土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 混凝土结构 \ 简约现代,体育运动学校


发布于:2022-07-14 10:11:14 来自:建筑结构/混凝土结构 [复制转发]


Malm? Sports School is situated in the stadium area in Malm?. It is a school with a sports profile, home to 540 pupils, grades 7-9. It offers 12 different sports integrated with the school’s curriculum. It is a collaboration between the city and some of the leading sports clubs in Malm? and it enables the pupils to focus on their sport of choice as well as their academic work. This seems to be an excellent arrangement and the school is ranked as number one in Malm? and attracts pupils from different backgrounds from all over the city as well as other areas and towns outside the municipality.


Integrated with the school building is a gymnasium with seats for 500 spectators and a climbing hall with a 14 meters high climbing wall displayed behind a curtain wall. This creates a spectacular view from the outside toward the north fa?ade.



The challenges of the project were to create a school for 540 pupils on a relatively small site. This also included meeting the requirements for a pedestrian and bicycle path with access for fire trucks going straight through the plot, as well as conservation of many existing trees, restrictions due to underground installations, and requirements for a cohesive schoolyard. This resulted in a school in five stories divided into two buildings so that the pedestrian and bicycle path could run through the site. The two buildings are connected on the third and fourth levels with glass bridges. Part of the schoolyard is placed on the roof of the gymnasium on level four.


The school is located in the Stadium Area famous for its iconic white concrete sports buildings from the 60s. The design of the new building is based on the activities it is housing as well as the area and existing surrounding buildings. The architecture of the school radiates energy and activity and at the same time, it gives a friendly impression. The building is designed with white concreate facades and round corners which links to the history and simultaneously contributes to developing the uniqueness of the area.


The windows and sunscreens are running all the way around the building like running tracks. Elements of warm accent colors show that it is an active place for children and teens. The building is also designed to improve the safety in areas that is lacking residential buildings. The new school and sports building have no closed facades which makes it interact with its surroundings. The windows light up the area even during the darker hours, displaying the activities it houses.

建筑师:Chroma Arkitekter AB

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彩色混凝土是经过多年研究、应用与改进后逐渐发展起来的新型装饰混凝土,具有防水、防滑、防腐等特点,主要用于园林、广场、人行道、车道、停车场、车库等地坪。 彩色混凝土地坪的做法通常是在未完全硬化的水泥地面上铺装一层装饰混凝土,再用专用模具在面层压印而成。 彩色混凝土可永久地呈现各种色泽、图案,逼真地模拟出自然的材质和纹理以达到装饰的目的。然而彩色混凝土地坪对原材料的选择及泛碱、色差、质感的控制要求较高,尤其是大型文旅项目中不规则的艺术地坪,彩色混凝土的分区分色要求更高且施工难度更大,解决上述施工问题十分必要。


经验值 +10