment of light

在精巧的空间结构之上,表面肌理由纯粹而不失细节。大面积条状切割的天然砂岩与呈递有节奏的重量感,成为空间主体基调,阳光板/灯膜构成的大面积泛光源交叠拼接而成以其柔和的条纹与流动的光感形成呼应与对照,而天花灯膜则为建筑注入天光效果。虚实明暗,天然与精工,温暖包覆与轻盈超脱并存。丰富的光影变化令建筑体块呈递出强烈的黑白灰关系从而强化 “建筑感”,光从石墙间隙中透出,似乎近在眼前又遥不可及,体感与幻象相交融。
On the top of the delicate spatial structure, the surface texture is pure and detailed. The large-area strip-cut sandstone presents a sense of rhythmic weight and becomes the main tone of the space. The soft stripe and its flowing light of the polycarbonate panel echoes and contrast with the sandstone, while the ceiling light film injects the sky light into the building. Reality, fantasy, light and darkness, naturalness and fine workmanship, a sense of shielded and detachment coexist at the same time. The rich shapes of light and shadow provide the building structure with a filter of strong contrast, thereby strengthening the "architectural sense". The light leaks from the gap between the stone walls, which make them seem to be both near and far away, and the somatosensory and illusion are blended.

Behind rationality and restraint lies a free and relaxed imagination.







项目名称| VMESHOU 北京三里屯旗舰店

项目地址| 中国 北京

项目面积| 250㎡


完成时间| 2021年08月

主案设计| 梁永钊 / DOMANI东仓建设

设计助理 |  唐嘉颖、翟柱钊、张成 等 / DOMANI东仓建设

传媒管理 |  黎颖欣 / DOMANI东仓建设

工程单位 |  杭州意筑装饰工程有限公司

项目摄影 |  吴清山

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