作为杭州大城北建设中的重点项目,杭州运河湾国际旅游休闲综合体坐落在杭州市拱墅区大运河新城核心区南片区。 项目分为三期,Aedas全球设计董事刘程辉带领团队完成了整体概念方案及一期地块深化,设计基于杭州运河湾地块独特的运河文化,历史积淀及码头工业遗址,在此打造出极具活力的国际旅游休闲目的地。
Located in the south area of the Grand Canal New Town in Gongshu District of Hangzhou, the site is the first phase of a larger project, starting off as a vibrant international tourism and leisure complex highlighting waterfront characteristic of Yun He Wan and the industrial pier historical remains.
The axis weaves all components together with the canals, creating a direct pedestrian flow and a vivid self-contained environment.
The public veins and icons are well-connected along the canal by adapting traditional Jiangnan courtyard layout, which results in higher flexibility to shape the pedestrians. Integration of the retail street and the railway creates a leisure and entertainment urban destination.
Placemaking waterfront public spaces
The design of Phase 1 draws inspiration from Jiangnan architecture, the layout composition is shaped by fast streets, slow lanes and wander garden to enhance circulation. Situated along a river, the complex provides a dynamic shopping journey. The four courtyards are designated themes of the seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, coupled with distinctive fa?ade designs of the blocks. The shifting sceneries animate visitors’ shopping experience, as well as contribute to the overall vitality of the complex.
The retail components and installations vitalise the space to create a dyamic public realm. Along with the sunken plaza at the entrance and the unique cloud terrace at the center, public spaces are created to provide open, leisure spots to the city, accompanied by a series of entertainment and F&B elements.
“By establishing buoyant retail blocks and placemaking spaces with meaningful connection modes, our design for the Hangzhou Canal Bay Complex strives to deliver an exceptional retail environment.” —Leo Liu, Global Design Principal
位置: 中国杭州
总体规划及一期建筑设计: Aedas
业主: 杭州市运河综合保护开发建设集团有限责任公司
建筑面积: 86,520平方米(一期),494,140平方米(规划)
竣工年份: 2023(一期)
主要设计人: 刘程辉,全球设计董事
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