土木在线论坛 \ 建筑结构 \ 钢结构工程 \ 高层办公建筑:栅格式立面设计


发布于:2022-06-30 09:29:30 来自:建筑结构/钢结构工程 [复制转发]

虽然塔楼有时被认为是独立的建筑,但100 Bishopsgate的设计是为了促进城市结构的矩阵,并牢固地嵌入其中。为了回应场地和邻近建筑的几何形状,它的形状从底部的平行四边形过渡到矩形的顶部。


While towers are sometimes conceived as freestanding buildings, 100 Bishopsgate has been designed to contribute to the matrix of the city fabric and be firmly embedded within it. Responding to the geometries of the site and adjacent buildings, its form transitions from a parallelogram at its base to a rectangle crown. Contrasting facade textures relate to this orientation, each separated by articulated corner details. Half an acre of the public realm, active with restaurant and retail amenities, creates new connections and walkable routes at street level. Transparency across the entire ground floor of the tower emphasizes this permeability.

100 Bishopsgate的建筑是首都新一代高层建筑的标志,它将租户的超灵活性和健康放在设计的最前沿。它的40层楼提供了超过95万平方英尺的可出租空间,与之相邻的圣海伦广场16号提供了更多的商业空间,规模更为亲和。该塔楼由五个超大的连续裙楼支撑,每个裙楼面积超过44,000平方米,半英亩的新公共空间在街道上创造了新的连接和步行路线。

100 Bishopsgate’s architecture signals a new generation of tall buildings in the capital positioning ultra-flexibility for tenants and wellbeing at the forefront of its design. It provides just over 950,000 sqft of lettable space across 40 stories, and neighboring 16 St Helen’s Place provides additional commercial space at a more intimate scale. The tower is anchored by five super-sized contiguous podium floors in excess of 44,000 sqft each and half an acre of new public realm creating new connections and walkable routes at street level.

尽管它位于广场一英里的显要位置,但该地块以前是一个由不同建筑组成的不透气的街区。现在,100 Bishopsgate在地面上创造了一个温馨的空间--围绕着一个新的公共庭院,邀请人们进入该项目。建筑物与街道相接,形成了一个广阔的公共领域,构成了一个更大的行人通道和庭院网络的一部分,与伦敦市的中世纪结构相一致。

Despite its prominent location within the Square Mile, the site was previously home to an impermeable block of disparate buildings. Now, 100 Bishopsgate creates a welcoming space at ground level - organized around a new public courtyard that invites people into the development. The building meets the street to shape an expansive public realm that forms part of a larger pedestrian network of passageways and courtyards, in keeping with the medieval fabric of the City of London.

一个重要的考虑因素是对这个丰富的、对比强烈的环境做出敏感的反应。沿着古老的伦敦墙,100 Bishopsgate的邻居从伦敦最三座建筑到亲密的14世纪的St Ethelburga教堂。


An essential consideration has been to sensitively respond to this rich and contrasting context. Along the line of the ancient London Wall, 100 Bishopsgate’s neighbors range from three of London’s tallest buildings to the intimate 14th-century Church of St Ethelburga. Its openness to these surroundings is emphasized by visual clarity across the entire ground floor of the tower, with continuous floor-to-soffit glass for each office floor above. This tall perimeter ribbon of full-height glazing provides a calming openness in and through an otherwise intensely urban setting. Its dialogue with these surroundings is also seen in the tower’s subtly twisting form, which transitions from a parallelogram at its base to a rectangle on higher floors. Contrasting facade textures relate to this orientation, each separated by articulated corner details.

裙楼上的36层高级写字楼面积从19,000到25,000平方英尺不等。这些灵活的楼板具有 "良好的骨架",这意味着租户可以根据他们的需求变化轻松地扩大或缩小规模。

The 36 premium-grade office floors that rise above the podium range from 19,000 to 25,000 sqft. These flexible floorplates have ‘good bones’, meaning that tenants can easily scale up or down as their requirements change.


Along the southern side of the site, 16 St Helen’s Place continues the theme of contextual response at a smaller scale. Facing the private enclosed space of St Helen’s Place, the existing Edwardian Portland stone entrance facade is retained. In contrast, to the north, a new articulated contemporary facade in reconstituted stone and bronze addresses the tower and new square at the heart of the site. A new walk-through reception connects both spaces.



Health and wellbeing are prioritized across the development, as evidenced through a BREEAM Excellent rating and a variety of climate-sensitive initiatives. Measures include air-conditioning and filtration systems designed to ensure the highest quality of the indoor environment, floor-to-ceiling glazing to maximize daylight penetration, and tenant access to 900 cycle spaces, lockers, and showers. A rooftop garden on the podium provides both amenities for occupiers and introduces more biodiversity into the heart of the city.

建筑师:Allies and Morrison

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