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简约现代: 中小学设计

发布于:2022-07-11 14:56:11 来自:装修设计/公装设计 [复制转发]

Browns Point 社区是现代塔科马的诞生地,在这里,人们从生效湾的对岸见证了塔科马的诞生。在这里,家庭的根深蒂固;许多居民回到他们成长的小镇环境中抚养孩子。在悬崖的底部, Browns Point  灯塔是滨水社区的一个非官方象征。丰富的文化和教育机会受到高度推崇,体育在社区生活中发挥着强有力的作用。

The Browns Point neighborhood is a place where the birth of modern-day Tacoma was witnessed from across the waters of Commencement Bay. Here, familial roots run deep; many residents return to raise children in the same small-town environment in which they were reared. At the base of the bluff, the Browns Point lighthouse serves as an unofficial symbol of the waterfront community. Rich cultural and educational opportunities are held in high esteem, and athletics play a strong role in community life.

在 Browns Point 小学的设计中,学区客户寻求具有未来思维的多用途设施,除其他标准外,还要求设计能够增强学生的个性化学习;简化员工之间的专业协作;并鼓励组织兼容使用,以努力 1. 补充学习并加强学校内部的社会联系,以及 2. 促进学校在课余时间对建筑物的公共使用。 

In the design of Browns Point Elementary School, the school district client sought a future-thinking, multi-use facility, calling for - among other criteria – a design to enhance personalized learning for students; ease professional collaboration among staff; and encourage compatible use by organizations in the effort to 1. supplement learning and strengthen social connections within the schools, and 2. promote public utilization of buildings beyond school hours.

为了熟悉这些参数,一个社区资产分布图揭示了居民对建筑和场地的依赖性,以便进行有组织的运动和邻里聚会。当被问及时,家长和老师们传达了一种对学生参与艺术项目的自豪感,而孩子们则要求学校有大胆的色彩、大动作和 "哇 "的感觉。邻居们希望有一个低调的、复杂的解决方案,以夸赞住宅环境。

To become familiar with the parameters, a process of community asset mapping revealed the reliance of residents on the building and site for organized sports and neighborhood gatherings.  When asked, parents and teachers conveyed a sense of pride in high student participation in arts programs, and the children asked for a school with bold colors, big moves, and a sense of “wow!” Neighbors hoped for an understated, sophisticated solution to compliment the context of single-family homes.


The school’s 10 acre parcel sat adjacent to 8 additional acres containing public ballfields and a walking trail owned and operated by the Parks District. The popular use of these amenities informed the design team’s move to locate the gymnasium front and center. An expansive canopy that shelters outdoor activities at the front of the gym introduces a linear series of public spaces that open onto each other and offer visual transparency across the building and site.


两种用途的功能来自于流通与项目空间的合并,作为一个多功能区。一个紧凑的两层楼的平面图最大限度地减少了 "中间 "区域,以加强学习区之间的联系和亲密感。

Based on a system of clear organizational hierarchy, the floor plan overlaps public/private and indoor/outdoor learning environments to achieve a sense of spaciousness within an efficient design. Dual-purpose function springs from a merger of circulation with program space that serves as a multi-functional zone. A compact, two-story floor plan minimizes “in-between” areas to enhance connectedness and intimacy among learning neighborhoods.

设计团队寻找一切机会,利用 "额外 "的空间来激发学习的动力。学生们可以在角落、凹槽和立柱上伸展、躺下或蜷缩。多样化的空间支持了许多补充项目,激发了基于项目的工作,展示了视觉艺术,提供了表演的机会,以及与社区的接触。

The design team looked for every opportunity to use “extra” space to spark a learning moment. Students are offered nooks, alcoves, and risers as places to stretch out, lay back, or curl up. The diverse array of spaces supports many supplemental programs and inspires project-based work, display of visual art, the opportunity for performance, and engagement with the neighborhood.


Materials were selected and detailed to ease maintenance and enhance longevity. The building envelope and plan maximize transparency, bringing sunlight deep into the interior and providing views from nearly every occupiable space. A neutral, natural palette of wood, cork, gypsum, and linoleum is punctuated by bold color, representative of sailing ships and weathered cargo containers – vessels regularly occupying the Bay. Today, much like the revered lighthouse, a soft glow emanates from the school’s high clerestory to signal history, familiarity, and welcome.

建筑师:TCF Architecture

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屋主夫妻都是在美留学后回国生活工作,不同的居住经历在回国后也潜移默化地影响着他们的生活习惯,长途旅行归来也有许多珍贵的纪念。 新婚不久的他们对于新生活充满期待,两个人之间有着许许多多需要磨合习惯地方,爱好和习惯上既有一致的地方,例如两个人都喜欢打游戏、健身,也有不太一致的地方,女主人更喜欢生活上的小情趣,男业主更加追求高品质。 设计也是一次“拣拾记忆”的过程,设计师通过和屋主的深入沟通,满足他们对于各个空间的使用需求,也将他们喜欢的一些元素带回家中,构建一个多元、舒适的二人世界。


经验值 +10