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原文出处:J Opflow
Pack a One-Two Punch Against Lead
Abstract 摘要
An Ohio utility successfully optimized its water quality to reduce disinfection byproducts and lead.
Akron Ohio, known as the Rubber Capital of the World, has a long tradition of innovation and civic engagement. Municipal water service in Akron began on April 1, 1912, when the city took over the private water company that had been purveying low-quality water to the city’s residents. Today, the City of Akron Water Supply Bureau delivers roughly 35 mgd to nearly 300,000 customers in the city and surrounding areas.
The City of Akron Water Plant draws water from the protected watershed of the Upper Cuyahoga River and is a conventional surface water treatment plant with coagulation, flocculation, and filtration for particle removal and chlorine addition for disinfection. Recent technology innovations have allowed the plant’s operations team to reduce disinfection byproducts and lead levels.
Lead service lines (LSLs) were common-place at the turn of the 20th century, even though the risks that lead posed to human health were well-known at the time. Like those in many cities of the era, Akron builders often preferred LSLs to cast iron because the former were less expensive and easier to bend to conform to the contours of existing buildings and other structures.
The City of Akron began to remove LSLs 60 years ago.
“Akron was way ahead of the curve,” says Matt Ebie, utilities chief operator for the city.
“阿克伦市走在了前头”,该市公用事业首席运营商马Matt Ebie说。
At the outset, there were more than 40,000 LSLs. Today, the city has fewer than 4,000, and more are removed every year.
The city also has maintained a proactive approach to ensuring water quality. Akron has been testing its water for lead at customers’ taps since 1992, when the first Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) came into effect. The city also maintains a US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)–approved corrosion control process consisting of a constant dose of zinc orthophosphate and maintaining a system pH of around 7.3. As a result, Akron’s water has tested within the EPA limit.
Many cities with this history of success would probably consider their “lead problem” solved. However, the team at the Akron Water Supply Bureau pursues water quality excellence far beyond the regulatory minimums. In 2019, the Akron team put that principle into practice when it approached the tricky challenge of optimizing the city’s water quality for both disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and lead.
For surface water treatment plants like Akron’s that use chlorine as a primary and secondary disinfectant, different water quality objectives sometimes require conflicting treatment plant approaches. For example, to minimize DBPs, a water plant might choose to aggressively lower total organic carbon in the incoming water and keep distribution system pH as low as possible to minimize trihalomethane formation in the distribution system.
But lower pH in the distribution system raises corrosivity and can cause increases in dissolved lead levels in drinking water. As a result, operators are forced to strike a balance, but the complex interactions between lead solubility, organics, and other dissolved constituents such as manganese can leave operators wondering where the optimal balancing point is.
In 2018, Akron Water Supply Bureau implemented Virtual Jar, a new software system developed by Fontus Blue (www. fontusblue.com), to optimize its organics removal as a strategy to lower DBPs in its distribution system. The software system uses treatment plant parameters, including settled turbidity and ultraviolet fluorescence measurements, to accurately predict the effectiveness of different levels of coagulant and powdered activated carbon. The system allowed Ebie and his team to try different combinations of alum and other chemicals on a computer and arrive at an optimal treatment strategy to simultaneously remove turbidity for filter performance and minimize DBPs.
2018年,阿克伦供水局部署了Virtual Jar,一个由Fontus Blue(www. fontusblue.com)开发的新软件系统,可以帮助优化有机物去除,作为降低输配系统中消毒副产物的策略。该软件系统基于水厂运行参数,包括沉淀后的浑浊度和紫外线荧光测量,以准确预测不同水平的混凝剂和粉末活性炭投加后的效果。该系统使Ebie和他的团队能够在计算机上尝试铝盐和其他化学品的不同组合,并得出一个最佳的处理策略,以同时满足滤池去除浑浊度的高性能和消毒副产物生成的最小化。
“The software tool predicted settled turbidity, DBPs, and cost,” Ebie explains. “That really impressed us.”
“Many of our operators started with a ‘we’ve already done it this way’ mentality,” he adds.
At the outset, some team members were concerned that a software model would be used simply to shave alum dosing to save money.
“There was a bit of fear that you’d just look at cost and sacrifice water quality,” Ebie says. “But at our treatment facility, quality comes first.”
With their initial success in using the new software system to reduce DBPs and improve plant performance, Ebie and team were curious about the following questions: Why is the orthophosphate set at this level? Was there anything the utility could do to further improve lead performance in the distribution system?
“Ortho tends to be ‘set it and forget it,’ but would more be better?” Ebie says. “Would pH adjustment improve outcomes? We just didn’t know.”
The Fontus Blue team returned with a new tool, Corrosion Sentry, which uses advanced chemical models and proprietary insights to optimize orthophosphate addition and distribution system pH. The tool can be applied to systemwide analyses and be used to predict lead risk in premise plumbing.
Fontus Blue团队带着一个新的工具回来了——Corrosion Sentry,它使用先进的化学模型和独有见解来优化正磷酸盐的投加量和输配系统的pH值。该工具可应用于整个供水系统的分析,并可用于提前预测管道中的铅风险。
Ebie and team then discovered the power of simultaneous optimization. By combining the software tools for DBP management with the tools for optimizing corrosion control, the team discovered that there was a “sweet spot” in its treatment strategy that delivered improvements in both DBPs and lead.
“It’s the best results we’ve ever had for lead,” Ebie notes.
But the best news came in 2020. In an otherwise challenging year, the Akron team continued to refine its treatment operations using Fontus Blue’s Decision Blue toolbox for advanced water quality monitoring, analysis, treatment optimization, and compliance. As shown in Figure 1, the team reduced lead levels to a historic low and reduced DBPs, plus the team’s optimized use of chemicals saved the city $1.2 million and resulted in a 25% overall reduction in chemical cost of treatment per million gallons of water.
但最好的消息是在2020年取得的。在充满挑战的一年里,阿克伦团队继续在其工艺操作中使用Fontus Blue的Decision Blue工具用于先进的水质监测、分析、处理优化和合规达标等。如图1所示,该团队将铅含量降低到历史最低水平,并减少了消毒副产物,此外,该团队对化学药剂的优化使用为该市节省了120万美元,并使每百万加仑水的化学处理成本总体减少25%。
Figure 1. Optimal Dosing Levels
图1 投加量的优化
Akron Water Plant operators routinely model different water treatment options and in 2020 achieved their lowest lead levels in plant history.
本文素材来源于美国自来水工程师协会杂志(J Opflow, 2022,2,本人为注册会员,正规渠道获取),原作版权归原出处和原作者。本人对素材原文进行全文翻译后进行整理汇编凝练,仅用于行业交流和相互学习。本稿如需转载,请联系本人取得授权。
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