土木在线论坛 \ 园林景观 \ 景观规划设计 \ 分水公园:一段连接成都人文与自然的旅程


发布于:2022-06-27 13:21:27 来自:园林景观/景观规划设计 [复制转发]

转自公众号:LabDH SH


“分水公园”位于麓湖生态城内核心区域,是继“穿水公园”后,Lab D+H Shanghai在城市居住空间与滨水空间组织关系中的又一次探索与实践。为了唤醒城市灰色峡谷地带的生机与活力,我们从成都地脉和文脉出发,以四川水文特征为导向,将“水到成都”的故事通过自然模拟的设计手法从堰渠、峡谷、叠池与洲屿逐步演绎形成四个专属于成都的水互动公园,共同构成“水到成都”四部曲(分水,穿水,叠水,环水)。分水公园与麓湖主水体相连,紧邻的麓湖中路向东便可直通天府大道,它虽比穿水公园稍晚完工,却是整个水线公园的序曲和开章。分水公园的设计早在2016年底就开始启动,历经多稿修改和反复优化,以及疫情之下两年多的辛苦建设,如今终于得以呈现。

“Water Distributing Park”, located in the core area of Luxelakes Eco-city, is another exploration and practice of Lab D+H Shanghai in the organizational relationship between urban residential space and waterfront space after “Water Crossing Park”. In order to vitalize the gray valley of the city, we started from geographical position and cultural context in Chengdu, took hydrological characteristics of Sichuan as an orientation, interpreted the story of “Water to Chengdu” from weir ditch, valley, folding pool and island by natural simulation design techniques and then built four interactive water parks in Chengdu to constitute the four parts of “Water to Chengdu” (water distributing, water crossing, water falling and water embracing). Water Distributing Park connects with the main water body of Luxelakes and adjoins Luxelakes Middle Road leading directly to Tianfu Avenue to the east. Although Water Distributing Park was completed later than Water Crossing Park, it is the prelude and opening chapter of the whole waterline park. The design of Water Distributing Park was commenced at the end of 2016. It was finally completed after several revisions, repeated optimizations and tough construction in the epidemic situation.

△ “ 到成都 ”概念  ?Lab D+H SH




Water Distributing Park is not only for the history but also for the modernity.


When it comes to the story of “Water to Chengdu”, we have to mention Dujiang Dam, an engineering miracle integrating flood control, dredging and irrigation. Dujiang Dam has erected for more than 2,000 years since the Warring States Period, breeding numerous descendants in Sichuan and ensuring the peace and prosperity of Chengdu Plain. The wisdom of the ancients should not be simply about a place of interest or the texts in a book. We hope that it could get out of history and blend in life to enlighten the next generation all the more, arouse the children’s spirit of seeking knowledge and exploration through edutainment and enhance people’s sense of regional belonging and cultural confidence when reviewing local humanity.

△ 都江堰卫星图 ?Google地图

△ 都江堰鱼嘴口  ?Google

△ 分水公园  ?鲁冰

△ 分水公园  ? DiD Studio


Dujiang Dam has solved the problems of irrigation and flood through drainage and diversion. The design of Water Distributing Park skillfully deals with engineering, entertainment and ecological attributes of water. With reference to the design of its dam gates such as Yuzuikou, Feisha Dam and Baopingkou, the waterscape is used for multiple purposes in a ditch with a length of about 800 meters. The design of the ditch makes the depth and velocity of the water flow different, and the whole waterscape interaction system can be controlled by time and zone division. Water Distributing Park provides an entertainment and visual enjoyment space, assists the dredging of Luxelakes in flood season, plays its ecological role and benefits the residents of Luxelakes.

△ 分水公园平面图  ? Lab D+H SH


△ 分水公园水渠设计  ? 鲁冰

△ 互动水景装置设计   ? 鲁冰

△ 互动水景装置设计   ? DiD Studio




Water Distributing Park is not only for the community but also for the city.


Water Distributing Park is located in the heartland of Luxelakes Eco-city. Although the site covers over 10,000 square meters, it is the initial section of the four parts of “Water to Chengdu” and the source of the community water system. The waterfront culture of living by the water and living comfortably and happily is continued and inherited here.

△ 分水公园是社区的也是城市的   ?鲁冰


It runs from top to bottom and from land to water. There are no clear tour routes in the site, but the traffic is closely connected with the surrounding main roads to present a highly instructive effect. The three-dimensional and slightly unexpected spatial pattern will stimulate the creative and spontaneous exploration of visitors. The recreation of residents and tourists in different areas forms a space experience of seeing and being seen, which provides infinite possibilities for relaxation, social contact and festivals.

△ 分水公园场地空间分析图   ? Lab D+H SH

△ 乐活安逸的社区客厅   ?鲁冰


As the photos and videos of the water-playing scenes in the community are widely spread the network, more and more citizens nearby it “are attracted to come because of the water”. A community park has gradually become a holiday resort for Chengdu people to enjoy the coolness.

△ 越来越多的市民“慕水而来”   ? 鲁冰


When Water Distributing Park “comes across” a sea of people, it seems more like an urban experiment. In fact, it seldom happens that the number of people present in a community park is seriously disproportionate with the spatial scale. Today, Water Distributing Park has been far beyond our previous imagination. Although we are not sure whether the public landscape can stand the test of time in this urban phenomenon, we have always insisted on making the community space more reasonable and letting the public enjoy the landscape resources more naturally. In the rapid urbanization process of China, Water Distributing Park might be just an exception, but it perhaps brings us some valuable experience and reflections. We expect that the landscape experiment will bring more surprises to the city.

△ 人山人海的分水公园  ? 鲁冰

△ 儿童节期间的分水公园  ?刘川



Water Distributing Park is not only for the minority but also for the majority.


Natural narration has always been the theme of the four parts of “Water to Chengdu”. Different from Water Crossing Park which was opened last year, Water Distributing Park does not emphasize the spatial evolution of wide opening and closing but focuses more on the description of waterscape texture. Its uniqueness lies in the continuous and complex waterscape system, which makes a height difference above the height difference, stitches dozens of ditches with different textures in series and decorates the natural riverbed with subtle landscape to make it show various waterscape forms under the natural action of water flow. You can fully “play with” the water from the trickle to the rapid undercurrents and from the quiet foggy forest to the valley waterfall.

△  分水公园剖面图  ? Lab D+H SH

池底细微的地景肌理  ? Lab D+H SH

△ 错综复杂的水系布局  ?鲁冰


Water loving is the human nature, and this is highly true for Chengdu people who can still put up their mahjong tables in floods. We hope that the simple wish of “water loving” can be realized in a freer way. There may be no river under the bridge, the form of waterscape is no longer limited to mirror surface and falling water, and you don’t have to go to the water park to play with the water. Water Distributing Park is just a beginning, and it represents a brand-new exploration for the younger generation of landscape designers to lead water to urban life again. We take delight in observing how the citizens accept it, love it and integrate it into their life. We believe that countless attempts will be made for public water-based landscape. We will apply what we learn and reflect to the next trial.

 变化的地景使水呈现出千姿百态  ? DiD Studio


A scientific, safe and interesting water-loving experience requires the cooperation and collaboration of many specialties. Water Distributing Park has 12 waterscape nodes in the 800-meter-long ditch, including dozens of water interaction ways and hundreds of groups of nozzles and induction devices with different specifications. It is not easy to perfectly combine a complicated waterscape system with an intricate landscape structure and realize collective management and efficient operation in various activities. Here, we would like to thank our old friend Su Shui (a waterscape consultant) who worked with us in the long process of design and construction and had our interactive waterscape settled smoothly after repeated considerations.

△ 12个水景节点效果图  ? Lab D+H SH

丰富多样的水互动体验   ? DiD Studio

  丰富多样的水互动体验  ?鲁冰


Here, people’s activities are closely related to the changes of the water system, and water has become the soul of the Luxelakes Community. Humanity classroom, public living room and landscape park are converged in Water Distributing Park. This is a journey connecting humanity and nature in Chengdu!

  人文课堂、公共客厅、地景乐园在此汇聚, 构现出一段连接成都人文与自然的旅程   ?鲁冰

  • zfb11
    zfb11 沙发


    2022-06-27 15:00:27

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植物设计又叫软景设计 它出现在人们生活的每一个所到之处 丰富了每一个景观空间 它并不是简单地夯土种植 而是经过与硬质景观的搭配进而起到丰富空间层次 创造多变景观的效果 设计中能够利用好植物,充分发挥其生态效应


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